So, three viewpoints and all valid.
wants feedback to improve his fits.
sees no value in it.
Russell Street
sees little value in it plus the time it takes to do it seems ridiculous. Not to mention the privacy issue.
There is a hierarchy of posting that ranges from "how does this look because I am really interested in getting feedback" to "I think/know I look good and I want someone to acknowledge that".
I think that most would agree that it can be a source of feedback, although one has to not take everything at face value as SF does have a narrow range of what seems to be deemed a good fit in terms of silhouette, patterns, colours are peculiarities such as the 2 inch cuff. So be it.
It is the posting for the sake of the e-fist bump that I just don't get either. I completely agree that it seems lame. I also agree that the time and effort to selfie oneself appropriately to properly display one's glory seems to be not worth it.
I find a level of inanity in the "it is a rainy day in ___________, I am wearing my suit by ______, tie by ________, shoes by______. If it is rainy, show your fucking raincoat, no? But I digress.
Unless well thought out, well lit and photographed with a proper camera, it often comes off - as
Russell Street
states, as less than ideal and not representative of how it looks in the world.
Jimmy Frost Mellor rightly has stated that he prefers to see clothing on people in real life as they go through their day as it is a better representation.
As for learning from the fora, at least for me, that comes from specific threads rather than what I see in WAYWT or the like. There pics have value. I can surf WAYWT for examples to post in the Agreeable and Disagreeable threads. I rarely look at it otherwise for inspiration.
I think the point about perfection is bang on. There is always a millimetre to shave off here and there (laughing).
If you have well fitted, coherent outfits you are already ahead of most people you will encounter on a daily basis. These are those who will judge your appearance and most often silently. I don't need a virtual panel to render judgement early in the day so I might run and change my square.
Strangely though, I don't mind posting a fabric or footwear. However, those that I have posted were in support of building this forum's content. If I think back to years on SF, I posted 2 pairs of footwear maybe and some fucking Passaggio thirsts.
So is the lack of posted fits here a good thing? In a lot of ways I think yes, as the level of discussion on things no matter how snarky is better here I think. Sort of the reason I like FNB (I rarely venture into Ivy where they post way more fits)