News You Can Lose

Grand Potentate

Supporter of Possible Sexual Deviants
So it seems the Malaysian plane blew up over the ocean and everyone died.

There was a huge mudslide in Washington state and a bunch of people died.

Egypt's going to put over 500 people to death for being Islamists.

The driver of the train that crashed into the airport in Chicago was asleep at the wheel.
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4 dead in a shooting at Fort Hood.

2 earthquakes off the coast of Chile.

Iran is appointing someone who takes hostages to the UN. MAybe he'll kidnap everyone there so we can reboot that motherfucking joke.

The Supreme Court just made corrupting elections via money much easier.

Everything's going to hell in a hand basket says the IMF.
Idfnl might disagree.

You two might want to go see this together:

Brandeis Uni going to withdraw an offer of an honorary degree to an Islamic woman, being a very vocal advocate against Islam's treatment of women (having suffered genital mutilation and the like before "escaping to the West"). Withdrawn because the Uni doesn't want to... offend Muslims?

Women's Rights or more Islamic accommodation? Who wins?
Sen. Harry Reid comes out today and calls Bundy a "domestic terrorist." I will never believe a single word that comes out of that carp's mouth.
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Just so you can get an idea of the intensity of yesterday's quake. Recorded by some guys that were training for a triathlon.

SCOTUS upholds MI-voter initiative to basically do away w/ Affirmative Action in higher ed.

Sotomayor authors extensive (55+ page) dissent about how she "feels," instead of what the law dictates.

Kennedy votes w/ majority saying the issue is best left up to voters and the legislatures (ie, the appropriate way of doing anything in this country) - in direct opposition to many of his previous holdings, including Romer v. Evans where a similar voter initiative in Colorado passed prohibiting LGBT people from claiming any governmentally-recognized, protected class status. There, he claimed that the only possible "animus" amongst voters in passing such was discrimination, and struck down the voter initiative. I fail to see the difference here.
SCOTUS upholds MI-voter initiative to basically do away w/ Affirmative Action in higher ed.

Sotomayor authors extensive (55+ page) dissent about how she "feels," instead of what the law dictates.

Kennedy votes w/ majority saying the issue is best left up to voters and the legislatures (ie, the appropriate way of doing anything in this country) - in direct opposition to many of his previous holdings, including Romer v. Evans where a similar voter initiative in Colorado passed prohibiting LGBT people from claiming any governmentally-recognized, protected class status. There, he claimed that the only possible "animus" amongst voters in passing such was discrimination, and struck down the voter initiative. I fail to see the difference here.
How she feels? Come on. Really? Affirmative action helped her get where she is today. Pointing that out as a possible side benefit of not doing away with the law is her just "being a woman and being all feely."?
Getting this thread back on track:

55 colleges are being investigated for sexual abuse violations

Republicans blocked another attempt at raising the minimum wage to $10

Nigerian Islamists kidnapped 234 girls aged between 16-18.

Sinn Fein leader Gerry Addams arrested for murder of a lady.

And its fucking pouring rain and tornadoes everywhere.

Las Vegas' Future Is Dry and Fucked

Once upon a time, a lot of gangsters got together and built some casinos in the middle of a desert. For inexplicable reasons, these casinos were allowed to flourish into a major metropolitan area: Las Vegas. Now, that city is staring down a dry, waterless future.

Without knowing our nation's predilections for gambling and gangsterism, one might wonder why the hell we would decide to build a popular and flourishing major metropolitan area in the middle of a parched desert during a time of global warming and water crises. (The answer, of course, is "We are dumb.") In the L.A. Times today, John Glionna examines the future of Las Vegas' rapidly dwinding water supply. Virtually every single fact in the story is capable of producing a sense of despair mixed with wonder at the profound lack of foresight displayed by everyone responsible for Vegas' existence. Nine tenths of the city's water comes from Lake Mead, which one quoted researchers says has a 50/50 chance of being completely tapped out by 2036. A few Vegas water lowlights:

-"Las Vegas uses more water per capita than most communities in America — 219 gallons of water per person every day — and charges less for it than many communities." HMM.

- "[Rational people] say the city has been cavalier about looming water shortages, pointing to projects such as Lake Las Vegas, a 320-acre artificial oasis built with man-made rivers and waterfalls amid the high-end homes and luxury resorts."

-"About 70% of Las Vegas water goes to lawns, public parks and golf courses."

Nothing can happen to Las Vegas that Las Vegas does not deserve.

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