WWSD: What Would Sarto Do?


Well-Known Member
Post a situation, real or imagined(if there is a difference), or merely pose a question and then speculate as to what the greatest untacky Aryan would do and receive the speculations from others about the same or if you are uber lucky you will receive the final truth version from the man of the most UnSpanish sleeves ever, SartoDiNapoli, himself.


Should I remove all my (plastic) buttons and sew them back on with that chicken foot stitching to make people think my Bengali shirts are from Borrelli?
Okay, Lino Lettuce calls and says "let's go to lunch. Simon and Hugo will be joining us"

What do you do?
Who would Sarto choose to spend the night in his dark room of disease?
Imagine you come to work and the new overeager janitor (IN SOUTHERN ITALY, I LOLOLED) has painted all the walls in your dungeon snowy-white and has "removed all those ugly pictures"...
What would you do?
Sarto is faced with the following after capture by the UnSpanish:

1. Sex with this...uh, Rambo babe

2. Being raped by this group of merry lads

3. Or wearing this Burgos Bespoke UnShirt made specifically for the one and only Simon C.

Which does he pray for?
What, if anything, does he do to extricate himself from this situation?
Sarto is faced with the following after capture by the UnSpanish:

1. Sex with this...uh, Rambo babe

2. Being raped by this group of merry lads

3. Or wearing this Burgos Bespoke UnShirt made specifically for the one and only Simon C.

Which does he pray for?
What, if anything, does he do to extricate himself from this situation?


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