The HAT thread

I know Dropbear Dropbear Sammy Ambrose Sammy Ambrose fxh and Grand Potentate Grand Potentate will like this. The lads at Hills Hats, they are a New Zealand mob.

The owner always wears a mask, and he also makes pith helmets and `the fez'.
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Some of Hill's Hats biggest fans. Soon l get my boater and join fine company.
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Not sure what to think when someone wears a mask like that all of the time. Definitely a conversation starter though.
Not sure what to think when someone wears a mask like that all of the time. Definitely a conversation starter though.

Mr Hills (the man in the mask) is supposed to be a top bloke and a real character. Got one of his hats today actually, might post it another day.

For now, bookmarking this.

Borsalino beaver fur fedora. Been wanting this for ages.

Also did a custom order with this business to have a special boater hat made. About 6 weeks wait. If it works out i'll order another one with a different hat band.
Boater hat - custom 2.webpBoater hat - custom 1.webp
Some of my new ones - the extra smart boaters and cordobes. The main thing is to find the right clothes to pull them off.
Straw hat collection 3.webp
New boaters 2A.webp

Not going to get too many more hats. Will get another straw hat and then finish off with a few bespoke Optimo fedoras (best of the best) and that's it. I don't feel the need to overdo it, l am pretty much covered after that.
Definitely want to get a lilac homburg to pair with purple accessories and navy blazer.

Will also get a charcole gray homburg.
New strategy to bring old hats into the new century. It may work on boaters and fedoras as well.

I am really loving the homburg, probably my favourite style of hat. I especially love the Bates style with the flat curved up brim, such a manly looking hat with an edge that fedoras lack. Needs to be work at the front of the head flat and at a slight angle for it to look good, on the back of the head is no good.

The Bates style Homburg, and with a center dent it gives off an amazing style.
Homburg - Bates navy 1.jpg

Going to get these next from bates, one in lilac and one in black, and hopefully one in grey. Imagine that lilac homburg with a lilac/light bone striped tie and other lilac accessories. Could work with the purple antiqued John Lobb shoes too for a more dandyish look.
Homburg - Bates lilac 1.jpg

Roger Stone with his lilac Bates homburg. A real fun colour.
Homburg - Roger Stone lilac homburg.jpg
I notice that the homburg hardly suits anyone online, but luckily it suits my face shape. It works perfectly with oval faces.

The silly grin on Roiger's face is not doing him any favours though.
Homburg - Roger Stone over face 2.jpg

Works great with oval faces.
Homburg - Roger Stone over face 3.jpgHomburg - oval face 2.jpgHomburg - oval face 1.jpgHomburg - Roger Stone over face 4.jpg


  • Homburg - Roger Stone over face 4.webp
    Homburg - Roger Stone over face 4.webp
    39.5 KB · Views: 3
I am really loving the homburg, probably my favourite style of hat. I especially love the Bates style with the flat curved up brim, such a manly looking hat with an edge that fedoras lack. Needs to be work at the front of the head flat and at a slight angle for it to look good, on the back of the head is no good.

The Bates style Homburg, and with a center dent it gives off an amazing style.
View attachment 48232

Going to get these next from bates, one in lilac and one in black, and hopefully one in grey. Imagine that lilac homburg with a lilac/light bone striped tie and other lilac accessories. Could work with the purple antiqued John Lobb shoes too for a more dandyish look.
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Roger Stone with his lilac Bates homburg. A real fun colour.
View attachment 48239
I notice that the homburg hardly suits anyone online, but luckily it suits my face shape. It works perfectly with oval faces.

The silly grin on Roiger's face is not doing him any favours though.
View attachment 48238

Works great with oval faces.
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Are we talking about Norman Bates here, Shooey?
went for a walk before dinner and decided for the first time to wear my Homburg instead of my usual flat cap, and it worked really well. Bumped into a few blokes down the road and they reckoned l looked really good and said the homburg suited me.

See....the thing is, unlike what the forums say, a homburg can be dressed down, and a modern man can wear such a hat without looking like a dill. It mainly depends on the shape of a man's face and his attitude. For me, l know it looks good without being over the top, so l know l can pull it off. If l wore it with a navy blazer on a walk it would look over the top, but the key is to pair it with a smart casual outfit that includes a sportscoat in brown tones.

I broke another rule too, I wore my new bespoke 2 ply tweed coat with a dark grey 1 ply tweed trouser because it works, and l wore a cashmere turtleneck and burgundy shoes with a dark brown Bates homburg. It was almost like wearing a smarter version of a trilby with a casual coat.
went for a walk before dinner and decided for the first time to wear my Homburg instead of my usual flat cap, and it worked really well. Bumped into a few blokes down the road and they reckoned l looked really good and said the homburg suited me.

