Ask For An Internet Favor Here.


Waiting For The Cleaning Lady To Get Naked
I was looking for this thread but then remembered that was started by Harvey so I'm opening it again cause is need a favor.

I want to buy some prescription glasses from FramesDirect, they already gave me an idea of how much the shipping cost to Mexico is, but I don't know if there are some extra duties I should cover that, in that case, it would be more convenient to buy them here.

I want these glasses:

So the favor would be if someone can call, cause I don't know how to dial from Mexico, and ask them if they have already shipped prescription glasses to Mexico, I'm quite sure they have, but to see if they have knowledge of any extra import duties. I only need the frames.

Thanks in advance!
Anyone that wishes to e-mail
and advise him that this article
contains statement known to be false ("Today we can say that we are the only ones who make their ties only with custom vintage fabrics.") as proven at where it is stated that "90% of the cloths are vintage"
BTW, note that the Bespoke Dudes have the integrity to post comments knocking the interview subject.
Anyone that wishes to e-mail
and advise him that this article
contains statement known to be false ("Today we can say that we are the only ones who make their ties only with custom vintage fabrics.") as proven at where it is stated that "90% of the cloths are vintage"
BTW, note that the Bespoke Dudes have the integrity to post comments knocking the interview subject.

Don't any of these people interviewing Gianni Cerrutti have the common sense to do a simple Google search before putting up their purple prose, praising his products???

For heaven's sake, a brief search would bring up the thread here and even if you only looked at results from places like Simon Crompton's blog, you'd say that concerns have been raised both about quality of the product and about the provenance of the silk.

It is a great pity that SF deep-sixed the threads where concerns were first raised and then moved the remnants of the PC thread to a sub-forum that (if I remember correctly) isn't visible to Google searches, as SF search results would probably rank quite highly in Google searches.

It's also interesting that Gianni has changed his tune over the years. In earlier interviews with him in 2012, he openly stated that in addition to vintage silk, they also stocked modern silks (which he described as "10%" of their range) and he also stated that they stocked reproductions of vintage prints. Fast forward to 2014 and his Tumblr/Instagram and interviews are now full of "we only use vintage silks".
I think it doesn't look bad a t all. I would like to see a different color regarding the yellow-ish color in some pages. But looks very good, Jimmy.
Building my own website because I ain't spending $5k on one. Tell me how bad this looks so far, be honest. I stole a lot from other attorney websites and used a free builder to put it together. Yes, once I move it over to the hosted domain the ads will be gone. Yes, the pics need to be personalized, and yes I need more detail in the various text areas. But overall does it look ok? Just stylistically, I mean.

looks pretty damn good for your first shot at it
Building my own website because I ain't spending $5k on one. Tell me how bad this looks so far, be honest. I stole a lot from other attorney websites and used a free builder to put it together. Yes, once I move it over to the hosted domain the ads will be gone. Yes, the pics need to be personalized, and yes I need more detail in the various text areas. But overall does it look ok? Just stylistically, I mean.

I like the layout - maybe make the front page pictures smaller so people on smaller screens / tablets don't have to scroll down.
Perhaps after Xmas, an Aussie member might be so kind as to proxy a regimental tie for me? It's kinda silly, but I figure if I am ever to wear a regimental-style tie, it should be from my actual corp - and they do not take PayPal, just EFT.

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