The European Migrant Crisis...

so what's the thought here? no truck and they did it in a car?

There wasn't even enough real damage to the stalls to have people killed inside them.
The bollards are not removable, so how did the truck get there without damage to it's bumper? I don't know. There is no footage of the incident other than a dashcam showing the truck entering the x-mas market area. There are also no images of the killed or injured people, which is kinda strange, given that the MSM happily showed images of dead people in Syria.
The alleged "attacker" left one of his many id papers in the truck, along with DNA traces and fingerprints. Both are pretty useless unless he's already in the system.
I'm starting to believe that the people who are really behind this try hard to create irrevocable facts and introduce martial law in Germany before Trump is in office and installs better relations with Russia.
So there will probably be another, this time real, attack before his inauguration.
So any insight on who is really behind this? The joos? The CIA? Soros? All of them? Somebody else?
Nobody really knows or seems to care. But the victims weren't named. Not even a mention from the hospitals nearby.
The truck didn't drive that far, so the place must have been really crowded to cause so many casualties in that small place.
And there should be puddles of blood on the ground as well.
Remember the images of that little boy in Syria covered in blood?
A remedy for the "terror" situation in Germany was presented surprisingly swiftly just 2 days after the attack:
More surveillance!
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That sounds quite incoherent tbh. I suggest you take look at the big picture and draft a convincing storyboard first. Then back up with facts if required.
That sounds quite incoherent tbh. I suggest you take look at the big picture and draft a convincing storyboard first. Then back up with facts if required.
can i refer you to the hard evidence machine that is twitter? there you will find all the facts you need on a variety of topics.
That's why I suggested he should focus on developing a convincing and coherent story first and foremost.
I don't think it's false flag, probably the reason the victims haven't been named is that they are nearly all children and are sensitive to such facts coming out to the German public. Would spoil the script something quite rotten.

Look at the victims list. Good thing the guy was a white German male, that allowed the media to exploit report this story in all it's gory details. The result: Tougher gun controls. Not enhanced counselling of kids suffering from bullying and/ or depression.
The reaction after the Berlin attack: More camera surveillance and a crack down on people's liberties.
Some German politicians came up with seriously great proposals:
Sigmar Gabriel (head of the Social Democrats) wants to shut down Salafist mosques and deport hate preachers.
Not going to happen, because that would upset the Saudis, who buy a lot of German weapons.
Others want to protect the German culture and demand more integration of the newcomers. How did that work in the past?
Meanwhile, the borders are still open, nobody gets deported, all get a lot of money.

This is weird:
Jerusalem lorry attack injures soldiers


Berichten zufolge sind mindestens vier Menschen tot, mindestens 15 weitere sollen verletzt worden sein.
(at least 4 dead and 15 injured).

Meanwhile, the borders are still open, nobody gets deported, all get a lot of money.

In the case of the Berlin lorry attacker, he was making serious dosh, 14 identities in Germany alone. Not to mention other aliases in other countries on the scrounge. No wonder they killed him pretty darn quick to avoid the embarrassment.

We live in dark, ungracious times, we have invited the Beast into our parlour and the rest is just gory and terrifying details.
It has always surprised me how many men are refugees. Almost no females.
It has always surprised me how many men are refugees. Almost no females.

Official figures, or demographic data they've let out, reveal that they are mostly men of military standing age with no fixed nationality or identity. Happy days for collecting dole money! You get half-a-dozen false identities on the go in several different towns, regions or even countries. And Abdulla's your uncle, you're getting enough to plot enough gang rape, pillaging and gun running to keep you from ever having to work in one of Merkel's factories! That's for the kaffirs, who will know their place soon enough.

What's not to like? There should be no limit to Europe's capacity to be over run and turned into a filthy stinking cesspit just like back at home. And when the dole money and welfare state collapses, well we'll just move onto Canada (we love it!) and then the US.
German govenment and the MSM have practically halved the number of migrants that flushed into Europe/ Germany in late 2015 and 2016.
Now it's significantly less than 1 million migrants in 2015 and only 320 thousand in 2016. In all of 2016, mind you, despite earlier figures told the tale of 300 thousand migrants making the trip to Europe until March 2016.
Or have they now adapted to numbers due to thousands of multiple identities?

And when the dole money and welfare state collapses, well we'll just move onto Canada (we love it!) and then the US.

