The Third Wave Feminist Attack on Darts and Formula 1, Not to Mention Working Class Women

Yes. Whatever happened to them? Last time I was attended to by a good looking anything on a flight, it was an extremely camp Chinese air steward. Very attentive, he was.

Delta on international flights are the best, they all seem to be overweight and between 60-65. Still, it's pay-as-you-go with the drinks so you can really get lashed.
Pretty air hostesses disappeared when it was no longer a job to aspire to. It is now classed as trolley dolly. No glamour attached. When I was a kid and air travel was a big deal I thought they were really beautiful women. That is a very long time ago though.
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That said, dolly birds at darts or between rounds at boxing matches is an extremely dated concept.
I do like the young ladies that now wish me well before and after Brentford games. They are not scantily clad though.
Pretty air hostesses disappeared when it was no longer a job to aspire to. It is now classed as trolley dolly. No glamour attached. When I was a kid and air travel was a big deal I thought they were really beautiful women. That is a very long time ago though.

Long gone are the days when British Airways would summon the entire flight crew to head office for a right royal bollocking for not leaving a tip in a Ipanema restaurant as they had brought shame upon themselves as ambassadors for Great Britain and the world's favourite airline.

That said, dolly birds at darts or between rounds at boxing matches is an extremely dated concept.

I don't see anything wrong with it, typical of our times that the female form is to be hidden away from both the male gaze and for their own protection. All part of the ongoing process that is going to lead to a very nasty and joyless place.

Back in the late 1990s when working in Hull, I was surprised to find the archaic tradition of wet-t-shirt competitions and ''Get your tits out for the lads!'' still very much in vogue.
Long gone are the days when British Airways would summon the entire flight crew to head office for a right royal bollocking for not leaving a tip in a Ipanema restaurant as they had brought shame upon themselves as ambassadors for Great Britain and the world's favourite airline.

I don't see anything wrong with it, typical of our times that the female form is to be hidden away from both the male gaze and for their own protection. All part of the ongoing process that is going to lead to a very nasty and joyless place.

Back in the late 1990s when working in Hull, I was surprised to find the archaic tradition of wet-t-shirt competitions and ''Get your tits out for the lads!'' still very much in vogue.
Times move on. I remember watching Miss World - Eric Morley's big show. I used to think it was always going to be a glamorous blonde winner. I felt a bit sorry for the lasses from "shithole" countries who were mostly there to make up the numbers.
Lairy male groups will just have to adapt. Though I think Brits abroad in down market sunshine destinations are still disrespectful of the fairer sex- to say the least. And there are a class of women that still cater for that.
No they bloody well won't. They will have to resist and fight back. Because next thing you know, or a couple of things down the line, they will be removing the caryatids from public buildings.

On the road to the caliphate, there will be many small victories, the removal of caryatids will be part of that. 3-5 years away I reckon. It will of course be clothed in the language of victory for females, choice and diversity.
On the road to the caliphate, there will be many small victories, the removal of caryatids will be part of that. 3-5 years away I reckon. It will of course be clothed in the language of victory for females, choice and diversity.

And yet a good number of the women who preach feminism and rail against dolly birds, do so wearing miniskirts or their modern equivalent, and have their "face softly made up and their fair hair gently waved". Go bloody well figure. I can't stand the hypocrisy.
And yet a good number of the women who preach feminism and rail against dolly birds, do so wearing miniskirts or their modern equivalent, and have their "face softly made up and their fair hair gently waved". Go bloody well figure. I can't stand the hypocrisy.

