Unbiased Feedback: The DressedWell Reviews Thread

Just got my first SartodiNapoli ties. Following contract with Sarto via email I was sent a terrific number of cloths to choose from, so many infact that picking the three required to get their offer of free post proved so hard I could only narrow it down to six. Three silks, two wools and a cotton/linen mix. And I am super happy with the resulting ties. The ties were made in a seven fold construction, 160x9. Hand finished edging is very well done, shape is very even and the patterns bang center point. Prices start at 85 euro for a sevenfold, depending on cloth. Unbeatable value I should think. And I can't see me buying a tie from anywhere else again. I'd say the finishing is finer on these ties than Drakes or Vanda and while I think those ties are still nice the care and attention to customer service coupled with the sheer number of cloth options make SartoNapoli a winner for me. Sarto himself is super easy to get on with and clearly enjoys his craft. I believe Sarto does the cutting himself and a small team of Arabic virgin princesses help him constructing the ties. Their hearts and minds are pure to the artisanship of tie making and this shines through in the finished item. Shipped by UPS and took two days from Napoli to Oslo. I've already selected two madders for my next ties and selected another few cloths Sarto is in the process of ordering.View attachment 39008View attachment 39009View attachment 39010View attachment 39011View attachment 39012View attachment 39013View attachment 39014View attachment 39015
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Good varied selection. Not a lot ,if any, shirt ,suit and trouser combos they couldn't blend in or contrast nicely with.
Thanks Sammy. The orange wool has got a slight mottled effect that I can't capture with the camera. The off white has a real pop with the green in the medallion and I couldn't capture that either. They're really well made, super happy customer.

One thing I didn't really think about til my mate mentioned it last night was the lack of label. Which we both agreed that in these times of brand whoring is kinda cool not to have it on something made to this standard by hand.

One thing I didn't really think about til my mate mentioned it last night was the lack of label. Which we both agreed that in these times of brand whoring is kinda cool not to have it on something made to this standard by hand.
Actually I like to have the brand label, telling who made a garment, but I understand that the absence of it is part of Sarto's philosophy, and, as you say, pretty cool.
Moreover, speaking of labels, I don't like when a shop wants to have its own instead of the producer's one. A concession could be the form: "made by (x) for (y)".
One thing I didn't really think about til my mate mentioned it last night was the lack of label.
I actually did not know this about Sarto. I'm surprised Lumpen Lumpen did not inform us of this wonderful detail. I may have to select some vintage thirst from Sarto now
Sarto told me he got the chance to get made those black narrow labels with vintage like Coca Cola letters
with sentences as:

Hand made in Naples with love
Fatto a Napoli con amore

Hand made in Italy

but since Sarto did a deep cure of humildty while living in the worst quartieris of Naples while he came from the natural born best, and found he liked to live in those places with big hearthead old people and youngsters way more than on his prior fancy places plenty of narcissists and psychopaths with the best cars and watches in the world but worse toxic attitude than in Arkham Gotham Asylum, that is why he also left the other unforum, a toxic indignous place unrecommended for any with high morals and traditional inmortal values.

But anyway, since Sarto is a humble man who mentally yet lives in the good 1950´s and lacks of anxiety about status, money, fame and dislikes flash and “tackysm” (and pays my coffee daily to shill), he decided to let it without tags.

Any recommendation for those tags?

Butt made in Italy

Feet made

unmade in China

Not made in China

Rice three delices, we deliver

Made out of petrol for u, Rita?

Made with deep hate for u ?

U better hang yourself with this tie?

Nuke them all?

Random letters as secret signal for the dungeon partys?

Fear or loathing?

I am the law?

Nuke me slowly?

Reagan rules?


Marshall Law rules?


  • marshal_law.webp
    38.1 KB · Views: 76
I will pay double for this

Can ask to get a hundred made.

Not as this that looks for a cheescake


What about this?



But would be like this but with whatever fits on it


But Sarto says about it as Scarface, the one who wants chicas, champagne, flash, they do not last, so better do as humble as possible.

