Rugby Shirts

The Grenfell Harrington is 100% cotton and the lining is 100% cotton. The Baracuta G9 is 50% cotton outer and 50% cotton lining. Usually the Baracuta is more expensive, but is currently on sale if you want something that is 50% polyester.

The Ben Nevis Harringtons are 65% polyester.
Wanted to buy a Grenfell Harrington this year, but never got around to do it.
Have Golfer from them already - and the quality on that is quite good.
I used to have a Melka Harrington which was well made and a good cloth. I've got a belt by them which must be 30 years old now and I still use for work. Good stuff that Melka and not expensive. Is it still around?
I have just ordered a PW VC Ventile Harrington. It was 44% off.
It's finally arrived after two missed deliveries. It fits perfectly, and feels well made.


I should have taken the photo before trying on....
I used to have a Melka Harrington which was well made and a good cloth. I've got a belt by them which must be 30 years old now and I still use for work. Good stuff that Melka and not expensive. Is it still around?
Melka is still available in the UK. It's owned by the UK Baird Group.

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