Today in Shit Parenting


Well-Known Member
We'll start with this fat kit meltdown doozy. What a garbage family. Just listen to them.

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Great dad. Teaching kids to clean a gun.

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While child abuse cuts across all social strata, one of the key risk factors is you are a poor.
Here it is everyone, the greatest video in internet history. It has everything. Including a sequel.

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Cant embed part 2:

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$20 dollars on that kid in prison for assault with bodily injuries but knocked up a few fat chicks at the age of 16.
$20 dollars on that kid in prison for assault with bodily injuries but knocked up a few fat chicks at the age of 16.

He already knew how to talk like a hoodlum and even had that spread arm "sup yo" ghetto gesture down pat.
Maine diner owner faces backlash for yelling at toddler to stop crying | Fox News

The diner owner is getting shit on online because she yelled at a 2 year-old to stop crying and whining (for 40 minutes while the parents did nothing to stop her)

Kid shut up.

If her account is true and the kid was making noise for 30-40 minutes, then it's ridiculous that the parents sat there while the kid was making that noise and did nothing about it - well, nothing that worked, anyway.

If your kid is upset and making noise and if you cannot get them to stop, then you take them outside or away from other people until they quieten down. Otherwise, you're just being selfish.

I have no problem with kids in public spaces - if I did, I wouldn't get out much myself - but children should be well-behaved and relatively quiet so that they don't inconvenience other people.
If her account is true and the kid was making noise for 30-40 minutes, then it's ridiculous that the parents sat there while the kid was making that noise and did nothing about it - well, nothing that worked, anyway.
Very common in america

If your kid is upset and making noise and if you cannot get them to stop, then you take them outside or away from other people until they quieten down. Otherwise, you're just being selfish.
very common in america

I have no problem with kids in public spaces - if I did, I wouldn't get out much myself - but children should be well-behaved and relatively quiet so that they don't inconvenience other people.
not very common in america
Seventy-five patrons and staff were inconvenienced because of these dickhead parents. Granted the food took a bit of time to come (said the owner) but the kid was ordered 3 full size pancakes and the parents just left it up to her to eat as they gabbed away.

Like a million comments on this and most negative?

I don't give a fuck who you are. If your kid is disruptive it is not "but it's just a little kid. They cry." Take them out as Journeyman Journeyman said.

If they can't be consoled or cajoled into not whinging then take them home.

I do not get this mentality that the kid has free reign to act like a spoiled brat in public just
Because they are a child.

Parent your child and that does not mean "Xavier, I know you are frustrated today but if you don't think about stopping crying, Mommy and Daddy will have to discuss the possibility of negotiating a time out with you"

Life sure has changed:

Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would murder us in cold blood and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."

But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya

With apologies to Monty Python
Smoking and cussing up a storm. Great job.

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