The Black Phillip Show - Episode 13

-She's difficult because she can be. Guys have been very unfair with her by not being honest with her and telling her to stop.

-All guys listen to you. As soon as you open your pretty little mouth they listen to everything you have to say. Whether it sucks or not. I'm not saying it sucks, but they do listen. Or they pretend to. You're so accustomed to listening to you you don't realize you're probably not as interesting as you think.

-That's why girls should not be surprised when guys are interested. Because if they're not gay, they're interested. We don't give a shit about your personality. I'll make you have a good personality.

-Do you date an ugly woman because she's funny or smart? Absolutely not. Why would you date an ugly woman? Because they're easy to get some pussy from.

-Implied vagueness of love just like we have to date you for implies vagueness of sex. We trade implies love to you and you trade us implied sex. But I always get sex before you get love.

-Women have to like you to sleep with you. Men have to like you to sleep with you again.

-If I hate you, I am going to fuck you better. Because my hatred leads to more of your love. Because I'm going to do it well! If only because I have NO regard for your feelings.

-Bums treat women like bums. And for real for real, bum guys bring women down to that level where they feel like they're above the girl. You put women on pedestals I can hear your fucking mouth right now. You don't have to treat them like shit, but you have to be a certain way where they think you're better than them. Women DO NOT respond to 50-50, or they run the relationship. It HAS TO BE at least 60-40 on your side. It HAS to trickle down from you. You've got to learn how to be an asshole. Ask any woman who her favorite boyfriend was in her life and I guarantee he'll be a fucking asshole.

-When she says "it's unattractive to be wanted all the time" what she's really saying is "I want a guy who doesn't want me." Here's what women do: they come after a man and they want him. They say "oh this dude is cool as a motherfucker. This dude has a house. Etc." they look for things they can innately, not maliciously, bring down. They go "I want to make this motherfucker less sexy" When the woman gets the guy to go "I love you booby bear!" She goes "thank god I got this faggot now!"

-When I say "act like an asshole" that just means that you're not sure how much I give a shit about you. And that ABSOLUTELY attracts a woman more. Especially the more attractive the woman is, because she's so used to men doing whatever the fuck she wants. Women don't take that well, if you withdraw some of the power.

-No guy gives a fuck about a connection! Immediately, if you say connection, a pimp's stomach just turns. Those are vaginal terms.

-Men don't go out to the club and say to each other "we're going to find the last woman we're ever going to sleep with!" Come on fellas, put it in. 1, 2, 3! Soul mate!! Intimate connection on 3!

-It's never the woman's fault. Women's behavior cannot be stopped. It's innate. They're like the Hulk. They can't stop this anger thing.

-I do field research.

-You're problem is that you're qualifying what you think to be good to you as being good to me. And this is most women's problem. What I'm buying isn't necessarily what you are selling.

-Herpes is never funny. When you're trying to be funny, NO ONE says herpes.

-If all women are insecure then that gets me in the door. I just stare at that little thing you're insecure about. "My god, you are GOEGEOUS. What's that thing sticking out of your neck?" "That's ok, come on, let's go to eat."

-When you meet a guy on the street and he says he doesn't have a girlfriend, he has ten. We don't deal in quantity, we deal in quantity. We have a human resources department. We are not like you - we have to get women. So if you meet me and I say I ain't got no woman, you better KNOW, that I got a bunch of women that you're going to be competing with. And you're ALWAYS going to be competing with. So when Im saying what's up to you, I gotta girl. So you thing the 25 guys that said "yo what's up gorgeous?" Or "damn you gotta fine ass!" Just to you? We said it to EVERYBODY!

-I'm not evil. The dog whisperer don't kick the dogs during the commercials.

-Women want to be loved, but they don't know how to be liked.

-You develop who you are. But you never develop WHAT you are. What you are is something from the year one, or whatever you believe in, in terms of god or when the planet started or for or some shit. Adam and Eve and all that. But a lot of times, women forget that trying to uplift themselves in society. But men accept what we are. That's why we win this game!

-We're insecure, because we want you, but we don't know how to get you. There's so many angry men because they can't get you. Because you own what we want. And a HORRIBLE CREATURE is in charge OF WHAT WE WANT.

