The SF/AAAC/FNB trainwreck thread

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Apparently, girls in Dubai are on call, to spread and cheer over christmas.

yes, l have been investigating what goes on in Dubai lately. Lots of people up to no good,ie, many people forced into sex slavery and slave labor. They are promised jobs and then people take away their passports; they are forced into very difficult positions.
Forget the spam. This is the front page of styleforum on mobile. Mind you, this is before you even get to the forum content. Shot in the biggest cell phone on the market that’s 6.5” tall:

Does anyone know what's going on with these two blokes?

1). Our old mate Okey had only 1,500 subscribers not long ago, he languished on that figure for years; now he suddenly is over 150,000. Is he buying subscribers?

2). What about our other mate Ash. Dragged his feet on 3k subscribers, but suddenly has 56K.

anyone know how it works? Things don't make any sense.
Does anyone know what's going on with these two blokes?

1). Our old mate Okey had only 1,500 subscribers not long ago, he languished on that figure for years; now he suddenly is over 150,000. Is he buying subscribers?

2). What about our other mate Ash. Dragged his feet on 3k subscribers, but suddenly has 56K.

anyone know how it works? Things don't make any sense.
Those are both new to me. I watched a bit of a video made by Okey and the whole one of Ash's and skimmed through their other offerings.

I'm not at all surprised that these guys are successful. They have identified their customer base and are giving them a product they want.

This bloke speaks very well and has a tone that is relaxing to listen to. He is very skilled at what he does.

Okey has unique clothes and a good set-up. Intriguing and hard to ignore. He loves all the good stuff. Even has a boater hat, so that means i've got to at least click on his videos and listen to a couple of minutes. Not overly interesting for the most part though.
This bloke speaks very well and has a tone that is relaxing to listen to. He is very skilled at what he does.
i don't know whether he does or doesn't because i haven't watched. i was just replying to sammy's position that his massive spike in viewership is because he's giving people what they want rather than buying viewers as you suggested.
i don't know whether he does or doesn't because i haven't watched. i was just replying to sammy's position that his massive spike in viewership is because he's giving people what they want rather than buying viewers as you suggested.
As Shooey says. Ash is skilled at what he does. Well made videos. Lots of topics.
Does anyone know what's going on with these two blokes?

1). Our old mate Okey had only 1,500 subscribers not long ago, he languished on that figure for years; now he suddenly is over 150,000. Is he buying subscribers?

2). What about our other mate Ash. Dragged his feet on 3k subscribers, but suddenly has 56K.

anyone know how it works? Things don't make any sense.

they are doing a shit ton of reels which is basically an amplifier nowadays to your subcounts, very easy to press follow/like
Isn't the forum basically one guy talking to himself under different aliases + the Shooster?
No. There are several people. The problem is that whereas DW is a forum for guys with an interest in menswear who also think about other things, the residents in FNB sadly come across as ageing clothing newbies without an interest in anything else.
I'd like to have a conversation with FNB about sox, but l know he probably won't respond back for about 6 years, so probably no point. I suppose he'll next turn up next decade.

We should get Darren Beaman back at I might try to recruit him.
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He's on Instagram, pretty easy to get a hold of. He's running a workshop in Thailand or Sri Lanka or something

I check on him from time to time, I hope they are paying him decent money. I know China can pay well to learn various skills; l remember my old last maker being offered $500,000 per year 20 years ago to teach them how to make lasts. Being loyal to Australia and knowing he would eventually get sacked, he told them where to go.

Darren could never make it as a worldclass bespoke tailor, but at least he has found his place in life. Good on him. Seems like he is valued. Custom/MTM is his gig.

A nice job from Darren here. Look at that amazing sleeve pitch. He certainly knows a thing or two about tailoring.
I check on him from time to time, I hope they are paying him decent money. I know China can pay well to learn various skills; l remember my old last maker being offered $500,000 per year 20 years ago to teach them how to make lasts. Being loyal to Australia and knowing he would eventually get sacked, he told them where to go.

Darren could never make it as a worldclass bespoke tailor, but at least he has found his place in life. Good on him. Seems like he is valued. Custom/MTM is his gig.

A nice job from Darren here. Look at that amazing sleeve pitch. He certainly knows a thing or two about tailoring.

there's a happy fella...
Google search Darren Beaman and read the threads on SF and Ask Andy. Manton ripped off. Etc etc. Ahh the good old days.
Our mate is getting up in serious numbers these days, he's just turned 50. In this post he gives too much information.

Some of my favourite posts of Howard's are when someone says sox are 50 bucks and howard says they are cheaper to buy them in the $2 shop because you can get them in packs of 6. My favourite all time post was when Howard said he buys his shoes two sizes too big because his dad told him to, and wearing shoes too big is better because they don't pinch your toes.

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