2014 Clothing Resolutions

Russell Street

King Of The Trolls
I resolve to get something made custom, as my tailor literally called up begging for business. No idea what, but it's been a while.
I resolve to continue shunning non-iron finishes. Same for those short little shirt collars.
I resolve to add odd wool trousers to my wardrobe, especially in a more casual way.
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Quality over price and quantity shall be my mantra this year.

I have enough beater work shirts and pants, etc. If I buy anything new, it has to be something that I'll still be wearing in 5 years or longer.
Quality over price and quantity shall be my mantra this year.

I have enough beater work shirts and pants, etc. If I buy anything new, it has to be something that I'll still be wearing in 5 years or longer.
Dear people,

Please emulate.


I resolve to find a half decent way to spend my $250 gift card at Brooks Brothers. However, every time I go in, I'm either pining for black tie accessories or yet another business suit; and I have plenty of the latter and don't wear enough black tie to justify another waistcoat.
I resolve to beef out my work/office wardrobe. JCrew will now be my "beaters" as opposed to my "dress up" clothes.
Furthermore, I resolve to resuscitate my maternal grandfather's old dinner jacket (bespoken in 1938, so an iGent's wet dream!) and to henceforth only buy vintage suits and coats from Polo or Polo University Club, which I've grown to prefer over the hyped Italian makers.
Both the vintage jacket and your new preference would make good discussion threads.
I resolve to buy acid's shoes if he wears 10.5 D. Otherwise I probably won't buy anything this year.
also, I've given up on trying to make leather pants happen. I thought they looked cool with the breastplate/cape combo, but nope. when women wear leather it's sexy, but on men it's gay. even on Supervillains.
I went to a party once in which (you guessed it) a gay guy was wearing leather pants. He claimed they were from unborn calf. I don't know if that's even possible but he had a bunch of guys feeling them up.
see, nobody ever felt me up during the times I wore leather pants. perhaps it was Mrs. Doom's threat to vaporize anyone who got too cozy with me. that crazy woman.
I resolve to get something made custom, as my tailor literally called up begging for business. No idea what, but it's been a while.
I resolve to continue shunning non-iron finishes. Same for those short little shirt collars.
I resolve to add odd wool trousers to my wardrobe, especially in a more casual way.
I got a batch of custom stuff done, to include two pairs of odd trousers. I did not buy any non-iron stuff, but succumbed to the lure of cheap Lands' End and Uniqlo shirts with skimpy collars.
This wool casual trouser thing remains appealing but beyond me.
I resolve to beef out my work/office wardrobe. JCrew will now be my "beaters" as opposed to my "dress up" clothes.

I've done this well. Probably could manage a few more odd trousers, but Ebay has been kind to me in the suiting department. Also Charles Tyrwhitt's midsummer sale rocks my world.
My 2015 resolution is to get rid of more stuff I don't wear anymore. What's holding me back is I'll get basically nothing for gently worn shirts and jackets on eBay, in which case I'd rather donate them to a charity shop. Or keep them, even if I only wear them once a year...

I suppose I'd get more money for my stuff if sold through the big forums but I have a deep-seated fear of dealing with iGents - particularly those that expect a $1000 suit they paid $100 for to arrive in the post without creases etc. Ain't nobody got time for that.
My 2015 resolution is to get rid of more stuff I don't wear anymore. What's holding me back is I'll get basically nothing for gently worn shirts and jackets on eBay, in which case I'd rather donate them to a charity shop. Or keep them, even if I only wear them once a year...

I suppose I'd get more money for my stuff if sold through the big forums but I have a deep-seated fear of dealing with iGents - particularly those that expect a $1000 suit they paid $100 for to arrive in the post without creases etc. Ain't nobody got time for that.
You could try listing an item or two here...
Probably will. Have to get around to taking some measurements/photos. It's one of those jobs that always gets put off when something more important comes up - like travel, work, or drinking beer in my underpants.
Paging acid about buying ur old shoes. Otherwise I've bought very little and purged some.
Happy Zombie Wednesday

With a little over a month to go in 2014, wondering how y'all made out with your resolutions. Still time to get them done if you haven't.

Paging Russell Street Russell Street , MFDoom MFDoom , Zé Ferreira Zé Ferreira , Fwiffo Fwiffo , Dropbear Dropbear , acidboy

I bought absolutely nothing. I struggled with weight gain and only recently managed to get back to my usual weight. Now my wallet took a hit because of some commitments or another. I broke my Kent Wang links that I used with my gold tie clip, gold leather band watch so I bought some $1 "gold" studs from China on eBay. Does that count? This was because I thought people were laughing at me for wearing silver studs with my gold watch with black leather band.

I have to get my Church's soles and heels replaced because it started cracking after I walked through a late summer rainstorm. They're sitting underneath my table at the office.

One of my lady friends bought me an Italian silk scarf, although the colours work much better for her complexion than mine and the length is so short I'm not entirely sure there's more than one way to tie it. I keep fussing with it.

So all in all, I saved quite a bit of money. People at work are still astonished at my wardrobe but to be honest I have enough of a rotation and I pair neutral things well enough that it looks like I have something new. "That's a great suit!" Uhm, that's the navy blue one I've had since I joined the company. "You're rocking a three piece!" I only recently put the three piece back into rotation because summer ended. I was even a finalist for best dressed at the company golf tournament. I still need to use that $250 gift card so I reckon I'll wait for the sales after Christmas to get another staple solid colour suit from Brooks Brothers. There are a lot of things I want to replace and get but the wallet is crying more than the weight scale these days.
Congratulations gentlemen. Hopefully Acid Boy pops round in the wee morning hours to tell his tale
I had resolved to not buy any sartorial items during my leave from July 1 2013 to June 30 2014 and I didn't. Had planned to liquidate a bunch of suits, odd jackets, shoes and trousers but like prince nez prince nez , never got around to it. Is EBay that bad these days for selling high end stuff?
I've actually done ok on this year's resolution. I'm rather surprised.

I have bought more clothes than I'd planned, but I am happy with the purchases and confident they will still be getting use in five years. I sold-off some other stuff as I continue to try to 'dress my age' while keeping to my own style.
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This year definitely marked a "pull back" from clothing. I rediscovered how much I enjoy playing guitar whilst giving myself grief about body-image issues and weight gain (sympathies Fwiffo Fwiffo ) and so I kind of fell off the horse.

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