Bird Flu 2025

We are finding virus particles in municipal waste water. But that could be from milk dumped down the drain, migratory birds, sick animals, undetected human cases or secret Chinese labs at this point.
Good news, the "experts" from the CDC are doing "science" again:

We are finding virus particles in municipal waste water. But that could be from milk dumped down the drain, migratory birds, sick animals, undetected human cases or secret Chinese labs at this point.

The pre-print from some colleagues is out now:


get ready for some summer fun times Dropbear Dropbear !
That took a long time to get out. It’s a meaningless result except as a baseline, because there are virus particles in the milk we drink and flush down the sink.

I do expect more H5N1 cases this year, but right now it’s the rise in MPox (right when Jyneos stocks are set to expire) that’s a more immediate concern.
We just got a spike in sick/dead infected wild birds in this morning’s sample collection.
Any credence to the idea being floated that mystery Africa X virus could actually be a mutated Bird Flu or Covid hybrid?
Oh it’s been figured out officially? I didn’t see a news release about it.
Unofficially. It’s a particularly virulent strain. We won’t know how it interacts with different prophylaxis and treatment for a while yet
I don't get it, what's the theory?
Not a theory more a fact that if they keep feeding these infected chickens to cows it absolutely will jump to cows and then us. If they cared about the cows they wouldn’t be doing this shit.
Ah ok yes they absolutely do not care at all, so all their cows and hence the industry dying might help!
Ah ok yes they absolutely do not care at all, so all their cows and hence the industry dying might help!
Help them realize that potentially infecting the planet with a deadly disease wouldn’t be great for their bottom line? One can only hope!!!

Sadly, as this is America, profit is the only thing that matters, so I honestly doubt it.
Also, Louisiana folks are tying themselves in knots saying the case exposure was from backyard chickens and it commercial. Won’t say the word poultry in order not to piss off Big Chicken

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