See....the thing is, unlike what the forums say, a homburg can be dressed down, and a modern man can wear such a hat without looking like a dill. It mainly depends on the shape of a man's face and his attitude. For me, l know it looks good without being over the top, so l know l can pull it off. If l wore it with a navy blazer on a walk it would look over the top, but the key is to pair it with a smart casual outfit that includes a sportscoat in brown tones.

I broke another rule too, I wore my new bespoke 2 ply tweed coat with a dark grey 1 ply tweed trouser because it works, and l wore a cashmere turtleneck and burgundy shoes with a dark brown Bates homburg. It was almost like wearing a smarter version of a trilby with a casual coat.
We need some more pics here, Shooey. Can you get one of the admiring fans to do that?

I totally agree that you can dress the homburg down, but a flat cap is much more the order of the day with the outfit you've described.

But regarding the wearing of hats in general, are you not afraid that there is a connection between hats and hair loss? This was indicated in studies carried out among London Transport conductors and drivers in the 70s.
I totally agree that you can dress the homburg down, but a flat cap is much more the order of the day with the outfit you've described.

The flat cap gives an amazing look to such an outfit, but sometimes l get bored with that look and want something more, so the homburg gets worn. Haven't found a fur fedora that works for me yet, not a fan of the trilby either.

But regarding the wearing of hats in general, are you not afraid that there is a connection between hats and hair loss?

Couldn't give a stuff. Is it really true though?

Will wear the homburg tomorrow night probably. When get the new cavalry twill trousers i'll be wearing the homburgs regularly.

Love the boater too, but those hats are worn more sparingly because they give off such a unique look; would love to wear them everyday in the warmer months if l could. If one wears a boater one must really `feel it' and it must suit them. I only wear the boater when lam feeling happy and care free, the mood needs to be right or else it won't work. Many hardcore hat people who wear brimmed hats dare not even try the boater, it is the most difficult hat to pull off. Like with the homburg, the boater looks like garbage on most people.
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The flat cap gives an amazing look to such an outfit, but sometimes l get bored with that look and want something more, so the homburg gets worn. Haven't found a fur fedora that works for me yet, not a fan of the trilby either.

Couldn't give a stuff. Is it really true though?

Will wear the homburg tomorrow night probably. When get the new cavalry twill trousers i'll be wearing the homburgs regularly.

Love the boater too, but those hats are worn more sparingly because they give off such a unique look; would love to wear them everyday in the warmer months if l could. If one wears a boater one must really `feel it' and it must suit them. I only wear the boater when lam feeling happy and care free, the mood needs to be right or else it won't work. Many hardcore hat people who wear brimmed hats dare not even try the boater, it is the most difficult hat to pull off. Like with the homburg, the boater looks like garbage on most people.
I'm afraid I always associate boaters with local third grade prep schools.
I'm afraid I always associate boaters with local third grade prep schools.

This bloke has the oval face that can pull off the boater. They don't even wear the right type of clothes for their boater, but they still pull it off because of the face shape and their attitude.

These blokes are at the age where they don't give a stuff and try something different, and they know it looks good on them. Having grey hair helps.

this bloke does too
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Drove up to the freezing cold mountains and get some straw hats for when the warmer weather comes later in the year. Been waiting since last year to get certain hats,so thought l better get them before they all sell out. Got me some beauties.

This is a real big daddy hat called the iconoclast. It's a real boss man hat and commands respect when you walk into a room.
Iconoclast panama.webp

This hat below is called the New Yorker. It looks the same as the iconoclast, but the look is very different. It makes for a sophisticated look and more restrained than the big daddy hat above.
New Yorker panama.webp

My two lads:
Iconoclast -new yorker.webp
Got a sportscoat on etc with a huge cowboy hat like the bloke in the photo. It certainly creates a certain look, and not something for shrinking violets. It's Friday and an easy day, so l am letting my hair down and letting it all hang out.
Cowboy hats - 10 gallon 10.webp
I continue to laugh hysterically at your choices in clothing...
Edited for accuracy there.
Come on guys surely you’ve all realized this is all just an elaborate parody account by now? He’s very cleverly pushing the boundaries further and further to see how much he can get away with before somebody calls out the naked emperor. Shoes in every color of the rainbow, pants made from carpet, straw boaters that have school girls wetting their undies and now hats so cartoonishly bad that they make Tibor’s look tasteful.
Come on guys surely you’ve all realized this is all just an elaborate parody account by now? He’s very cleverly pushing the boundaries further and further to see how much he can get away with before somebody calls out the naked emperor. Shoes in every color of the rainbow, pants made from carpet, straw boaters that have school girls wetting their undies and now hats so cartoonishly bad that they make Tibor’s look tasteful.