I also made my first order from Sarto and I'm waiting to get my parcel. We have something in common, that glen check purple woollen tie.
I'll report as I receive the ties, but I can already say that it was a very nice process with kind and punctual communication.

Where exactly do you order his ties?
Sarto has contacted me since my last post asking about his ties. I'm intending to place an order with Sarto for a try. So far communication is good and it's now mainly a matter of choosing the fabrics. I'll note that he's surprisingly very sane and polite throughout. Price seems to have gone up a bit since Sauce's order (90EUR for a 7-fold), but probably still an amazing deal for the supposed value - we'll see.

Even though I don't really need any ties, I came in fully expecting to get 6-7 ties like Sauce did since I have very little self-control. This part is however surprisingly difficult, mainly because I was looking for interesting material / texture / weave, and most of the selection is printed silk. It seems to me a tie with nice texture can be more easily paired with a casual outfit - printed silk always feels somewhat business-y to me. This is probably a blessing in disguise since I've already spent way too much on clothes this year.

Sarto provided a good selection (haven't counted but probably ~350) of different patterns; every pattern size and distance is available but somehow nothing inspires me - the repetitions always feel forced and just don't look quite right to me, maybe I'm too disorderly. It probably doesn't help that I'm not very imaginative and always have problems picking fabric.

I'll still likely get a few ties for the sake of trying, but now it's a matter of combing through options from other brands so that whatever I choose don't clash too much with my current and future ties. So far it seems that I keep picking lake blue or navy blue ties, partly because I keep wanting to leave those colours for the textured ties. I'll make time to review what I own more carefully and more strategically plan my purchase...I'll likely make a decision later this week.
I'll still likely get a few ties for the sake of trying, but now it's a matter of combing through options from other brands so that whatever I choose don't clash too much with my current and future ties. So far it seems that I keep picking lake blue or navy blue ties, partly because I keep wanting to leave those colours for the textured ties. I'll make time to review what I own more carefully and more strategically plan my purchase...I'll likely make a decision later this week.
Sometimes you need to go-off the map and force yourself out of your normal colour and pattern preferences. I got a floral Liberty print tie on a recommendation when picking up some shirts. I would never have picked that design myself and the tie works.
Sometimes you need to go-off the map and force yourself out of your normal colour and pattern preferences. I got a floral Liberty print tie on a recommendation when picking up some shirts. I would never have picked that design myself and the tie works.
That's true - I've talked to my tailor on the topic of choosing ties recently. His thought on my problem is that you don't really wear ties with casual outfits nowadays. Whenever you do, it's when you want to be dressy, and that usually means the outfit (e.g. jacket) is itself louder than formal ones. With that in mind, it's much easier to imagine using plain ties with special material and/or weave than loud ties.

To establish on that, I think strange or wacky ties can surprisingly work, but usually that's in the context of business outfit where the suit is neutral enough to let the tie stand out. In Chinese we have a saying "A red dot (flower) in thousands of green bushes" which describes how a standout subject can be extraordinarily beautiful in an uninspiring backdrop, although usually that's used as an analogy of finding your true love in the busy world.

Personally I don't mind special colours or patterns at all, but I'm not a big fan of bright and shiny sharp colours - feel too Indian.

An update of my tie-choosing:
CI've actually found one Sarto used to sell that's I felt was perfect in my collection, but sadly the fabric is gone. Pics attached. I also considered grabbing the late Floris' camel hair tie for fun (no discount!); Sarto hasn't sent me the pics but from those which I could find it looks really thick so I'll give it a pass. Cashmere would be a nice addition for me, but I don't really like the colours of the few options in stock.

In the swatches I've narrowed down my possible selection to around 65 fabrics, 20 of which have sold out (most are the ones I like more!). Most are blue or tiny flower. I'll pick something out of these fabrics soon - I've dragged on long enough. So far I've reserved a length of burgundy grenadine, and am also considering a mohair mix just for the sake of trying.

I must emphasise Sarto has been very proactive in voluntraily updating whatever fabrics he could find in stock - and I'm sure he's spending way more time on me than is reasonable for a small business. It's really just a mismatch of taste and my own indecisiveness that's causing problems. Currently the feeling is like I need a pair of running shoes but got thrown into a John Lobb shop to pick a pair for free.