-It's your fault. It's not their fault.

-They HATE being in charge. The queen is 2nd, and that's the highest level position a woman can be. But she's 2nd as that, and she loves being that. Women don't want to win, they want a winner! They want to look at their man and go "this motherfucker's the shit!" But their drive is to bring you down, so you can go "coochie cooo" and "I love you booby bear!" So they can be comfortable with how they feel about you. We're loveable, and they don't know how to be loveable, but they want love. So they ATTACK, and make a motherfucker love them. And then you don't really love them.

-Women's faults are why relationships are fucked up. Because men have to give you something that they don't want to give you right away, but we're willing to do it!

-Charm, likeability, and love are my vagina. And I give it freely. I'm a charm ho! I am a ho with my charm. I give you what you want, and then you give me what I want. But what I give you is so much more valuable in the long run. That's why women get fucked up.

@58:00 - Your happiness has to come from within. If you let another person make your happiness they have the power to take that away from you.

-Women always get bored with the idea of vagina. They go "ugh, do we have to talk about this again?" It's very very important because you run it. But here's the difference between us and ya'll: if we had something on our bodies, where every time a woman talked to us, we didn't know it was genuine. We had to figure out "what does this girl really want?" Hypothetically, let's say we all had $20,000 in our pocket. So women go "all men got $20,000!" And they go "hello, how are you! Bluh bluh bluh." Here's what men would do, they would say "sheeeet. Here bitch, take this $20,000, because I'm better than this." "Take your $20k, because I want you to stop trying, and I want to give you what you want, just to SEE what you're really about. So I don't have to think you're lying.

-And this is what kills me about women - they love fucking. They love cumming. And it's more important for me to be better in the bed than for you. Because we don't give a fuck. I'm like "lay there like a zombie, I don't give a fuck! I'm gonna explore and I know something good is gonna happen!" But women, you need us to be good! Women need all type of shit from a man. You need us to be good in bed, you need us to be smart, you need all these things to energize you and make you attracted to us. And what do we get in return? What do we demand in return? Vagina! And you're holding on to it! It's important to us, but it ain't special. It ain't special.

-I've been in this business for 15 years, and when a woman walks into a room, she's automatically on my level, depending on how pretty you are. There are some women who are as pretty as 15 years in this comedy business, and respected. You walk in the building, and just because you're pretty, that brings you up to my level. The anger and resentment that men have is "motherfucker, I've been doing this for 15 years, and she come in here with a pretty face, pretty eyes, pretty mouth, and you think you're me??? IM BETTER THAN YOU!" I say that so that the woman could be attracted to me. That's where the anger that men have comes from, because a log of guys who are walking in the street, who don't have a radio show, that don't have the stage, who haven't explored confidence, they're walking around like "I want to love this woman, but what do I do?" Because you are choosing, JUST because you have a vagina.

-And women are mad and bitter at men because we have your vagina, which is love.

-She was cheating on you? How hard were you fucking her? Did you fuck her like she was a girl you didn't give a fuck about? There you go. You gotta fuck her like she's a ho, my man. Never stop SMASHING it! Fuck her like you're a cave man.

-I don't give a fuck if you can read. You know why? Because I'll teach you. You can't cook? I don't give a fuck! Because I can, and I'll teach you.

-Women don't sell us what we're trying to buy. They're always trying to sell her betterment. Her betterment means nothing to me in terms of what I want as a man.

-That's what women do - they can be aggressive, but when it comes down to it, they play the victim. They're the enemy, don't you ever forget it. It's us against them.

-Just get to the point. Every time you try to make a point, you have to give a disclaimer, and set your point up. Then when someone try's to address your point, you say "let me just say one more thing". GET TO THE POINT. Say what it is you're gonna say, and stop giving a disclaimer and pre-requisite on everything that you say. You're a good person. We all understand you're a good person. We don't need to be constantly told.