And look who learned from Hillary:

The root of the problem:

I went to school with this stupid cunt. Daughter of the local paediatrician. As a minor (around 16 or 17) she started an affair with a colleague of her father, a Persian/ Iranian doctor who was at least 25 years older than her and married. That affair went on for several years.
So the Cologne police came out today saying that most of the migrants they checked on NYE were actually from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
What the media, which roll this story as "see, told you, no Nafris!" do not tell is that that was only true for the ones the police was actually able to determine their origin.
They checked the nationality of 625 individuals, of which around 100 each were from Syria and Iraq, 46 "Germans", 48 Afghans and 13 Moroccans and 13 Algerians. I would actually doubt that all "Syrians" were actually from that country.
Police checked around 2500 young, male migrants that night (some double because they apparently didn't leave the area as told). So lets assume that each migrant was checked twice, that still means that for 2 thirds of the migrants police had no clue where they were from.
The other question that now gets asked is how and why so many young, male migrants showed up again, so now police is investigating the travel paths of the migrants.
The root of the problem:

I went to school with this stupid cunt. Daughter of the local paediatrician. As a minor (around 16 or 17) she started an affair with a colleague of her father, a Persian/ Iranian doctor who was at least 25 years older than her and married. That affair went on for several years.

The whole degradation/sexual kicks aspect to those Westerners who decide to jump into bed with 7th century dark age forces has yet to be fully explored and understood methinks. When this shit storm is over, someone in academia and psychology will have the balls to do it.

This is what the Swedish police officer wrote on Facebook:

Describing his week, he posted:
“Here we go; this is what I’ve handled from Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment.

“Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher… what is it true? Yes a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.

“Countries representing the all the crimes this week: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about their nationality and identity.”

“Now, we’re talking just Örebro municipality. And these crimes take up our capacity to investigate 100 per cent. This is what it looks like here, and has been like for the past 10-15 years.”
No valentines day anymore, I for one welcome our new muslims overlord and their sharia law!

I love when the Left eats its own. Identity politics never ends well for anyone.
The left wants them in, but nothing to do with them. You want refugees? Well how about you let them live with you and live off you. Fuck you assholes, a lot of my money goes to taxes because the left bullshit. If they want them in so bad perhaps they should pay more taxes. Also, they never complained when obama was dropping bombs on them and killing them by the dozens. Hypocritical cunts.
Insightful piece from Douglas Murray:

How can one excavate the minds of so many European officials and the extraordinary mental gymnastics of denial to which they have become prone?

One of the finest demonstrations of this trend occurred in January 2015, after France was assailed by Islamist gunmen in the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and then in a Jewish supermarket. In the days after those attacks, Fox News in the U.S. ran an interview with a guest who said that Paris, and France, as a whole, had "no-go zones" where the authorities -- including emergency services -- did not dare to go. In the wake of these comments, the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, chose to make a stand. She announced that she was suing Fox News because the "honour of Paris" was at stake.

It appeared that Mayor Hidalgo was rightly concerned about the image of her city around the world, presumably worrying in particular about the potential effects on tourism.

Of course, Mayor Hidalgo's priorities were all wrong. The reason Paris's public relations suffered a dent was not because of what a pundit said on Fox News one evening, but because of the mass murder of journalists and Jews on the streets of the "City of Light." Any potential tourist would be much more concerned about getting caught up in a terrorist firefight than a war of words. Mayor Hidalgo's manoeuvre, however, turned out not to be a rarity, but a symptom of a wider problem.

Consider the almost precise replay of that 2015 episode after U.S. President Donald Trump referred in a speech to "what's happening last night in Sweden." Much of the press immediately seized the opportunity to claim that Trump had asserted that a terrorist attack had occurred the night before in Sweden. This allowed them to laugh at the alleged ignorance of the president and the alleged concoction of what has become known as "fake news." Except that it swiftly became obvious to anyone who cared that what the president was referring to -- a documentary film about the situation in Sweden that had aired the night before on Fox News -- showed the extent of the lawlessness in parts of Sweden. While every authority in Sweden was laughing at Donald Trump, a day after his comments. residents of Rinkeby, a suburb of Stockholm, obligingly had a car-burning riot and attacked police.

The troubles that Sweden has gone through in recent years, since mass migration began in earnest, are hard indeed to ignore. These troubles include the setting up of what the American scholar of Islam, Daniel Pipes, most accurately referred to as "semi-autonomous sectors." Although non-Muslims can enter, the areas are different from the rest of the country. These are areas where, for instance, police, fire and ambulance services refuse to enter because they and other authority figures representing the state frequently come under attack. The filmmaker, Ami Horowitz, experienced the downside of some of these areas. On a recent visit to Sweden he was attacked for taking a film crew into a suburb of Stockholm when some of the locals objected. We are being given an accurate representation of a serious problem.

