The European Migrant Crisis...

This is interesting, especially since very few people seem to know about it: Back in 1995 the EU made a deal with several Mediterranean/ Arab countries promising them trade deals including not only free movement of goods but also that of their people, going into action in 2010:

The EU Offers the Populations of 9 Muslim Countries Free Movement of Goods, Services, Capital and People into the EU.

In return for concrete political and economic changes the EU offers integration in the expanded internal market of the EU and the possibility to obtain free movement for goods, services, money and people.

Association agreements have been made with all partner countries except Syria (Abstract from 28.11.2003 account of Euro Mediterranean Foreign Minister Conference in Naples held on 2.-3.12.2003!!).

Negotiations about Turkish EU entrance began in 2005.

Makes you wonder whether Ghadaffi was just in the way of those plans and the migrants can now come to Europe via Libya.
Right now there are three big elections coming up in the next months (Germany, Austria and Italy), so they all try to minimize the flow of economical migrants from North and Sub-Saharan Africa at the moment, mostly by stopping the many NGOs from shipping migrants from the Libyan coast to Italy.
But I think many rightfully fear that once the elections are over the gates will open even more.
Only in Merkel's Germany: a conference organized by liberals to highlight sexual harrassment against women in the film and television industry turns nasty when women protesting against violence and rape perpetrated by so called refugees and immigrants storm the stage. The liberal third wave feminists shout ''Nazi scum!'' to the women:

To be fair not only in Merkel's Germany, who can forget the Labour MP who tweeted that the underage female victims of the Pakistani sex gangs needed to just grin and bear it for the sake of diversity.
Only in Merkel's Germany: a conference organized by liberals to highlight sexual harrassment against women in the film and television industry turns nasty when women protesting against violence and rape perpetrated by so called refugees and immigrants storm the stage. The liberal third wave feminists shout ''Nazi scum!'' to the women:

To be fair not only in Merkel's Germany, who can forget the Labour MP who tweeted that the underage female victims of the Pakistani sex gangs needed to just grin and bear it for the sake of diversity.

The event was organised by a female film/ TV director who chairs a group that wants a higher quota of women in the film industry. So that *unt clearly has an agenda and ulterior motives.
The article is typical for the controlled state media, everyone who is not with the left is a Nazi, fascist, racist and so on.
The comment section is interesting. A lot of soy boys supporting the leftist agenda.

Get up stand up, stand up for the women of Europe:

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According to the European controlled media they are Nazis, fascists committing hate crimes.
Sadly, non of those middle- aged (mostly unattractive), virtue signalling "feminists" are in danger of getting gang raped.
Perhaps next time they get picked up by a non- local taxi driver he/ she should take them to a nice cultural exchange with friendly, male only "refugees" in a dark room of disease, so they get the same exciting "experience/ adventure" (in German "Erlebnis") that so many women have had in Sweden and Germany.
Unbeknown to German people, the state media radio station Deutschlandfunk launched a campaign (in Arabic and even local dialects) in Asian (Muslim) countries, promising money and houses for those willing to travel to Germany.
If you still doubt that the political class (and their handlers in the back ground) are pushing for the destruction of Europe:

Um Polizist zu werden, müssen Sie nicht zwangsläufig deutsche Wurzeln haben. Ganz im Gegenteil freut sich die Polizei über Bewerber, die ihr Wissen über ausländische Mentalitäten und Lebensweisen einbringen können. Aber welche Einstellungsvoraussetzungen müssen Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund erfüllen?

"To become a policeperson you do not need to be of German origin. On the contrary we (the German police) are happy about every applicant, who will share their knowledge about foreign mentalities and ways of life."
In Bavaria (and I'm sure in other German states as well) you don't even need a German passport to work for the police.

Migranten werden in Bayern verstärkt als Polizisten angeworben - mit und ohne deutschen Pass.
If you still doubt that the political class (and their handlers in the back ground) are pushing for the destruction of Europe:

It's at best an experimental based on a grandiose vision of a new humanity, the cost of failure hasn't been factored in, they are that sure that this will all end well:

All eyes are on Italy and which atrocity will be the one that breaks the camel's back:

There has been a very brief mention on the BBC of an abuser ring in Newcastle this week. Victims are (very young) adults and the abusers come from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. As usual, the BBC was very reluctant to mention this in the first repoerts, but I guess the origin of the abusers got out, so they mentioned it in detail. Normally it's "Asian origin"!

Is it just me or are these the same types they arrested in Rotherham? That white person in the lower right looks very familiar.
There has been a very brief mention on the BBC of an abuser ring in Newcastle this week. Victims are (very young) adults and the abusers come from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. As usual, the BBC was very reluctant to mention this in the first repoerts, but I guess the origin of the abusers got out, so they mentioned it in detail. Normally it's "Asian origin"!