-If you look at any picture of Oprah and Stedman - now Oprah owns islands, she owns influence. Oprah is a beast. But if you look at any picture of them, Oprah is always curled up in a ball next to Stedman. She's always in the picture WITH Stedman. Stedman's NEVER Mr. Oprah! Now watch Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. He is in the picture with HER. Pushing African babies around and shit. Women don't like to be the boss.

-You talk too much about NOTHING. Because you have a comfort zone in battling. "Up is down and down is up!"

-To play a game, you've got to be willing to lose. You've got to be willing to lose the horseshit marriage you're in, because she runs the show.

-Any woman who runs the relationship is miserable. Because she's not nice and he's miserable. If I run the relationship, it's better. Because Monday through Sunday, I'm consistent. Ya'll bleed every month, you have hormonal changes, but on Monday I'm a great guy and on Thirsday I'm the same.

-Women cannot function on their own emotion as their fees source. So when we're emotional with them they NEED that. They don't care whether it's positive or negative attention, it feeds them. So to you, it's attention. All you gotta do is sternly, STERNLY, marginalized her horse shit. It means NOTHING to me. Keep talking baby. What can you really do but walk out that door. And if you ain't willing to do that, the shut the fuck up.

-When I'm being an asshole, my girl always gets a synopsis of what she's doing, and what I'm doing. So she has some knowledge and understanding behind my assholeishness.

-You have to believe, and she has to believe, that you are better than her. Now, usually a woman being better than a man is through her being pretty. She's gorgeous. A man being better than a woman is through his establishment. His swagger. They like to bring a man down. That is their natural thing. It's not malicious, it's like "look at this motherfucker. I'm gonna take him down off that pedestal! He thinks he special. Fuck him." When my girl says "I love you so much!" I put it in the same basked it as "you're such a dick!" It's all the same thing, because they're emotional. You're there to just reign in their emotions. They've got 50 levels to their emotions. We've got to have 100 levels to our logic. You have to explain to her what she's doing, because she don't even know!

@1:44 -Guys are scared to lose the promise of pussy. If you take a woman out, and you order your steak, you order your rice, and they bring out the potatoes instead, if you don't go "excuse me..." And this could be a DANGEROUS thing to a date.

-Women think in terms of 'us'. Men think in terms of 'me'.

-Women want to be equal to men. But they can never be equal to me, because they're the fuckee. They will never be the fucker. You are always the one getting fucked. And you HATE that.

-Women - When you win, it's not if your own doing. You're scratching a lottery ticket and you're hoping to find a guy who is not corrupted by his power. That's what you're hoping to do. I'm not hoping to do NOTHING when I'm looking for a girl. I find you, and I make you what I need.

-Women build from the top down and men build from the bottom up. We build from sex up. Men build from who you are down. Sex is the lowest part of the relationship for them. But sex is, on the front end, is an important part to us.

-Men don't go out seeking validation from women. We are attracted to them and We want them on the lowest possible level.

-Who gets more respect, drug dealers or the people who use them? Women are dealing pussy, and men are like "please give me more!" And women are like "eeeww, get away you fucking junkie!" That's why people look at pimps with such admiration. If you look at what you think they do, which is beat a bitch to death and all that minus what they actually do. The idea of being able to talk a woman into selling pussy, and all the proceeds from her pussy come to me, WILLINGLY, is some motherfucking shit.

-Man love is this - we make a decision on many women that are in our life, we decide that you are the one that I'm gonna make sure is ok. Out of all of these women, you're the one that I'm going to make sure you have everything you're going to need. Are you hungry? I'm gonna get you food. Are you thirsty? I'm gonna get you water. That is what love is to us. Love is not coochie-coo to us. Even when we do go coochie-coo, it's because it's what we think you want. We're the provider. We just want to make sure you are good. Women want something else other than what we can give you. I love you, and that's all I got for you. Our love is taking care of you. But you want our love to be like your love.

-Women want to fuck one man, a LOT, when they love him. Men want to fuck a lot of women, ONCE! That's our instinct. That's why liking you is much better than living you.

-Women cheat because of men. Men don't go get other pussy because of women.

-By the time your woman is with another guy you've already lost her.

-Women are the enemy. And this is a war for your happiness. They will say anything to make you think your happiness don't mean shit.

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