Resume, Job Help, & Job/Career Advice

Working for some small wealth management firm with 300 employees who was founded and run by a father and his son is the C suite you have to report to. Is that insanity?
Check that the name isn't Madoff.
Working for some small wealth management firm with 300 employees who was founded and run by a father and his son is the C suite you have to report to. Is that insanity?

Could be a very lucrative and chill job under the right circumstances.
It expired. I saw a job the other day about hiring a co-founder. Shouldn't you be founding the company if you are a co-founder?
It expired. I saw a job the other day about hiring a co-founder. Shouldn't you be founding the company if you are a co-founder?
Not that uncommon. Especially in Saas. Though, it is more 'match making' than hiring per se but you are salaried, so it is highering. Some VCs/ AInvestors/PEs prefer three founders to two and Two to one and a co-founder is drafted in.

Ask your hero Elon, he has bought a (co)founder or two titles.
He's my hero? This forum has some strange impressions of me.
use the advanced search function to search for "Elon" posted by you. You post more "Elons" than anyone on DW. Followed in second place by Dropbear Dropbear . You two are also #1 and #2 respectively in posting in Isn't She Lovely.
use the advanced search function to search for "Elon" posted by you. You post more "Elons" than anyone on DW. Followed in second place by Dropbear Dropbear . You two are also #1 and #2 respectively in posting in Isn't She Lovely.

Hot chicks and taking the piss out of Elon and his Shiny Rhodesian Toyota Truck = doing the Lord’s work.
That doesn't mean I think he's a hero. His list of ex-wives and brood is disturbing to say the least. At the same time he's behind a bunch of things that affect the broader society and at least he's involved with his ventures unlike Tim Cook who inherited it from his ex-boss.
"Please don't treat this as a formal interview. It's more of a conversation."

So - whats the point for you - or me?

Past behaviours are the best indicators of future performance.

But I've heard this statement for interviews at every level (individual contributor > middle management > executive) that it's a conversation.
But I've heard this statement for interviews at every level (individual contributor > middle management > executive) that it's a conversation.
I think it is just a clumsy try at making people comfortable, by people who are maybe not very skilled at interviewing. Of course from a recruiting point of view you want a conversation instead of an interview, but I think if you're good at it, you won't need to tell people in advance. They will leave the interview and think "oh that was a nice conversation", that's the idea imho.
To disarm you - yes, I'm aware. I'm just surprised it's something repeated at every level. It's almost like please shake people's hands. Please wear a suit and tie for your interview advice.

On the flipside I hate people who keep deviating into hypothetical "Well if it was A, I would do B" - in which after a sentence or two I have to interrupt and say "so did you actually do B at X place?"

Or the worst are the interviewees who believe they are running the interview and want to steer the conversation so they can ramble on about their own talking points. It's an interview. There's an interviewer - who asks questions and is control of the interview - and an interviewee - who sits there and responds to questions. It's not Sunday political talk show format.
I have no problem with it being a conversation - two way - not just question and answer. It's the "its not formal " bit that is dishonest.

A good interview is a conversation with questions from both sides - but its still a formal evaluation of a candidate. I always like to ask the receptionist or security person "How did each candidate treat you" - and if possible take a candidate out for a coffee - and watch how they treat service staff and others.
DISC profiles have really changed a lot since I took my first one. Not the four behaviour types - but the interpretation and analysis part of the report.

Also I just figured out I apparently bought and sent out DISC tests to some former directs and one of my ex lady friends. The results are saved on my account from years ago. Can't say I saw any surprises clicking through them.

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