The Tattoo Thread

Finds from today’s tattoo scrolling:

This guy might have been better off booking a few hours with a therapist:

Artwork: 9/10
Odds that model is a high maintenance girlfriend: 11/10

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The perfect camo while hiding in a Japanese bath house!

I really enjoy following a lot of artists whose work I like but would never ever want on me. Like this:

What design are you going for?

I’ve got a few things in mind for me, but mostly I’m just enjoying looking at other people’s stuff and designs that are interesting even if I wouldn’t want them on me.
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I really dig this chick’s pervy stuff, but I gotta wonder about single guys who who think this is a good idea.

I’m thinking about something neotrad this year. Plague Docs and vampire bats for the whole pandemic theme, but in the lighter neotrad stylised way.

At the same time, I’m really getting into some really dark shit from a couple of artists at the same studio who are doing pervy stuff and genuinely creepy witches, demons and crazy stuff like that. 95% I wouldn’t go through with any of that: wife and kids disapprove and they may be right that it’s creepy for an old dude getting hot young chicks tattooed on him.

Millennials are really into this style, known as ‘ignorant tattoos’:

Too much symmetry:

acceptable symmetry:

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Good Lord! Who would want to put that pornographic stuff on their hides for the rest of their lives? While I am not anti-tattoo (I've got three), I am very Old School (as you might expect, given my age) about these matters--eagles and other fierce animals, military insignia, hearts with "Mother" on them (a much safer bet than your heartthrob of the moment), coats of arms, etc. Do the people getting the pornographic tattoos give any thought that in 10 or 15 years they may living more normal lives, and what are their kids going to say when they take them to the beach?

Some of those, especially that snake one, would be real dick-wilters for me if I were still young enough to be interested in such matters. (And, yeah, I did my share of carousing with tattooed strumpets back in my wilder, younger days.)
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I booked a couple of sessions in July with an artist I like. That gives me plenty of time to figure out some subject matter.

This stuff isn’t cheap!

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