Is it just me or are these the same types they arrested in Rotherham? That white person in the lower right looks very familiar.

They're using the mugshots of the Rotherham gang. I guess ''Arrogant persistence...'' will become the new euphemism hiding the fact that this was going on with the full knowledge, connivance and ultimate condolence of the local authorities.
''The plan cannot be further delated'', insisted the government.....

Terrible thing to happen in The Banner County

I have mentioned before walking along a taxi rank in Tralee county Kerry until I spotted an Irish driver.

There was a hint of this in Mayo(‘God help us!’) in 70s 80s. A cousin told me of a Muslim halal meat operation in the county. They were at least working and not in huge numbers at that time. A terrible thing to happen in homogenous rural communities
Terrible thing to happen in The Banner County

I have mentioned before walking along a taxi rank in Tralee county Kerry until I spotted an Irish driver.

There was a hint of this in Mayo(‘God help us!’) in 70s 80s. A cousin told me of a Muslim halal meat operation in the county. They were at least working and not in huge numbers at that time. A terrible thing to happen in homogenous rural communities

It is what it is: a deliberate act to change the demographic make-up and culture of these communities forever.

Where are all the scientists, brain surgeons and next generation of engineers we were promised that were going to reinvigorate Europe with their dynamic youthful intellect?

How many of those that came in 2016 found employment in Germany's top 10 DAX listed companies again: 56 out of a million.

We are living through the deliberate crashing of Europe by virtue signalling and a rapidly rising and arming third world criminal class. No wonder the rest of the world is laughing at us. But the virtue signalling will soon stop as one by one the generous welfare states start to collapse as is already the case in Sweden and Germany. The OAP's in Germany get a raw deal and no wonder many of them are now to be found cleaning the tables in open air bars to get a few cence on the deposit on empty glass bottles.

It is astonishing how Merkel has got away with destroying the German economic miracle and staggering that she still clings to power without any self awareness.
I think CesareRomiti is back in the old country. Maybe he can take the tube to Neukölln, preferably while wearing finest Eyetalian bespoke and his most favourite watch and report back.
German MSM have become more and more quiet about immigration and the problems that come with cultural enrichment.
It is astonishing how Merkel has got away with destroying the German economic miracle and staggering that she still clings to power without any self awareness.

She has the same handler(s) like the rest of the Western EU leaders and Hillary. She has been supported by major MSM outlets, even before she became chancellor. It's mind blowing, how a confirmed communist regime supporter (who wanted to destroy the BRD at age 13) can become the head of a conservative party and successfully managed to get rid of any rival within her party. The entire political class seems to consist of sell-outs who cling on to their jobs. That's why there is no real difference between them any more. They all do what they are told to do to stay in power a bit longer.
Anyone who dares to criticize the government's decision gets taken down by MSM and might even get arrested.
I think CesareRomiti is back in the old country. Maybe he can take the tube to Neukölln, preferably while wearing finest Eyetalian bespoke and his most favourite watch and report back.
German MSM have become more and more quiet about immigration and the problems that come with cultural enrichment.

She has the same handler(s) like the rest of the Western EU leaders and Hillary. She has been supported by major MSM outlets, even before she became chancellor. It's mind blowing, how a confirmed communist regime supporter (who wanted to destroy the BRD at age 13) can become the head of a conservative party and successfully managed to get rid of any rival within her party. The entire political class seems to consist of sell-outs who cling on to their jobs. That's why there is no real difference between them any more. They all do what they are told to do to stay in power a bit longer.
Anyone who dares to criticize the government's decision gets taken down by MSM and might even get arrested.

Whilst the UK situation is as bad, it's also uniquely weird in having an anti-semitic communist party waiting in the wings, a neutered (in the wrong places) politicised police force and an Orwellian and in the case of Tommy Robinson and the girls of Rotherham and many other towns and cities a Kafkaesque response to the problem of hyper-diversity and backward third world cultural practices.

Increasingly as the video of Black Pigeon Speaks reveals their doubling down shows desperation and ever more pathetic in their authoritarianism attempt to police thought crimes. This matters little, as the reality at street level will and cannot be denied. They will be policing the internet for hate crime and painting their police cars with rainbows as the first gays are ritually thrown from the rooftops and the sharia compliant districts come into force.

This is worth taking time to watch, Tommy Robinson's speech at Oxford University and you will understand why ''Tommy Robinson'' (which is not his real name) exists and also why the establishment want him silenced:

The tension is rising and the authorities are scard shitless that the tit for tat retailations will start. So they're hunkering down on the law abiding populations and the victims. Nothing but a rear guard action before the coming European civil war:


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