The Black Phillip Show - Episode 2

-Don't be so accessible to her. When you hunt, you're hunting pussy. She has to do something to keep you chasing her.

-They're hunting your manhood.

-Our cheating is not personal.

-A good relationship is when the woman is a little bit insecure. You just make her think that AT ANY MOMENT, you could leave. Make her not want to have you

-You gotta be consistently inconsistent.

-You gotta take away from her what she wants until she gives you what you want.

-Figure out what she's really into and then take it away from her.

-When a woman thinks she gets you that's when Its all over.

-The amount of time it takes for her to pussy you up is the amount of time she will stick around for her to enjoy you being a pussy.

-Never ask a bitch how to please herself. Because she is going to tell you to please her the way the last guy pleased her

-You gotta love em and leave em. After 2 dates you start pushing up on her. And If she don't wanna put out, you kiss her on the cheek, pat her on the head, and go "I don't feel comfortable going out with you 3,4,5 times. I am a virile young man who needs to fuck. I want to be spending my time fucking, not trying to fuck you. I know I want you now. Do you want me?" You gotta try to make her ante up. You tell her "I'm gonna take you out after this. Im gonna fed you after this. I'm gonna love you after this. But don't spend time and force me because you think because it was written in a book I'm supposed to go out with you 5 times before I can get a kiss. "

-Fuck them like its the last time.

-Take your ball and go home. Don't play the game. If you play you can lose.

-Women, when they're ho's, they try to do anything not to look like one.

-Women create the lie.

-Reachin' in your pocket - don't let her gain a power move on you. How can she look at you like a man if she wont let you do anything for her. She's afraid you'll throw it back in her face like "look what I did for you!" You cannot let a woman negotiate your manhood for you. Its a control play.

-Bitches in a nutshell - they have ego and at the same time arrogance. They don't know how to be humble and at the same time need you. They're egotistical motherfuckers who at the same time need you to open the pickle jar.

-Don't do the other shit she does need you to do.

-A happy man means a happy woman. A happy woman don't mean shit. She don't know how to be happy outside of how a man makes her feel. That's why she says shit like "make me feel like a queen" or "make me happy" because she really don't know.

-Men need more desire to make women happy. Men are easier to deal with. If a man' splaying video games and you leave him be for however long he needs, you have earned yourself the same amount of time. He'll say "sweety, what do you need? Because you left me alone and that's what I needed." You were selling me what I wanted to buy. I wanted to buy some time not fucking with you. And you have it to me. So I'm going to tune in to you to find out how to make you happy. As opposed to tuning out because you're trying to force me to spend time with you, or love you, or talk to you. Because you don't know how to get what you want.

-If I call you a bitch, the only thing you really can do is get mad about it. You can't do shit else. If I go "shut up bitch!" And you say "don't call me no bitch!" And I say "BITCH!!!", what's your next level? You have to either shut the fuck up or deal with it. If I say bitch I have pure belief in it. There's no place for woman to take me. All she can do is walk out. I'm willing to take the L.

-If you tell a bitch you want to sleep with her and she says she doesn't want to, ask her why? "I don't know you" you don't know me any better after a year. My dick didn't change. Introduce yourself to my dick now.

-Boil it down to the roux

-Don't let her abuse your love. She knows that no matter what happens, she can always come back to good ole sweet you. You always gonna take her back. You are her stability. You are her mattress. You are everything she needs to be comfy, so she can be out in her world of horseshit.

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