Scuba Diving

Went scuba diving a few years ago. Really enjoyable. Also freaky how quiet it is. I kept on having this fear that I'd turn around and see a shark behind me.

After the first few times, you start to wish for things like that to happen.
Lucky bastard. The Blue Hole is on my list to dive. My last dive occurred in the Bahamas and it sucked. Been to Hawaii and Mexico for dives.

The Blue Hole itself, is just ok. The other two dives they take you on are spectacular.

Did you do the blue hole in the Bahamas?

“In the Tuamotu Islands of French Polynesia, there lies a remote atoll called Fakarava, where dreams of undersea utopia are still a reality,” writes underwater photographer Sarosh Jacob.

Jacob is a New York City-based photographer and videographer who specializes in underwater environments and adventure travel. In his video “Fakarava,” he captures stunning footage of countless sharks and fish as they glide over miles of coral reef. Jacob’s love for our planet’s oceans and his passion for documenting its beauty motivate him to spread awareness about the environment and promote its conservation. As he explains on the video’s Vimeo page:

[Fakarava is] a beautiful place where hundreds upon hundreds of sharks gather in peaceful harmony and divers ride the currents across endless expanses of coral. I hope this film reminds people of the magnificent beauty within our ocean and the importance of protecting it.
Bonaire, in the Dutch Antilles, is the best diving in the Caribbean IMO. Shore diving has ruined me from all other locations.
There is no comparison to other locations in which you rely on boats unless you are talking about remote locations. In Bonaire, if you wake up at 3AM and are itching to dive, just throw your gear in the truck, grab a tank and hit one of 60+ world class dive sites. Or, just gear up and walk off the pier at the house reef. Swim out about 40 yards and you are at the site with the most diverse marine life in the Caribbean, talking about Bari Reef particularly, which is where we always stay.

During the day no cattle boats where you are elbowing some yenta from Albany who is going to muck up the reef anyway because she has no buoyancy control. You dive and your pace with your group. Want to hit the reef at 6AM? Done. Want to have a lie-in and enjoy the morning? Done. You can still get 4 dives in a day if you plan them right.

When I win the lottery, I'm buying a home in Firenze and a home in Bonaire.
There is no comparison to other locations in which you rely on boats unless you are talking about remote locations. In Bonaire, if you wake up at 3AM and are itching to dive, just throw your gear in the truck, grab a tank and hit one of 60+ world class dive sites. Or, just gear up and walk off the pier at the house reef. Swim out about 40 yards and you are at the site with the most diverse marine life in the Caribbean, talking about Bari Reef particularly, which is where we always stay.

During the day no cattle boats where you are elbowing some yenta from Albany who is going to muck up the reef anyway because she has no buoyancy control. You dive and your pace with your group. Want to hit the reef at 6AM? Done. Want to have a lie-in and enjoy the morning? Done. You can still get 4 dives in a day if you plan them right.

When I win the lottery, I'm buying a home in Firenze and a home in Bonaire.
Fuck, I'm sold.

Out of curiosity, where else have you been diving?
Aruba, Little Cayman, the Keys, the Bahamas. My dad, who I always go with, has been to just about every island in the Caribbean. He says the same thing I do: once you go to Bonaire, everything else pales and seems like a colossal waste of valuable time underwater. Caveat though that we dont do anything else but dive on these trips and there is very little else to do on the island. If you are looking to play golf, or gamble or even drive around and look at shit, then Bonaire might be a little boring for you. There are lots of bars and restaurants of course.
Btw, we stay at Sand Dollar. I dont get jack for recc'ing it. House reef is Bari Reef and it is fantastic.
Red Sea is no go for me due to Islamic terrorists. Used to be great. Not expensive. Respite from European Winter. Went to Taba twice. Then the Hilton got blown up - long before Al Quaeda , Isis etc. Used to be armed guards at the harbour at Sharp El Skeik but that never bothered me.

Other destinations do not have the coral and fish that the Red Sea offers.

Cyprus was OK. Malta was disappointing. Gozo would have offered more. Wrecks are not really my thing.
Red Sea is no go for me due to Islamic terrorists. Used to be great. Not expensive. Respite from European Winter. Went to Taba twice. Then the Hilton got blown up - long before Al Quaeda , Isis etc. Used to be armed guards at the harbour at Sharp El Skeik but that never bothered me.

Other destinations do not have the coral and fish that the Red Sea offers.

Cyprus was OK. Malta was disappointing. Gozo would have offered more. Wrecks are not really my thing.

Watch Chasing Coral, won't be any left soon but Jan Libourel will still find an article saying some patch maybe in the Red Sea with a 5% increase.
Watch Chasing Coral, won't be any left soon but Jan Libourel will still find an article saying some patch maybe in the Red Sea with a 5% increase.

The sky is falling
THE sky is falling
The SKY is falling
The sky IS falling
The sky is FALLING

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