Disagreeable Menswear Post Of The Day

I guess the whole idea is that an outfit should integrate with you holistically. If it fails to do this, it doesn't work. Even accepting that, the logic doesn't make sense unless you accept the assumption that if something works holistically, it cannot be appreciate separately, or that separate appreciation precludes holistic appreciation.
I guess the whole idea is that an outfit should integrate with you holistically. If it fails to do this, it doesn't work. Even accepting that, the logic doesn't make sense unless you accept the assumption that if something works holistically, it cannot be appreciate separately, or that separate appreciation precludes holistic appreciation.

You're doing it wrong. The proper reply is more along the lines of "local idiot can't differentiate between shirt striping and shirt awfulness, fellow idiot chimes in ties are not allowed with striped shirts (hopefully pants are). "

Or just "Goddamn morons".

I barely have time to post here, much less troll Andyland, Hat Lounge or the SF for inanity, but I will be happy to supply one liners to anything that gets dredged up. There's also some gems in the mod culture forums. One of those clowns came over to FNB to pick an e-fight once.
so if someone comments on my mask or cape then I've failed, but if I hear "Your Excellency you are looking especially regal and fearsome today" then I've done well?
I guess the whole idea is that an outfit should integrate with you holistically. If it fails to do this, it doesn't work. Even accepting that, the logic doesn't make sense unless you accept the assumption that if something works holistically, it cannot be appreciate separately, or that separate appreciation precludes holistic appreciation.

Sometimes I get "you look smart" or "you look good" which I prefer to "that's a nice tie/suit/codpiece/etc". The latter sounds as if any fucker could have gone to the shop and bought the same thing and looked good, whereas the former implies that no one specific thing has jumped out, it's just you're overall appearance they like, which is something that takes a bit more work or skill. So to me that's more of a compliment. That said, of course 99% of the time whoever's saying it has not vastly overanalysed it like that and and is just trying to be nice.
I should start a separate image thread for objectionable content, a "what not to wear" trope.
But I'm tossing it here. I'm also indirectly stealing from fxh over at FNB again.

This is that douche that beat Foo way back when. This image captures so much...shit that I hate.
  • Weird shiny sheer suit fabric
  • designer stubble
  • Coat sleeves that are too tight and wrinkle to hell
  • Garish main color, drab accent colors
  • obscene spread collar
  • Gorge up on collarbone
  • If one bothers to look at other shots, we see that the vest is seersucker and the shirt is glen plaid. No stripes touching plaids!
  • Vests with lapels. Especially when they bend all funny.
  • The lapel roll is pretty crappy for an allegedly bespoke coat.
  • Stupid tie end peeking out like a dick. Should not extend beneath covering layers!
  • Maybe the pants are too short because he's doing the pocket-pool pose?
  • Dubmunx.
  • Baby poo colored shoos.
  • Antique finish on shoos.
Didn't noticed the seersucker waistcoat and the Glen Plaid shirt! The pick stitching on the suit looks bad to me.
This is a group participation thread. Feel free to post up your favorite foibles from elsewhere for our shared mocking criticism instructional critique.
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The peoples, they may not be able to comprehend your jaunty title.
I grant thee permission to alter said title, as I don't see a way to do it myself.

Snarkmaster extraordinaire doghouse doghouse has, on Devil's Island, exposed the rather amusing clothing sub-forum on the shaving site Badger & Blade, the Haberdashery. It makes the used/seconds Allen Edmonds quests and Brooks factory outlet journeys of the Axe Andy crew look downright lavish and sophisticated.

An example is this thread where someone asks for a non-clunky boot. The answers are pretty evenly split between military/tactical suggestions and basic sporting goods store Merrells. One guy is swift enough to mention Red Wing, another says leather Converse Chuck Taylors. He chooses this:

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Snarkmaster extraordinaire doghouse doghouse has, on Devil's Island, exposed the rather amusing clothing sub-forum on the shaving site Badger & Blade, the Haberdashery. It makes the used/seconds Allen Edmonds quests and Brooks factory outlet journeys of the Axe Andy crew look downright lavish and sophisticated.

Andylanders are practically swimming in monocles compared to that bunch.

I actively avoided the active boot thread as the last boot thread I saw there actively made me angry.
I vote "These people fail at life", but I'm amendable to something less declarative.
This Gianni Cerutti custom tiemaker guy seems okay, but this is another headshaker image for me.

  • Why would a dark-haired fellow choose that color eyeglass frames? The round schoolboy shape is risky but not that bad here.
  • Why is the collar band almost as wide as the collar? Also, this is a club collar where the points barely show. Why?
  • Who satrted this "showing both tie blades" fad? Is that a sprezz thang?
  • I tend to put the lapel over the pocket square, but then I rarely have more than an inch showing.
  • The loud tie and PS are too close in color and pattern, besides just taking up too much visual space.
  • Not sure at all why the white buttons were chosen here?
I'm not asking rhetorically here, so if anyone has answers, do share. For now, there are imponderables here for me, things that make me go hmmm.
  • Why would a dark-haired fellow choose that color eyeglass frames? The round schoolboy shape is risky but not that bad here.
  • Why is the collar band almost as wide as the collar? Also, this is a club collar where the points barely show. Why?
  • Who satrted this "showing both tie blades" fad? Is that a sprezz thang?
  • I tend to put the lapel over the pocket square, but then I rarely have more than an inch showing.
  • The loud tie and PS are too close in color and pattern, besides just taking up too much visual space.
  • Not sure at all why the white buttons were chosen here?
I'm not asking rhetorically here, so if anyone has answers, do share. For now, there are imponderables here for me, things that make me go hmmm.

1) B/c he's a peacock and wants to be seen. Understated is not in his vocabulary.
2) Don't think it's a proper club collar, just that the iron-down tips of the collar are so far under the jacket it looks cropped.
3) Sprezz is mildly responsible, but even guys like Chorn Chorn and Betelgeuse Betelgeuse occasionally have fit picks where both ends of the tie are visible up close to the knot.
4) Everyone does. Peacocking.
5) Yes.
6) See 1,4, and 5.

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