Accessories, Card Cases, Wallets, and Money Clips


King Of The Elite Idiots
Cuff links, tie tacks, stick pins, yada yada....

I have been grooving on Deakins & Francis for cuff links lately, and Jan Leslie. Some really cool designs.
I see.

I no longer have a french cuff shirt to my name, but every link I own came from ebay. I'd love to say vintage, but half are Chinese Tiffany knock-offs.
I have come to embrace the tie bar, and really only use a grooved sterling vintage one.

I like those.

I really want these.

I have a soft spot for skull anything. It's part of my Enzyklopädie der philosophischen die Ästhetik. The general thesis is the evil is the root of all style.

Note that the skulls inherent style can be negated by barb wire tattoos and Affliction branding.
I was looking for some Prussian Eagle cuff links, and I am always amazed at how much Nazi stuff is for sale on the internet. And not like "I'm a war historian and these are historically important" Nazi stuff, but "I'm a dumbass skinhead" Nazi stuff.
Beats me. I'm surprised Pauly Chase Pauly Chase hasn't popped in, as I remember him asking about this stuff.

Anyway, Etsy thought I'd be interested in these novelty accessories for some reason.

I have a couple of silver rings that I wear normally. Also have some carved jade pieces, but they seem very ostentatious, so I just keep them at home.

I am not a jewelry person, but I enjoy the quirkiness of interesting cuff links, brooches, etc.

If I recall, pinky ring is making a come back.
If I recall, pinky ring is making a come back.
I try to avoid adornment but the tie bar keeps the tie centered, keeps it from dipping into grime and danger, provides that bit of lift for dimensionality and it also helps remove a drop of length for the short.
I try to avoid adornment but the tie bar keeps the my cock centered, keeps it from dipping into grime and danger, provides that bit of lift for dimensionality and it also helps remove a drop of length for the short.
OK - but what about your tie?
I try to avoid adornment but the tie bar keeps the tie centered, keeps it from dipping into grime and danger, provides that bit of lift for dimensionality and it also helps remove a drop of length for the short.

The GQ article was the one that I read regarding to pinky rings.

I know SZ is not a main stream style, but I am very fond of the Ann Demeulemeester feather necklace and MMM nail ring.

I really dislike Chrome Hearts. I know the quality is high, but not into the biker inspired jewelry.
Just got some raven skull cuff links from D&F

Is that back solid or hinged? If hinged, it's doesn't look as cheap as such things usually do. I'm always leery that the mechanism will irreparably fail. Also, people will suspect that I have no valet to help me dress!
Is that back solid or hinged? If hinged, it's doesn't look as cheap as such things usually do. I'm always leery that the mechanism will irreparably fail. Also, people will suspect that I have no valet to help me dress!

Hinged. They are very stout, I have no worries of them breaking. I actually got an oxidized gray instead of black on their recommendation. They didn't feel the black was very well done.

That shows detail better too. I have no idea if such things can be bodged to work decently if some leaf spring or pin craps out.
These are the swivel types that register as cheap to me.
i prefer double-sided cuff links. one-sided with a rigid back are great but to be honest, the swivels never have an issue. these are at least 50 years old and no problem with the swivels. they were not expensive when my old man bought them back in the day.

Besides the ungentlemanly convenience, that visible spring tube (I assume that's how they work, so admittedly I've never been called upon to dissect a failure) is less elegant visually. For all the people looking at the inside of your shirt cuff...
Kent Wang. He has some really nice ones. The onyx and the silver knot is from him too
I've got some round ones that are similar. Can't remember from who.

I really like silk knots, but I hate trying put them on.
I've got some round ones that are similar. Can't remember from who.

I really like silk knots, but I hate trying put them on.

Yep, they can be a pain. But if you have poorly made shirts like mine with poorly made button holes (non-Italian) it is infinitely easier.
More seriously, it only takes a few wearings to stretch the button hole so that the go in and out much easier. I started using the silver knot first to accomplish this.
Those are gorgeous. I love Damascus steel, have a knife and straight razor in it.

I actually only have three pairs of links myself and a half a dozen silk knots. I can't help but not accumulate stuff. It's just in my nature.

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