Vaguely racist observations thread

I had to look this up, as the spelling threw me, being used to "schwartza." I knew somebody that grew up thinking that was a surname of certain neighbors.
Anyway, I know a shop that will mention "Canadian" customers. This was very confusing till they explained that it is code for the same thing as schwatza.
I had to look this up, as the spelling threw me, being used to "schwartza." I knew somebody that grew up thinking that was a surname of certain neighbors.
Anyway, I know a shop that will mention "Canadian" customers. This was very confusing till they explained that it is code for the same thing as schwatza.
Ok, now that one's completely new to me. Canadian = black???
Usually for the Jewey spelling, it's spelled with a v. Schvartza.

The Canadian = black thing I just can't wrap my head around. THERE'S LIKE 5 BLACK PEOPLE IN CANADA!
I've heard Schwoogie, probably from the old Howard Stern show.
A childhood barber used to term "ride ******" and that had to be explained. It meant the back seat of a car. This was benign racism, as it was not a police car reference but an old bus seating reference.
Bolivians as well. I started smoking when I did work there. People were offended if you didn't accept a cigarette when offered. It just became easier to take it and smoke - and this is during meetings etc.

The strangest practice, even in people's homes is to just drop your butt on the tile floor and grind it underfoot.
There is that for sure. I have never seen such a concentration of beautiful young women in one country. Didn't really matter what city or town: La Paz, Cochabamba, Potosi etc. your head was constantly swimming.

However, never was the old adage "check out Mamacita to see how she will turn out" more in play!
Yeah, I never see them in mid-metamorphosis. It's just the befores and afters that are visible. An old roommate, Portuguese I think, claimed that lack of sex led to the immediate weight gain and that men had to be diligent in boaning.
Yeah, I never see them in mid-metamorphosis. It's just the befores and afters that are visible. An old roommate, Portuguese I think, claimed that lack of sex led to the immediate weight gain and that men had to be diligent in boaning.
That's fantastic. I'm going to have to espouse that theory in my travels.
At my last apartment, roaches appeared shortly after Indians moved upstairs, and oddly disappeared soon after they moved out.
I now have an Indian guy that just moved in below, and I worry.
^Indian food reeks and if one more ethnic restaurant gets all patronizing about how I'm a gringo not used to their spicy food and then serves me bland food, I might piss on the floor.
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I've concluded Pakistanis are worse than Indians in all facets

Japanese are the best Asians

Swedes are better than Norwegians

Scottish women are perhaps the ugliest on the planet

If someone is tailgating you, it's 80% likely its a black male

This thread, I have a new home.
I live in a place that, since the dawn of time, has had a pretty euro-centric cultural diversity.

That has changed with immigration and a booming economy. The cultural mosaic has had many new pieces added.

A report on the news yesterday said that surprisingly and mysteriously, the failure rate on first-time driver road tests has gone up from the historical 10% to more than 40%.

It is not surprising at all when you see New Canadians merging onto a highway at 30 mph and continuing that speed (in a 60 zone) usually slowly making a turtle-paces diagonal to occupy the left lane.

It used to be I only had a few predictors for a particular driving fool:


Old guy in a hat

Middle-aged woman

Elderly woman

They all exhibit certain driving peculiarities.

Now I am having to recalibrate with a litany of crazy new driving escapades and a whole bunch a new faces perpetrating them.
I grew up around a "Little India" area. My dad would make comments about their driving, saying they grew up around cows, not cars.
Speaking with people with a little more insight, they that immigrants are learning at an adult age where they lack proper foolhardiness and recklessness to have decent confidence.
Anyway, they have this really annoying habit of coming to nearly a complete stop for dinky little speed humps. It drives me nuts.


Fuck, can't compete. By the way, you can't hold your nut. That belonged much later in this thread. See, this was an appropriate next step up, but you white Jaguar driving entitled ass lawyers need to one up then, don't you.

Ya, I would have posted that checkmate too, so don't bother replying with that, cracker.
And fuck, who can ignore the mild racism of the genius cross racial (meaning black) white Oldham performance in this infamous scene. I mean, the bone around the neck? Top that shit.

At the University of Saskatchewan they are building this thing:


It is an Aboriginal student centre. There are 2000 Indians enrolled at U of S (less than 10% of total enrolment). I know Indian is not politically correct but when I talk to Chiefs, that is what they call themselves.

Millions of dollars to build a centre for a select few who complain they have been ostracized and looked down upon by society. Nothing like building an exclusive club to eliminate that perception.

Of course,the U just completely renovated the Student Centre - the place for all students - last year.

I am still waiting to hear back on my proposal for the Dr. Thruth Student Centre for Whitey's.

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