To be honest, I don't care what's true and what's not - either he is a genuine eccentric (which is amusing) or he is pretending to be an eccentric (which I consider to be an amusing absurdity).
Big boss man Panama will have to wait until to warmer season.

No way l will post the cowboy hat with the sportscoat, you would laugh your head off because it is wayy over the top.

Sir, I consider all of your headwear over the top! Nothing will surprise me now unless you commission a Carmen Miranda fruit headdress.
Edited for accuracy there.
Come on guys surely you’ve all realized this is all just an elaborate parody account by now? He’s very cleverly pushing the boundaries further and further to see how much he can get away with before somebody calls out the naked emperor. Shoes in every color of the rainbow, pants made from carpet, straw boaters that have school girls wetting their undies and now hats so cartoonishly bad that they make Tibor’s look tasteful.
I think there are 1 or 2 members here that know him, so they can comment.

DW has exposed many a tacky poseur but our
deep, deep analice across the menswear globe - including going back in time - only turns up eccentricities.

The Shooman The Shooman has been a gr8te member here for years.
Edited for accuracy there.
Come on guys surely you’ve all realized this is all just an elaborate parody account by now? He’s very cleverly pushing the boundaries further and further to see how much he can get away with before somebody calls out the naked emperor. Shoes in every color of the rainbow, pants made from carpet, straw boaters that have school girls wetting their undies and now hats so cartoonishly bad that they make Tibor’s look tasteful.
I can assure you The Shooman The Shooman is genuine. I've probably been on message boards with him for coming up on two decades soon. And Fxh knows him.
Sir, I consider all of your headwear over the top! Nothing will surprise me now unless you commission a Carmen Miranda fruit headdress.

The key thing is to wear a hat that suits you and pull it off with the right type of clothes. People on forums say these things can't be pulled off, but it is all imagined in their head. The test is, how do people respond?

1). The homburg is particularly dashing and manly (my favourite hat). These kids see it and they are far from laughing (a good test).

2). The huge cowboy hat is easily pulled off with a checked shirt and bone trousers and brown shoos.

3). The boater takes the most courage to wear. It is a hat that you don't just wear willy nilly, you've really got to feel in the right mood to pull it off. Have always wanted to own boaters since l was a kid, finally got the courage to wear them.

Most people don't look good in hats because they choose hats that don't suit their face shape.
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Something us hat guys discover after wearing hats for a while is just how incomplete an outfit looks without a hat. It is one of the best things i've ever done. I used to be like most forum people....I thought hat wearing was weird, but then l bought flat caps, then panamas, then eventually took the plunge into the more serious hats and never looked back.

and now hats so cartoonishly bad that they make Tibor’s look tasteful.

There are limits to which one pushes things. Does one do a Tibor? Of course not, that is taking it way too far. It needs to be appropriate.

Talking about Tibor, there is a bloke in my city called Tibor, and he also makes hats. I am thinking of having him make a bespoke hat, the Spanish Cordobes. Life is too short to be a chicken.

Suits him. Why? The oval face
Cordobes hat 1.webpCordobes hat 3.webpCordobes hat 2.webp

Cordobes spanish hat 5.webp
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The key thing is to wear a hat that suits you and pull it off with the right type of clothes. People on forums say these things can't be pulled off, but it is all imagined in their head. The test is, how do people respond?

1). The homburg is particularly dashing and manly (my favourite hat). These kids see it and they are far from laughing (a good test).

2). The huge cowboy hat is easily pulled off with a checked shirt and bone trousers and brown shoos.

3). The boater takes the most courage to wear. It is a hat that you don't just wear willy nilly, you've really got to feel in the right mood to pull it off. Have always wanted to own boaters since l was a kid, finally got the courage to wear them.

Most people don't look good in hats because they choose hats that don't suit their face shape.
I get it, Shooey. I wear hats that suit my face and wardrobe too. But while we overlap in suits, jackets, trousers, coats and shoos, the same cannot be said for headwear, except for cowboy hats, and I don’t wear those in public. Well, there was this time in Key West where I found a white cowboy hat sitting on top of a parking metre and snatched it up as I walked by and wore it for the rest of the trip and took it home and used it as a summer work hat for a number of years. Chuck Norris’ brother complimented me on it but he was homeless and played the bongos all day.

This guy looks good in a pork pie hat. Horses for courses & YMMV. Why?


Because he is a handsome, slender, youthful elder. His wardrobe. Beard but not a lumberjack or neckbeard. He most likely can pull off anything. Doesn’t look like a costume.

OTOH, this is a fail for all the above reasons in opposite.


One looks good, 2 are shite and I’m on the fence with 1.




If I wore one I’d look like this.


But I am looking at acquiring a Ventile ball hat and a B-2 shearling for winter. Horses for courses, YMMV!



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