The European Migrant Crisis...

I pray that the States gets a President that will have such broadcasts nationwide.
Hooray for Hungary!

The only thing missing is a Terminator™!

I hope Merkel sees this as well:

We love the Dutch and their tulips, the Netherlands are like "Germany light™", and their women know how to make men happy:


And they have that funny accent:

Hooray for Hungary!

Of course, the irony in this whole migrant/refugee situation is that no-one is really "original".

The Magyars of Hungary originally came from the Russian steppes and invaded what is modern-day Hungary in the 10th century, displacing the previous inhabitants.

I entirely understand why people want to protect their own borders and keep out "outsiders" but they're fighting against the tide of history.
You could also say that the British are made up of Celts, Romans, and Germanic tribes, which invaded the islands during various epochs.
But apart from maybe a few Roman soldiers that may have been from Africa or what is now known as Middle East, they were all white "Europeans". Every invasion and migration in Europe was mostly done by Europeans (in regards to the continent). With the Southern regions getting in contact with North Africa and the Middle East.
Angela Merkel acted on her own and therefore against the other members of the EU. I think her "Mutti" image got the better of her.
Which is why the other EU countries say "FU, Angie!"
It's hard to integrate people with a different cultural and (most importantly) religious background.
Yes, you can spend billions of Euros to teach them and try to get them jobs, but only at the cost of neglecting those who pay for that. The truth is, there aren't enough jobs to keep everyone employed, even with the low wage sector growing.
There is a housing crisis (already) as well, and especially Muslims tend to stick together, creating their own communities with their own set of rules, driving everybody else out of those parts of towns and cities.
The European immigrants in Germany are far more integrated and much more committed and contribute to the greater German community and state.
Just because somebody wants to get into Europe, it doesn't mean it should be generally allowed. And the behaviour of some of those immigrants is just appalling.
White aussies trying to teachh europeans about immigration.

So I'm kind of lost here. Is the role of the UNHCR to text or tweet which borders should be rushed en masse by the refugees?

Europeans (in Australia's case the English) had a knack for deportation...

Scherensammler Scherensammler talks like an old school Aryan.

Tall: Check!
Blond: Check!
Blue eyes: Check!
Thinking that whites are superior just because they are white? Hell no!
Thinking that Christians are somehow better than members/ followers of other religions? Again, no!

Thanks to some really shitty governments since the 1980's, in Germany unemployment* has gone up drastically, the educational standards have dropped, national debt has exploded (mostly thanks to a hastily executed reunification of the two Germany's) and the social welfare systems are struggling.

So, as you can see, Germany has enough problems to deal with already and "inviting" hundreds of thousands of people who won't contribute to the benefit of the greater German/ European community is just plain stupid and most likely suicidal.

* the official unemployment figures are not correct, as the current system allows to exclude those that partake in a government funded further education (very popular before general elections to bring unemployment figures down) and/ or have non full time work, even though they are still on benefits.
There are currently rivalling reports regarding the immigration and the effects on the German job market.
Some studies say it's going to boost the economy, while the German minister for labour already predicts a rise of unemployment.
The IFO institute states that most of the immigrants are so poorly qualified that they won't even find a minimum wage job. And suggest to lower the minimum wage.

Arbeitsministerin Andrea Nahles (SPD) rechnet aufgrund der vielen Flüchtlinge mit einer zunehmenden Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland. "Wir denken, dass im nächsten Jahr der Zustrom auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt deutlich ansteigt. Ich rechne auch damit, dass die Arbeitslosenzahlen steigen", sagte sie im Deutschlandfunk. Nach Einschätzung des Münchner Ifo Instituts sind die meisten Flüchtlinge so gering qualifiziert, dass sie ohne Absenkung des Mindestlohns keine Chance auf bezahlte Arbeit haben werden.

Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) expects due to the many refugees an increasing unemployment in Germany. "We think that next year significantly increases the influx on the German labor market. I also expect that the unemployment figures to rise", she said in Germany radio. According to the Munich-based Ifo institute most of the refugees are so low qualified, that they have have no chance of paid work without lowering the minimum wage .
Yeah, Angela Merkel appeared on German TV, assuring pretending to have a plan how to handle the crisis which she caused in the first place. She normally stays out of politics at all and cultivates her "Mutti" image.

