Migrants and asylum seekers coming into Canada


Comes off as a condescending prick
27 asylum seekers crossed into Manitoba Saturday

Many Somalis in Minnesota 'willing to take the risk' to sneak into Canada

First of all, why are they sneaking across the border in February? If you've been in Minnesota or North Dakota for any time you know February of all months isn't the time to traipsing around in the open.

Asylum-seeking Syrian family crosses into Quebec from U.S. in -15C weather

Did a new migrant path open up? How do you go from Syria to the States to Quebec? I'm pretty sure those Turkish dinghys don't go that far.
It's a bit like The One That Got Away but in reverse.

I think it's good that the North American continent has its very own humanitarian super power in the Swedish model. What could possibly go wrong.....
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But he is gay!!!! How can Justin let this happen?
So it's either Germany or Sweden for Mohammed now!

But he is an interloper into Justin's script. The characters in the script are Syrian, Canada's preferred refugee. Syrians are smarter than gay Ghanaians. Six-year old Syrian children tweet in English about the horrors of war without the help of their English teacher mamas. Nope. He has to go. Plus Justin was offended when he personally interviewed him. Mohammed spit and did not swallow.

Oh my God, they're just pouring in. Pouring in!

"Between Jan. 1 and Feb. 21 this year, there were 290 illegal crossings in Quebec, 94 in Manitoba and 51 in British Columbia, totalling 435.

That compares with 2,464 illegal entries apprehended by the RCMP in the same regions in all of 2016.

These numbers do not include people who may have crossed illegally without being caught by police."
This is what you have to look forward to in Canada under Trudeau's regime:


What none of the Dutch news is reporting, is that the facilities at Amsterbaken are already full of asylum seekers who have problems feeling up young boys, molesting girls, gang raping and pillaging.

This is the Arab and sub-Saharan street and mob that our elites keep on telling us are the future scientists and nurses who will look after us.

When I started this thread it was in jest, but I read this weekend the number of asylum seekers from the States has dropped significantly. It appears the initial executive orders from the Trump administration spurred these people to cross the unsecured border. Now that they don't face imminent deportation the immigration lawyers at the border only get spurts of calls whenever something hits the news wire.

I could be a patriot and say Canada's 'extreme vetting' meant we took only the good refugees but the influx has slowed. Government sponsored refugees get a year of assistance and then they're on their own. When the private and government programs were full and allocated money spent the rate of acceptance also slowed.

The situation in North America will never be as chaotic as Europe. There's an ocean that separates us so the only way to reasonably get here is by airplane. In Europe it's a land route. Barbarians crossed into the Roman empire for centuries using infrastructure from that era. I'm pretty sure migrants can use 21st century infrastructure and a mobile phone to do the same.
Wow, Canada is going down the toilet, paying 10M to a terrorist... My god, we really are a nation of sheep.
Yay, Canada:

Wow, Canada is going down the toilet, paying 10M to a terrorist... My god, we really are a nation of sheep.

well of course it is ridiculous. but, the supreme court said Canadia did violate is rights & he was suing for $20 million, so THIS IS A BARGAIN for compensating a Canadian, living in Canadia who hates Canadia & the west and who left Canadia with his pops to go kill Americans becoming a top top child soldier.

Canadia should never have sent people to interrogate him and then rat his out to the Americans. They would have got it out of him without Canadia's meddling
Big tangent here.... Omar Khadr was repatriated under the Harper government so please don't go moan that it was socialist or liberal pressure that resulted in his return to the country.
Big tangent here.... Omar Khadr was repatriated under the Harper government so please don't go moan that it was socialist or liberal pressure that resulted in his return to the country.

But the liberals paid him because that is what they like to do: pay people to do nothing. Ultra-Social-Assistance™

The Harpers would have continued to fight him in court and would spend $10 million on the lawyers.
But the liberals paid him because that is what they like to do: pay people to do nothing. Ultra-Social-Assistance™

The Harpers would have continued to fight him in court and would spend $10 million on the lawyers.

Let's recast this question - who let him in the country again? It wasn't no name cabinet minister either. Those were pretty big names that were involved - Baird and Kenney.
Let's recast this question - who let him in the country again? It wasn't no name cabinet minister either. Those were pretty big names that were involved - Baird and Kenney.

It was part of his plea deal with the Americans
I shouldn't be so shocked, all over Hamilton I see anti-capitalism stickers, burn the flag (which I saw today) and print outs about 'you don't celebrate colonialism, you smash it - Fuck the 150' - all this garbage from communist groups in particular.
I shouldn't be so shocked, all over Hamilton I see anti-capitalism stickers, burn the flag (which I saw today) and print outs about 'you don't celebrate colonialism, you smash it - Fuck the 150' - all this garbage from communist groups in particular.

Wow, Canada is going down the toilet, paying 10M to a terrorist... My god, we really are a nation of sheep.

Trudeau and his allies aside, some of the best resistance in the western world is coming from Canadians i.e. Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad et al. There must be something in the Canadian psyche that refuses to surrender to the Dark Ages Part II.

Here's Gad Saad's position, note the announcement of the payment was made 4th July, that's a clear kick in the teeth to the Americans:

Trudeau and his allies aside, some of the best resistance in the western world is coming from Canadians i.e. Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad et al. There must be something in the Canadian psyche that refuses to surrender to the Dark Ages Part II.

Here's Gad Saad's position, note the announcement of the payment was made 4th July, that's a clear kick in the teeth to the Americans:

It may well have been a calculated announcement but the decision to pay him out is part of the SJW bent of young Trudeau.

What remains to be seen is if Omar - who says he want to do the right thing and show he is a good Canadian - will pay part of what he owes to the families he destroyed as per the default conviction in the US

A petition on behalf of the families has been made to the Canadian courts to enforce the US ruling and get at the $10.5 million.

Remains to be seen if Omar will be a good Canadian and hand over the $$. Will also be interesting to see Justin's response to this action.
I think he's baiting the yanks, nothing like a bit of anti-Americanism to get the SJW's and Islamist vote.

Well he is trying to stick it to the Americans and to the previous Conservative government to show what it really means to be red
Asylum seekers who took risky Central American corridor cross into Canada

"At the time, they were living alongside dozens of other African migrants who had fled their home countries and had travelled a well-trodden migration route that snakes north from Brazil through Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico."

Mon Dieu! - stop advertising the routes!

"The Mexican government would only give them a temporary humanitarian visa to transit through the country..."

Thank you Mexico. Really glad you have our back.

"Abdi Omar was released on bond June 6. 'The [US] judge cried when she heard my story,' he says. 'She just worried for me when she read my credible fear form [...] and gave me the lowest amount, $1,500 to come out of detention.'"

If President Trump is going to sack some of the uncooperative judiciary, he may want to start with this one.

I understand Syrians. I understand maybe Iraqis, Afghanis, even the North Africans were displaced. I read somewhere even Pakistanis and Albanians were upping themselves and trying to get into Germany. A stretch.

Haitians?! Were they affected by ISIS? They're on the other side of the globe.

They are just as much economical migrants as the majority of the nationals you mentioned.
Same rights for all. If you let in people from Pakistan who do not have a proper refugee status you cannot reject Haitians.

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