Car-burnings and riots do break out in Sweden today with considerable regularity, and sexual assaults have sky-rocketed in the country (although these figures are the subject of heated debate over whether they represent a rise in incidents or a rise in reporting). Either way, rapes carried out by immigrants remain a real and underreported issue. The authorities – including the Swedish media – have refused to run stories about these unpleasant facts

In Sweden, more than in perhaps any other European country, the media is homogenous in its support for the left-wing status quo in the country, and this includes a support for the views of recent governments on immigration policy. Anything which could give ammunition to critics of that policy is -- as in Germany -- deliberately underreported or actively covered over by the majority of the media.

The response to Trump's comments unfortunately demonstrated this yet further. The desire to pretend that the president had specifically claimed that there had been a terrorist attack the night before was one trick. Another was to simply mock and belittle him and his claims. Former Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt took to Twitter to say, "Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking?" The European press gleefully took up tweets by members of the Swedish public who responded to Trump's claims by sending photos of people putting IKEA furniture together. A joke which would have been funnier had a failed asylum seeker from Eritrea not stabbed and killed a mother and son in an IKEA store in Västerås in 2015. Elsewhere, the present Swedish foreign minister, Margot Wallström, in her familiar preaching tones announced that diplomacy and democracy "require us to respect science, facts and the media."


In response to US President Donald Trump's recent reference to "what's happening" in Sweden, Swedish Twitter users mocked him by posting photos of people putting IKEA furniture together. The joke would have been funnier had a failed asylum seeker from Eritrea not murdered Carola Herlin (left) and her son in an IKEA store in Västerås, Sweden, in August 2015.

So, once again an American has pointed to a failing in European society, and instead of focusing on the problem or even admitting that there is a problem, the European response has been to point at the American and blame him for creating the problem he has in fact merely identified. Such behaviour is a psychological affliction before it is a political one. It must stand somewhere along the continuum of the famed stages of grief. But it bodes exceptionally poorly for Europe's future. If the response to every problem is denial, and the response to anyone pointing to the problem is opprobrium, legal threats or hilarity, it suggests that Europe is not going to make the softer-landing it could yet give itself in addressing these issues. It might make us feel better, but every time we attack or laugh at the messenger, rather than addressing the message, we ensure that our own future will be less funny.
A study from 2007 about inbreeding:

Consanguineous marriages have been practiced since the early existence of modern humans. Until now consanguinity is widely practiced in several global communities with variable rates depending on religion, culture, and geography. Arab populations have a long tradition of consanguinity due to socio-cultural factors. Many Arab countries display some of the highest rates of consanguineous marriages in the world, and specifically first cousin marriages which may reach 25-30% of all marriages. In some countries like Qatar, Yemen, and UAE, consanguinity rates are increasing in the current generation. Research among Arabs and worldwide has indicated that consanguinity could have an effect on some reproductive health parameters such as postnatal mortality and rates of congenital malformations. The association of consanguinity with other reproductive health parameters, such as fertility and fetal wastage, is controversial. The main impact of consanguinity, however, is an increase in the rate of homozygotes for autosomal recessive genetic disorders. Worldwide, known dominant disorders are more numerous than known recessive disorders. However, data on genetic disorders in Arab populations as extracted from the Catalogue of Transmission Genetics in Arabs (CTGA) database indicate a relative abundance of recessive disorders in the region that is clearly associated with the practice of consanguinity.
They do have data in some of the European countries with diaspora from North Africa and the Middle East. The Netherlands does and they realise they have a health problem due to in-breeding over several generations in some cases.

I was reading up on the GreonLinks Party here in The Netherlands, as the Brit press and media has been fawning over their leader Jesse Klaver as the Dutch answer to Canada's Trudeau. They also managed to get 13 seats in the parliament and Rutte in the worse case, will have to do deals with this party in order to maintain a functioning parliament. Amongst the half-baked sub-sixth form economics and usual Marxist nonsense is a commitment to have completely open borders and permit anyone, anywhere in the world who wants to come and live in The Netherlands permission to do so and get accelerated residency status with no limits on the numbers whatsoever. Not only this, for any immigrant or refugee to automatically on arrival get full pension and instant access to the full welfare state and payments from day one.

This party, appears to be serving some purpose, as I don't understand how an economically illiterate party which is communist in background with some commitment to organic turnip farming is being promoted by the international press as a viable and positive political force.
Trouble is that all established parties are following the same plan: Letting/ getting in as many Muslim migrants as possible.
So who or what ever you vote for, you get the same outcome: More immigration.
Why Europeans are so eager to become extinct I cannot explain. And that includes the politicians who, once the "Enrichers" become the majority, won't have a job and will be treated the same way like the rest of the former indigenous population.
The entryism in the UK Labour Party is accelerating and I'm told expect some fresh Islamist/anti-Semitism scandal coming out of their Birmingham constituency party next week. The Left's love-in with radical Islam is one of the reasons they are losing support and failing across Europe.

I am confident that there will be no soft landing at this stage.

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