China Joins 20th Century

I find both the Chinese and the Italian ads hilarious, but the Chinese more so because it's so non-PC!

I am all for non-PC in a sea of PC-ness but that ad shouldn't be filed under the PC/non-PC umbrella, it is downright disgusting.
Believe me, China is still in the dark ages due to communist party rule over there. They may try to give the world impressions they are a forward thinking country, but on the whole they are a very repressed country under the communist party hammer. So many people have been brutally murdered or put into prison concentration like camps to this day due to their spiritual beliefs. I believe they ban domestic abuse to try to improve their image, but truly, China has been made rotten to the core due to communist influence.

If l did my meditation publically in China l would be put into a concentration camp prison, and if the party needed a liver heart or a kidney etc the communist party would send a medical unit around to the prison and cut them out of the people while they are ALIVE for practicing meditation or genuine religions not controlled by the CCP. I have friends who have been put into prison camps for meditating in China so l know this is real. The CCP sell organs cut out of Falun Dafa meditators for high prices on the black market. China has virtually no organ register, yet they can get organs for transplant within two weeks.

I am going to start a thread on this topic soon. Millions have left the CCP after finding out about their true brutality, and l suspect the party will fall within a short time. The true story is completely sensored in China, but the world's mainstream media are now aware of it.

You think the CCP cares about domestic abuse? Nah mate,it would be a public relations exercise to improve their image because they know they are going down. Lots of the Chinese are now waking up the the party too, but many are still brainwashed by the Chinese media over there and the party lies.

China's gruesome live organ harvest exposed in documentary

It seems like over 100,000 Falun Dafa meditators have been brutally tortured and murdered in China for doing this. How do l know? Because that is the amount of organ transplants said to be reported by the hospitals in China despite the organ register being close to zero.

Killed for doing this in China!!!


This is the man who started the policy of murdering and torturing the Falun Dafa meditation people, his name is Jiang Zemin:

I also filed a 40 page lawsuit with strong evidence of his crimes against humanity because l believe he needs to be put into prison for what he has done to the Chinese people who practice Falun Dafa.

Why has he brutally caused the murder of over 100,000 people who do meditation? Because the founder of Falun Dafa (Li Hongzhi) was a highly respected man for the principles he taught in Falun Dafa and had respect all around the world, and high ranking members of the CCP even did the meditation because of the benefits they received from it. After 7 years 100 million were doing Falun Dafa in China because word of mouth had spread about the healing benefits of the practice and the enhancement ion moral values people obtained from doing the practice . The CCP president Jiang Zemin got very jealous of the following and respect Li Hongzhi had so he banned the practice. Basically, jealousy and insecurity bought forth these policies of persecution and thousands have been killed and tortured as a result. It is the communist party's dirty little secret, and it's caused the party to lose millions of members when they found out how brutal and deceptive they really were.

The founder Li Hongzhi:

The communist party have completely trashed the name of Falun Dafa saying all people who practice it are bad and evil etc, but fortunately people are waking up to the lies. Falun Dafa are good people, they only choose to meditate and live by the principles of compassion truthfulness and tolerance.
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Blacks don't know about racism until they go to Asia. I will say, and I am Chinese, China is one of the most racist countries. When i lived there, blacks are depicted as monkeys publicly.

I won't comment much on Falungong since I am a bit biased towards that situation.
I won't comment much on Falungong since I am a bit biased towards that situation.

I really hope you don't believe the negative press against Falun Gong Pauly. Word of mouth spread quickly about the benefits of the practice and it spread quickly. People's health improved and people's moral values improved causing them to more tolerant and compassionate towards others.

Pauly: l get great benefits from Falun Gong. I have become a much better person....l am far more tolerant of others and my health is vastly improved and l feel younger and stronger, and my awareness is greatly improved. I have done various meditations, but nothing compares to this. I used to be a very critical person and ready to fight, now l am much MUCH nicer. My friend had his dangerous skin cancers go away after 4 months of the practice and his liver is better and his thyroid problems are vastly improved.

Pauly, all l am asking you is to please not be against Falun Gong. All we do is meditate. We are not against China, all we do is expose the propaganda and persecution against Falun Gong and show we are good people. A lot of Chinese are still against Falun Gong, but many have woken up to the CCP lies and now have favourable views towards Falun Gong.

The left pic below is how all the Chinese used to do Falun Gong in the public parks before it was banned. There were parks full of people all over China....100 million people by 1999.

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I was still in China when the purge began. My mother practiced (still does) it as well many members of my family. Some of their landlines were wire tapped during the ordeal and my uncle and aunt were put on horse arrest for 2 months.

My understanding is Li Hongzhi was harmless, but he got politically motivated. Whether or not if that is true, I can't confirm. however he should have understood the political climiate within the party and the governing system. Even under Hu and Xi's rule, he could easily been targeted.

Isn't he in Chicago now? I know one of the widely circulated newspaper in the States is under his ownership.
Just to clarify, I have much disdain towards Deng, Jiang, and Hu. I believed Xi was slightly moderate, but after hearing the "corruption" purges that have occurred in the recent years the influence of the inner left, I have lost hope.
My understanding is Li Hongzhi was harmless, but he got politically motivated. Whether or not if that is true, I can't confirm. however he should have understood the political climiate within the party and the governing system.

Pauly, it is not a political motivation we have taken, it is a human rights issue we are exposing. We don't care who the party is and who rules the country, but we do care about the bad things the party have done to the Falun Dafa people in China.

Isn't he in Chicago now? I know one of the widely circulated newspaper in the States is under his ownership.

He is somewhere over in the west over that way.

He doesn't own any newspaper, but the Falun Dafa/Gong people operate the newspaper Epoch Times. I believe it is the biggest widespread alternative newspaper in the world. All the the censored news in China is reported straight from the Falun Gong people in China, so you find many mainstream newspapers and t.v stations read Epoch Times to see what is really happening in China. E.T try to be very accurate in their reporting so as to maintain integrity for the paper, and that is why so many mainstream media sources read the paper.

For those who may be interested, here are the exercises and meditation we do.
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