The Car Accident Thread

That fence saved lives. That old lady wouldn't move fast enough to avoid a turtle crash if it weren't for it.

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Whoa. Wear seat belts everyone.

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Holy shit, wow. Look at that cab.

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That fence saved lives. That old lady wouldn't move fast enough to avoid a turtle crash if it weren't for it.

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Tokyo drift.

The last video: jesus christ. I want to scream through the computer to tell him stop moving.
Holy fuck. Don't ride motorcycles.

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This could have been really ugly. Crazy bitch.

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"I just wrecked...again"
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Believe it or not, survived with only bruises.

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Crash will not happen in the direction you think it will. Amazing he walked out.

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^ Holy cow - I'm guessing that they would have had some brown underpants after that near miss!
Escaping a forest fire. Oddly hypnotizing.

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Absolutely crazy scene in downtown London. Kid in the car, too.

Tinted windows usually means trouble.

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^What was going on there? I was watching with the sound off, so couldn't hear what was going on.

There was some sort of minor traffic accident but the guy in the white BMW with the number plate "BOS5IN" then refused to get out of the car or move his car?
All good questions.

My guess is one guy pulled out and the white car hit/almost hit him. The idiot in the black car took exception, and it escalated form there. The idiot in the white car lost it big time with a kid in the car.

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