Jan 31, 2014 #1 Chorn Resident iGent Supporter Messages 2,265 Post anything about your spouse here. At least once a month, my wife Dutch ovens me.
Jan 31, 2014 #2 OfficePants Well-Known Member Supporter Messages 9,933 Chorn said: Post anything about your spouse here. At least once a month, my wife Dutch ovens me. Click to expand... I suspect it happens more often, but you're asleep.
Chorn said: Post anything about your spouse here. At least once a month, my wife Dutch ovens me. Click to expand... I suspect it happens more often, but you're asleep.
Jan 31, 2014 #3 Chorn Resident iGent Supporter Messages 2,265 On purpose. She thinks it's funny. It was funny the first time.
Jan 31, 2014 #4 Grand Potentate Supporter of Possible Sexual Deviants Messages 39,599 At least she's consistent
Feb 3, 2014 #5 Chorn Resident iGent Supporter Messages 2,265 I'm not sure if Dutch oven is grounds for divorce. Besides, she lets me have an entire bedroom function as my dedicated closet.
I'm not sure if Dutch oven is grounds for divorce. Besides, she lets me have an entire bedroom function as my dedicated closet.