A lot of those so called refugees won't be allowed to stay, because they are actually from a save (though maybe a shitty) country.
But, since Angela opened the borders for everybody who wanted in it's hard to sort them out now.
There have been several clashes between refugee groups (some with iron bars and knives) or just folks rioting because they didn't like the food and/ or their accommodation. Some of them had the money to take a taxi to other places in Germany, and taxis are quite expensive. Many refuse to be registered or falsely claim to be Syrian.
There are still thousand of migrants coming in through Munich, but strangely it doesn't make the news like it did before.
The mood in Germany becomes more and more anti- migrants, which explains why Angela Merkel is campaigning with her version of "Wir schaffen das!" (Yes, we can") on TV and in print media. But she is facing serious criticism from her own party and coalition partner SPD.

The total numbers may actually rise, as those who are granted asylum will be allowed to bring the rest of their family in. Yay!

The Geneva convention needs an update, as it was written when there was still the Cold War going on, and no matter how shitty things were in the Middle East, people could not have taken the route they are taking today to get to Europe.
"...what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

Is anyone really opposed to this? Are you really such downtrodden cowards to fear blood and not see it as necessary to retake power from the illegitimate usurpers?
If Killary doesn't wise up and bow out, I couldn't blame any good citizen that acts as the conscience that she lacks.

Also, note that the "migrants" certainly have no problem using force and going around legal channels to get their way at the expense of the law-abiding non-violent citizenry. Duh. Obviously one must be Machiavellian at some point.
"...what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

Is anyone really opposed to this? Are you really such downtrodden cowards to fear blood and not see it as necessary to retake power from the illegitimate usurpers?
If Killary doesn't wise up and bow out, I couldn't blame any good citizen that acts as the conscience that she lacks.

Also, note that the "migrants" certainly have no problem using force and going around legal channels to get their way at the expense of the law-abiding non-violent citizenry. Duh. Obviously one must be Machiavellian at some point.

Contemporize and apply your historical quotes. What will drive YOU to violence against officialdom. You seem to support violence against opinion. I am just interested in what you will take up arms against. And is it on a continuum? You know, slight tax rise you just get a little bit stabby? When do you go for the jugular? Your German confrere aims to kill over policy. What will make you break out the long knives?
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants

That quote can be used used to start "legitimate" wars, and those quoting will never engage personally.

Violence doesn't do any good. That stabbing was pointless and targeted (as usual) at the wrong person. And it will cause the following:

Higher security/ paranoia at future elections.
Condemning everyone who opposes the policy of "let them all in"!

The only real solution would be to elect new leaders, but given the constellation in any given Western "democracy" you'll likely end up with "more of the same".

Germany will have to spend a lot of money to accommodate the migrants, money that it doesn't have.
One option would be to make the rich and super-rich to actually pay their taxes in Germany, but what are the chances that's going to happen?
Angela Merkel already excluded the option of tax raises to cope with the migrant crisis. Which is basically her way of "introducing" that idea.
Helmut Kohl promised the exact same thing in 1990 after the re-unification, and guess what? Taxes went up and they actually invented a new tax (although they didn't call it a tax).

Anyone (migrant or not) without a required qualification or above a certain age can't get a decent job.
And sometimes even those with a good qualification can't get a decent job. So what will happen with migrants who don't speak the language and/or have any useful qualifications? They will a liability to the social welfare systems and those will eventually collapse in the not so distant future.

The new estimated number of migrants for this year alone has been corrected to 1,5 million people. That is a major German city like Hamburg. The communities across Germany seriously struggle to cope with the migrants, to provide housing, food and warm clothing.
And despite all this the German chancellor sticks to her "Wir schaffen das!".
Turkey (with an upcoming general election in that country) is getting way too much leverage now. They not only want money, they want into the EU.
The great Russian army will turn Syria into a parking lot. Followed by that Germany can send all those muslims back to their homebase.
The great Russian army will turn Syria into a parking lot. Followed by that Germany can send all those muslims back to their homebase.

The Russian forces seam to be much more effective compared to the US, French and Turkish bombings. Still, the (Syrian) refugees won't go back voluntarily. If you can have a worry free life with everything paid by the German taxpayers, why would you go back to a shithole of a country/ region?

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