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On a related topic, does anyone here look at the Longform website or use the app?

It's excellent - the app is better than the website as with the app, you can not only read stories in the main Longform feed, but you can also select long form journalism articles from a wide range of other websites and magazines. Highly recommended.
On a related topic, does anyone here look at the Longform website or use the app?

It's excellent - the app is better than the website as with the app, you can not only read stories in the main Longform feed, but you can also select long form journalism articles from a wide range of other websites and magazines. Highly recommended.

I've only ever used the site, but now I'll check the app out.
I hate that movie. It's such total shit.
But he's a blue collar hockey player and she's a sophisticated figure skater! They hate each other, or do they really love each other? Great performances all around! Something about some competition too, but I just like that Moira Kelley.
Not gay, totally hetero flick. I'd be proud to put my name on The Cutting Edge. I see that there are sequels. I refer only to the original.
But he's a blue collar hockey player and she's a sophisticated figure skater! They hate each other, or do they really love each other? Great performances all around! Something about some competition too, but I just like that Moira Kelley.
That ridiculous scene where they keep cranking up their music - he's hard rock, she's classical- is about all that I remember. I might have to rewatch this as a class comedy.

Good read. Moviegoing should die, in its current form. Executives needs to stop shoveling the same garbage at us and start taking risks again with film.

Also, if TV stays this good, no reason to leave the house and get raked over by ticket prices. When I was a teen, I remember when prices were like $4 -$4.50 a ticket. It's 3x that now, not to mention prices of that 3D garbage. A family movie is now a $60 or $70 experience. It ain't worth the money.
This was an interesting piece. Sadly, it never seemed to take into its calculus how the movie experience is completely awful these days and that's why many people don't like going.

That's exactly the reason. It was more of a business article, but it missed a key aspect.

I think movie theaters are on the way out. They have become too expensive and too much of a hassle with noisy crowds and too many previews.

TVs have gotten so good that the theater doesn't add enough value to spend $15 a ticket.
Pfft, theatre attendance is down because people are lazy, agoraphobic, antisocial xenophobes.
Putting ads before movies is a kick in the teeth though.
Pfft, theatre attendance is down because people are lazy, agoraphobic, antisocial xenophobes.
Putting ads before movies is a kick in the teeth though.

It's not that. I think it's more subtle... the theater it has become slightly ghetto-ish. It's loaded with uneducated, loud, rude, unruly kids. Cell phones still ring. It drives me crazy to hear the crinkling of a pack of gummy bears as some fat ass behind me eats away.

Next, you need to sit next to strangers... the desire to do that has worn off. It's not antisocial exactly, more like the feeling you get riding a subway when you can afford to take a cab. I can afford a nice home theater, I'm not a kid that can't wait to see the 1st Batman movie, so I have no compelling wish to pay high prices to put up with it.

Wasn't there a thread somewhere about how movie theaters are shitty nowadays?

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