Famous People Who Died

A great friend of the George W Bush administration and the CIA.



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Shortly before I went to Oxford 60 years ago, I attended a party at the house of a former prep school classmate of mine. His father was a physician. There was a magazine for doctors there. In those days physicians were overwhelmingly male, and so, in a spirit of boys-club fun, there was a swimsuit section. (You can imagine the outrage that would meet today as women are rapidly coming to dominate the educated professions!) Although all the women were very good looking, as you might surmise, there was one brunette that struck me as far and away the standout among them. A few years later, after she had risen to cinematic fame, I realized that the gorgeous brunette, whom I had never forgotten, was none other than Raquel Welch!
I was surprised he had kids given his jail time and lifestyle.

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