Sartorial Images: Inspiration

Zé Ferreira

Didn't already have a thread going that entirely encapsulated what I was wanting to convey in this thread.

Here, post sartorial images that inspire you, pique your interest, that surge you towards purchases or embracing new "looks," to which you aspire, etc. If possible, include a brief discussion of what aspects of the image appeal to you and your interpretation thereof. (As a note to Grand Potentate Grand Potentate , could probably combine w/ the devoted "Shoe Porn" thread for now)


Like this dude's sum of personal style. He takes a lot of common aspects touted by #menswear, but really does look like an individual.

Screen shot 2011-12-08 at 8.52.34 PM.webp

A very early find of mine. Dainite soles, suede bluchers, red socks, and selvage.


Really, REALLY like the fair isle here, in a color combo that I wouldn't normally associate w/ the print. Also the loden coat is amazing.


Love the shine on each of these and the various depths of color on each of the shoes. That Loden Shell next to the Ruby is amazing to behold.


Like the guy's suede bluchers and green grenadine against an otherwise very common combo (POW + Blue shirt). Gives it just a little bit of unexpected flavor.

Ravello and #4.webp

Ravello and #4 boots. Just phenomenal.
That second one jrd, looks fantastic. I've always wondered if the Masters Green Jacket is completely handmade? Well that is more for the Random Thoughts thread but it crossed my mind right now. Will post a few pics later.

I really want a 3 piece gray and a blue pinstripe suit with bat wings

While I do like that, linen on linen like that is a dicey combo to pull off.
I don't know why, but my mind have trouble with black and blue.
Another image came up on PTO this morning that was in the same style as the "Loden Coat" image in OP. This guy really knows how to make textures pop in his photos.

Didn't know where to post this, but Vox showing that denim and jackets can be paired.

Jesus, his hair loss must really be accelerating. No other way to explain that haircut.
The shoulders on the Attolini and Vox's jacket are to die for. Everyone here does roped shoulders because it's easy. I once had a tailor try something different. Ended in disaster.

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