Cop Tyranny Thread

Post examples of asshole cops treading/trying to tread on citizens.

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This guy did absolutely nothing wrong.

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Same police department:

Wait for the George Bush impersonator. Its brilliant.

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I wonder what would happen if you looked at one of these pycho cops and called him/her a self lauding, self righteous hypocritical narcissistic megalomaniacal sycophant? I can see the deer in the headlights stare now. LOL! Then you could just smile and say let me dumb this down for you moron. I'm politely calling you a complete fucktard.

Then again maybe Harv's advice would work out better. Just say nothing.

A friend of mine believes that cops are addicts, not drugs, but adrenaline. Much of the abusive militant behavior can be traced back to their need to escalate a situation. Just watch that Bush video above. Is there really any reason the guy couldn't have just been left standing? Was he really a risk of flight with cuffs on his back? No. Its a rush to take people down like that.
She handles this pretty badly, but she stuck it to the border patrol. I believe she's right that they had no valid reason to detain her.

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Cop vs cop as the citizens watch. Brilliant. The argument heats up after the initial confrontation around 5:00.

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All this bullshit was because a guy ran a stop sign a block from his house. When the family came out to find out what was going on, these pigs arrested them all because they did not go back inside. In includes the kids mom, sisters, brothers and father.

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Arrested for dancing in a public area:

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This is why this advice is absolutely spot on. Do not open the door for police.

Woman accosted in her home, EXACTLY what he warns in that video:

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More LA police brutality, poor man was tazed over and over again:

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Another thread because of recording.

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More "impeding my investigation" bullshit.

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Jesus, what a bunch of motherfuckers. Forward to 8 mins. He buries a mother with 2 kids her in the pavement over nothing. They scared her so bad she pooped her pants. And they claimed battery because she kicked out AFTER the smashed her.

Hey Harvey, should you always refuse the test?

The result:

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So Harvey, in the interests of all the semi-functional alcoholics here: what is the simplest way to know what to do when accosted by these pigs?

Edit: can you request a lawyer before consenting or refusing the test? In which case, I need your fucking cell number ASAP :-)
In most jurisdictions you have no right to counsel prior to answering "will you take a BAC test?" I'm rather proud to say I lost the decisive case in PA on that issue before the Supreme Court of PA back in 2003.

Hmmm. So in essence if you refuse, you are violating the implied consent laws. From what I read, its a longer suspended license, correct?

In other news, guys orders cop to pull over for not wearing seatbelt:

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Another police waste of time:

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