What I've learnt so far:
1. How hard it is to pick a tie! Ties are inherently useless. It is probably ones of the very few things that are purely for aesthetics. Beyond the few staple ties, anything you choose must REALLY speak to you. This is unlike say, suiting, where if Fresco is out of stock you can pick Crispaire, Fox Air, etc and the look would be very similar. At times it almost feels worth it to pay double to get just the exact thing that catches your eye (of course I won't), even if the design difference is very slight.

2. How important it is for businesses to have good product pictures.

3. Advantage of big brands. They probably get some odd or complicated designs. An "odd" one would be a tie where there are only two or three strips, or maybe just a few logos at the centre (i.e. no repetition). And by "complicated", I mean when multiple design features are put together, e.g. a certain print design on herringbone weave.


  • t6.webp
    33.2 KB · Views: 83
i like that tie and im not a tie person
That’s the only one I really want to get:mustresist:

There are similar ones in the swatches, but usually the downfalls are:
1. Non-floral pattern uninteresting
2. Two patterns share the same colour (eg orange dot + white flower with orange centre)
3. Colours having too much contrast
4. Size or spacing

It also helps that the light blue colour itself is actually 4 mini dots, adding a layer of size contrast.

It’s not my intention to drag things but it’s really hard to find interesting designs
I'm waiting for my next order to be sent. I think its another six. A couple are like ones I already have in terms of colour and pattern but its nice to have a choice in that context I think. It'd be better if I was a guy who could be happy with 10 ties and not jizz myself everytime I see a cloth or pattern I like. I just love ties I guess. I'll often drape a few ties over the shoulder of the jacket I'm going to wear and crack one off while deciding on each one to wear. I have this torment of excitment and shame at the same time whenever I open the tie drawer. Its why I never go near ties in a shop. I'm worried I wouldn't be able to control the urge if I saw a beauty on the tie stand.
I'm waiting for my next order to be sent. I think its another six. A couple are like ones I already have in terms of colour and pattern but its nice to have a choice in that context I think. It'd be better if I was a guy who could be happy with 10 ties and not jizz myself everytime I see a cloth or pattern I like. I just love ties I guess. I'll often drape a few ties over the shoulder of the jacket I'm going to wear and crack one off while deciding on each one to wear. I have this torment of excitment and shame at the same time whenever I open the tie drawer. Its why I never go near ties in a shop. I'm worried I wouldn't be able to control the urge if I saw a beauty on the tie stand.
The thing is that once a tie catches your eye you just have to buy it, or it might be gone forever. And you can always convince yourself by noting the differences with what you already have…however small they are.

I would’ve been broke if I weren’t so annoying with patterns.

Edit: word
I'm waiting for my next order to be sent. I think its another six. A couple are like ones I already have in terms of colour and pattern but its nice to have a choice in that context I think. It'd be better if I was a guy who could be happy with 10 ties and not jizz myself everytime I see a cloth or pattern I like. I just love ties I guess. I'll often drape a few ties over the shoulder of the jacket I'm going to wear and crack one off while deciding on each one to wear. I have this torment of excitment and shame at the same time whenever I open the tie drawer. Its why I never go near ties in a shop. I'm worried I wouldn't be able to control the urge if I saw a beauty on the tie stand.

That’s taking tie porn to a whole new level!
The thing is that once a tie catches your eye you just have to buy it, or it might be gone forever. And you can always convince yourself by noting the differences with what you already have…however small they are.

I would’ve been broke if I weren’t so annoying with patterns.

Edit: word
I'm pretty much the same with sport coats, its a good job I need long sizes as it means I have to use made to measure. While that gives an even larger choice of pattern and cloth the cost keeps me in check. Ties are more suited to my lemonade income. While I like whatever it is that I buy I seem to get bored with clothes I have quickly. Even if I'm stoked with something after a season its lost its shine for me. Maybe next year I should not buy anything, apart from undies and try and break the habit.

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