That's empowering, when they decide to wear it. It's patriarchy if they "have" to wear it for their job.
I think the majority of those "women" with fat legs, double chin, bad skin and what have you are just a) lazy and b) jealous.
And now that the liberal MSM and social media have given them the weapons to fight back they are in full raging bitch mode.
Kind of strange, though, that actresses / singers can get away with showing quite a lot at award ceremonies or during performances.
I had no idea that they had sexy girls at dart events. Going by what I see wobbling around in this area it must be hard to find appropriate candidates that are British.
No they bloody well won't. They will have to resist and fight back. Because next thing you know, or a couple of things down the line, they will be removing the caryatids from public buildings.
Lairy males will not worry about caryatids. I had to look the word up.
The Victorians thought piano legs were a bit rude and they were the most successful Brits ever.
I always thought the attractive, sexy airline stewardesses didn't exactly disappear, they just got old. In the benighted olden times, as I recall the story, the airlines had a policy that when "stews" hit the ripe old age of the 32 they had to find other positions within the airline or else move on. Eventually, the courts ruled that this was age discrimination back in 1972. Thus for many years the stewardesses or "flight attendants," as they became, were the hot babes of 1972. This was fine through the early 80s as the women who were 32 in 1972 were close contemporaries of mine. Thereafter, their looks began to fade, along with any vestiges of elegance and glamour in air travel.

I can recall being at a hotel ca. 1995. A crew from a KLM flight was laying over there. The stewardess were all very pretty Dutch blondes. "God," thought I,"that's how stewardesses always were back in my day." However, there are evidently some attractive ones still out there. A family consisting of an airline pilot, his wife (an ex-flight attendant) and their two sons moved onto our street recently. The wife is in her late 40s, still very attractive and utterly charming.
I always thought the attractive, sexy airline stewardesses didn't exactly disappear, they just got old. In the benighted olden times, as I recall the story, the airlines had a policy that when "stews" hit the ripe old age of the 32 they had to find other positions within the airline or else move on. Eventually, the courts ruled that this was age discrimination back in 1972. Thus for many years the stewardesses or "flight attendants," as they became, were the hot babes of 1972. This was fine through the early 80s as the women who were 32 in 1972 were close contemporaries of mine. Thereafter, their looks began to fade, along with any vestiges of elegance and glamour in air travel.

I can recall being at a hotel ca. 1995. A crew from a KLM flight was laying over there. The stewardess were all very pretty Dutch blondes. "God," thought I,"that's how stewardesses always were back in my day." However, there are evidently some attractive ones still out there. A family consisting of an airline pilot, his wife (an ex-flight attendant) and their two sons moved onto our street recently. The wife is in her late 40s, still very attractive and utterly charming.

KLM are probably in the top five airlines in terms of hottage (or residual heat from 1972, as you so eloquently put it). Not that you gain anything by it. These days, if a stewardess accidentally brushes against your shoulder, you're looking at ten years in the clink, and your name on the sex offenders' register. Yes, I've seen Sexy Beast.
^Good God! I am a pretty big guy, and when I am in an aisle seat, almost everyone brushes against my shoulder. Just another reason to shun air travel.

An employee with a grudge once lodged a sexual harassment complaint against me, claiming that I had brushed against her shoulder. She was a very large female, and we had a very narrow hallway, so I suppose it may have happened. However, my shoulder and upper arm have never been, for me anyway, particularly erogenous zones. I probably brushed against a number of men in that same hallway--at least none of them construed it as a gay "pass" or any such thing.
An employee with a grudge once lodged a sexual harassment complaint against me, claiming that I had brushed against her shoulder. She was a very large female, and we had a very narrow hallway, so I suppose it may have happened. However, my shoulder and upper arm have never been, for me anyway, particularly erogenous zones. I probably brushed against a number of men in that same hallway--at least none of them construed it as a gay "pass" or any such thing.

A few years back, I got whiff that two ladies were going to set me up on the sex pest ticket. One of them wanted my job and she was on probation at the time and she was going to act as the witness and the other was going to make the accusation of impropriety. I think the commerical director may have been in on it, as I think he realised I was likely to leap frog over him and was starting to regard me as a threat as I knew how to play the corporate game and language with the shareholders, banks and the Americans.

So I made sure I was never alone with either of them. Fortunately, the one who was on her probationary period was found to be cutting corners and not following due process, so I was able to get rid. The other lady got pregnant and we paid her off. Both of them are working for clients now.

You have to be careful in these times. An ex-colleague of mine had a top executive position with a company here and suddenly I find he's back with one of our clients in a much lower position and an office that involves a much longer commute. I couldn't understand this, but then someone told me he had to leave as he was subject to a improper sexual allegations and had to resign. I'm not sure whether he was innocent or not, but someone who had worked with him previously, nodded and said ''Yes, that's him alright!''

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