The UFO Thread

I had no idea there was a world UFO day. Do people simply keep making up more days to fill the calendar ?
We've reached the point where they're openly revealing the encounters with UFO's that doesn't seem in the technology realm of all likely players USA, Russia and China.

It's quite feasible that remote ''unmanned'' craft from outside of our star system has been monitoring us for quite some time. I think more probable than not.
"Star system" or "solar system"? I have long thought space visitors from outside the solar system were pretty far-fetched, but outside the "star system" (which I presume means the Milky Way Galaxy) seems inconceivable!
"Star system" or "solar system"? I have long thought space visitors from outside the solar system were pretty far-fetched, but outside the "star system" (which I presume means the Milky Way Galaxy) seems inconceivable!

You have to consider technology outside of our current paradigm. No different to horseless carriages and the like.

Having close members of my family engaged in the space industry, I know they are very much interested in finding signs or the precursors of life in our system as this will likely mean life exists wherever it can and we are definitely not alone.

The massive distances of space poses a big problem to our understanding of physics and time. Is there a technological hack to this? Maybe not.

But the evidence is out, there is intermittent contact with UFO's which seemingly display aerodynamic capabilities beyond our current technology.
This UFO type on the river Dee:


Possibly ball lighting:

btw if you like phenomenon like ufo's and weird shit happening in the hinterlands the podcast Desert Oracle is a good listen.

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