False Discounts: Illusory sales, outlets, etc.

Russell Street

King Of The Trolls
Michael Kors settles U.S. lawsuit alleging deceptive price tags| Reuters
Michael Kors Holdings Ltd (KORS.N) agreed to pay $4.88 million and change its sales practices to settle a class action lawsuit claiming it used deceptive price tags at its outlet stores to fool shoppers into believing they were getting big bargains.

It's no secret that most outlets are not real, that they sell specially made inferior goods meant for price-discrimination.
Jos. A. Banks is notorious for their incessant yet ephemeral sales where it's all 3 for the price of 1 or whatever. I think even JC Penney is guilty of eternally changing sales that have no effect on the consistent real price being charged. I forgot if it was Tyrrwhit or Lewin or whoever, that had the fine print about how their markdowns are from the prices listed... on some obscure link that in otherwise unfindable.

This old trick of fake discounts is known as reference pricing. It is used because it works. Does it work less in the smartphone age? Are customers complicit, knowing that they like the feel of a deal even if they know it's a lie? Why is this scam not cracked down upon more?
Are customers complicit? Certainly! The way I see it, if you walk into a bar, you intend to have a drink; so it goes with a clothing store. I walk into Brooks Brothers, I am open to the idea of buying something. I might set the bar high re: design or discounts, but consider that there are many stores I walk past which to me indicates zero interest.
So you see a shirt that catches your eye, and Looky-looky, it's 50% off!
Your Lucky Day!
Just think how much you saved! (Women do this a LOT)
And the plastic is plunked down on the counter.
No. Regular. I force my personal bursar to carry them in a wheelbarrow. Upon which I ride from store to store.
I had bursarcitis. Had to put him down. Damn shame. He had been with me since he was just a lad.
Did you go to Dr. Vargas for the bursarectomy? He really is just the best.

I thought of using him but I thought it better if I did it myself. More personal. I thought the old bugger deserved it
I pay in coins.

No. Regular. I force my personal bursar to carry them in a wheelbarrow. Upon which I ride from store to store.

That sounds like a good way of preventing yourself from spending too much money too quickly. After all, it would take quite a while to wheel the wheelbarrow from store to store, and when you do buy something, it could take quite a while to count up all of the coins to make the payment.

It could be a hassle if the store has more than one level, though...
I pay in coins.
And I thought I was annoying with my $2 bills. So when the coinage is counted out, hopefully with Romanian accent and occasional laughs, is the entire MSRP laid out, and then the artificial discount taken back? That's how the receipt usually does it...

On the flip side, who never has sales? I know that Ratio admits that there is no extra profit in their price to be cut into. Alden is too backward to ever have excess inventory...
I had a cousin named Vinnie the Dwarf. Got lost in the folds of just such a lady of the night. Milt's a smart man to take such insurance liabilities into account. It took Vinnie 9 days to make his way out. The prostitute had actually expired some days earlier from acute heart failure brought on by speedballs and the return of the McRib. Otherwise, I'm sure he'd've tried to sue (the lady in question was GDI).
I had a cousin named Vinnie the Dwarf. Got lost in the folds of just such a lady of the night. Milt's a smart man to take such insurance liabilities into account. It took Vinnie 9 days to make his way out. The prostitute had actually expired some days earlier from acute heart failure brought on by speedballs and the return of the McRib. Otherwise, I'm sure he'd've tried to sue (the lady in question was GDI).

Fucking McRib. I stopped breathing once after eating a McRib and then huffing paint. Funny though, there is no untoward interaction between McRib and huffing propane. Just have to remember not to light a smoke without turning the valve off. Plus don't huff in below zero temperatures or your lips will freeze to the valve
I take propane and propane accessories very seriously. I don't think I would have this problem.
I asked Milt, and he said the weight premium and extra insurance for her crushing the slight chaps like Russell Street Russell Street and Leitmotif would erode the volume discount
This is ignorant. You never fuck up with a plumper of any sort. They're not spinners!
Actually, as Leitmotif was already tagged, does Sarar still do that unwritten markdown negotiation like you're at a Turkish bazaar?

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