Tobacco Thread


The Hamiltonian Hung Like a Horse
In other news, my cigars are scheduled to arrive tomorrow ...
I am strictly e-cigs now, which apparently the progressives hate more than actual cigarettes. Cunts.
I'm on the pipe right now. Drugstore Captain Black Royal in a cheap pipe. Tomorrow is a night out with cigars. I'm not really up on them. Last time, somebody gave me a Macanudo of some sort and it was quite good.
I'd love to get back into kreteks, but they ruined my voice after a few days, and I heard that they just aren't the same since flavored cigs got banned (thanks Obama).
I saw some little store front that sold electronic smoking stuff exclusively. Have yet to go in. What's recommended as the entry e-cig? And what cigar should I try?
I am seriously considering going the e-cigs or vaping route as those in the know call it. they have starter kits to get you going. it all depends if you need the nicotine or not. depending on how much you smoke, they will suggest what nicotine concentration to go with. alternatively, if you don't need the nicotine, there are concoctions without it. it comes down to you and what flavours you want to vape. they even have a "cigarette" flavour to try and simulate a regular smoke. there are al kind of fruity, candy and such flavours. some are nice, others are hideous. i guess you have to see what turns your crank. as for cost - and I can only speak for Canada where a pack of 25 smokes is like $14, when you crunch the numbers, and after the initial investment in the the vaporizing unit, it is far cheaper to vape than to smoke conventionally.
I have no dog in this fight, but I would very much like to advocate that people not walk around sucking on the end of these little silver penises, puffing smoke like their cool. It's not cool.
I have no dog in this fight, but I would very much like to advocate that people not walk around sucking on the end of these little silver penises, puffing smoke like their cool. It's not cool.

as in, vaping is not cool compared to regular smokes, or smoking in general. the only thing that has stopped me has been the unit itself. pack of smokes in any pocket, no worries if they get a bit crunched. where do i put my e-cig paraphernalia?
as in, vaping is not cool compared to regular smokes, or smoking in general. the only thing that has stopped me has been the unit itself. pack of smokes in any pocket, no worries if they get a bit crunched. where do i put my e-cig paraphernalia?
I don't give a shit about smoking or vaping or all of the above. Its the sucking on these metal pens that looks so fucking ridiculous, yet seems so cool to the people doing the sucking.
Gotcha. Cool. Gonna go for a smoke now. old school. I can see your point of view. A guy I know had the e-cig unit and this particular one has a large battery unit about the size of a mobile phone. 5-o stopped him and gve him a ticket for using his mobile while driving. Wouldn't listen to his "but it was the battery unit on my e-cig, officer" serves him right for buying such a fucked up model. An external battery pack? Seriously? How ghetto is that?
I got the Blu starter kit. It's quite good. Love the mocha flavour.

Can you use it in places where there is no smoking like bars? Maybe you can still smoke in bars in PA. I gotta move to Wyoming. I was there recently and you could smoke in bars! I did not want to leave.
oh hey! speaking of - I have a new shipment of cigars due to arrive today. Just in time for vacay next week.

Incidentally, when I buy from this source, I buy closeouts / overruns / specials. Generally $2-3 a stick. (AND this last order was 20% off - which I might add is still in effect at CI, with restrictions)
So it the point of the little LED on the end to confirm that the thing is actually working?
E-cigs are a new medium, they need to find their own design that is unique and functional. They don't need to look like a standard cigarette, but the pen size is handy.

I had no idea that you could get these without the active addictive ingredient. It's like exotic high-tech bubble gum.
I have no dog in this fight, but I would very much like to advocate that people not walk around sucking on the end of these little silver penises, puffing smoke like their cool. It's not cool.
I will hide my drug intake and possible oral fixation by staying private.
I have no dog in this fight, but I would very much like to advocate that people not walk around sucking on the end of these little silver penises, puffing smoke like their cool. It's not cool.

My alternative to the silver penises:

Is there any sense of a draw with this electronic stuff, or does it have sort of a hollow feel when inhaling it?
In Toronto I find e-cigarettes are treated like cigarettes by bars and smokers alike. You're even asked to stop doing it underneath a patio brolly. I started using them three years ago. Maybe they were simpler back then. I've seen some elaborate pipe setups that look more like show pieces than indulging in smoke.

It's the summer and I'm out drinking more and I tend to smoke more. In my mind, the two are equated with each other like covering up when you're with an escort.
Not to derail. Growing up in China, teeth weren't the biggest health concerns and now I am paying for it.

I smoked socially since the age of 9 (no age restriction back home). I preferred Chinese cigs any time over American ones, minus America Spirit.
As long as there is no solicitation, is discussion illegal?
Some packaging trade magazine has a cover story on the bags being used for marijuana sales in Colorado.
As long as there is no solicitation, is discussion illegal?
Some packaging trade magazine has a cover story on the bags being used for marijuana sales in Colorado.

It was more of a joke than anything, but I can see just how seriously you are taking this thread now.
Curious as to why. More potent, less additives, secret ingredients?
The only thing that I remember being worse than those French Gauloise were some ginseng cigarettes.

Less additives. Nicer packaged. Refined in taste. Definitely more potent. At least in my experience, there is no red, white, etc, all are strong.


Currently have a carton of these sitting in my room.
At least two people have stopped me on the street and asked whether I am smoking Djarum cloves
I have finally gave up smoking. Developed periodontitis recently, not the best disease to have.

Huge genetic component to periodontal disease. Smoking can potentiate the condition. Also masks the signs like bleeding gums that typically send a person to the dentist. Restricts blood flow to the gums.

Only a small segment of the population experience severe periodontal disease that leads to tooth loss.
My right canine in the lower mandible chipped from bacterial decay, I never took care of it (didn't have dental insurance) and I eventually developed chronic gingivitis. Now the crown is completely gone and the rest of it is loose. I had an oral surgeon friend of mine look at it, and I am getting it extracted in two weeks. Then need save up for an implant.
As far as genetics are concerned, I inherited mine from my mother.
It is a crime that more people don't have dental insurance through employment in North America. Dental care is expensive because dentists have overheads that are pushing 70%.

There have been numerous deaths in America over the past 5 years because people couldn't afford treatment or antibiotics and a localized dental infection becomes a systemic infection and kills them.
There have been numerous deaths in America over the past 5 years because people couldn't afford treatment or antibiotics and a localized dental infection becomes a systemic infection and kills them.

I read somewhere before that a girl developed brain abscess from an infected tongue piercing due to the high vascularization in the head and the neck region
My current dental insurance only covers 50% of the cost. I am going to an OmaFac go get this done. It wouldn't be cheap, but I feel much assured.

The thread needs to be RE-Railed.
Yes. Maybe we should start "the insurance thread"

Back on track.

Anyone regularly buy untaxed cigarettes from non-traditional vendors?
I remember people stocking up when they were near Indian reservations, and I think the taxes were negligible near production around North Carolina. But I think they've cracked down on internet fun.

Why was Djarum banned again? I love cloves.
The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 sought to reduce appeal to children by nixing flavored cigs. There was a hilarious hubbub as it originally included menthol, and banning those was portrayed by some as racist. Additionally, Jakarta soon thereafter removed their statue of boy Obama (the claim was one of nationalism, but he did essentially ban imports of their leading export).
Anyway, it was my understanding that the kretek was quickly relabeled as cigars to evade the law, but some claim they were never quite the same. I believe that a state or two ban them for some reason as well.
Thruth Thruth , as I suspect you are/were a dentist, can you elaborate on the allegations of kretek/clove containing eugenol, a numbing agent actually used in dentistry?
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Is it just around me, or are these little shops that deal solely in e-cig/vape stuff popping up all over?

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