The Next Election, Political News, and Other Forms of Comedy (US, UK, & Intl)

Donald Trump has formed a presidential exploratory committee. King comb-over is self promoting again.
Trump is a bit of a rube and I doubt he's that serious, but the number of potential candidates from the establishment duopoly that I'd choose over him can be counted on one hand.
So our choices are between GWB's brother and a chronically lying woman who is so secretive she bought her own email server to avoid the FOIA.

Rand Paul is in, and the paranoid establishment lunatics are already running scared and spreading inane Chicken Little calumny.
I would vote Rand Paul. Time for a change. But the main stream America is so dumb currently that I doubt he has a chance. I hope Ben Carson runs, then the blacks can shut up about not been represented.

I am repulsed at the idea of another liberal dem becoming the president, particularly Clinton.
That RT idea of non voting as a vote of no confidence is shared by the anarcho-capitalist libertarians. Voting lends the air of legitimacy to government.
Of course the spin is the opposite, that people have such faith in the system that they feel that their input is not even required.
There is supposedly a vast and growing block of disunited and disenfranchised voters that basically want ... something else, anything else. I do hope they stop falling for the self-fulfilling prophecy that non-establishment party votes are wasted.
I following a libertarian group on facebook, and you are very correct that a desire for a third party to go against the establishment. Imagine Paul/Carson duo debating Hilary/???, would be epic.
Debates with actual free-thinking candidates are fantastic because they really shine a light on the absurdity of the establishment positions, their distance from common sense, and the narrow schism between the official parties that is dwarfed by the vast gulf separating what voters want and what is offered.

Unsurprisingly, such candidates are kept out at all costs.
Discouragement of outside parties has been a method the establishment has successfully used to exploit the the masses of uninformed/uneducated whom they were supposed to "serve". I hope Rand is more successful then Ron in his bid. He got my full support.
I am also tired of lawyers becoming politicians. There is no black or white, it's just a mash of grey for them to manipulate for their own gains.
I could actually vote for Rand, just in the hopes that something, anything is elected other than these establishment shit-tards. He probably wouldn't do any better since the system is so systematically rigged to favor corporations and the wealthy, but it's worth a shot.

But he won't get that far because the elite don't want him. I won't vote otherwise. This system doesn't deserve my time.
As an aside, there are big elections coming up next month here in the UK.
None of the 2 big parties will have a clear majority, so the small parties try to get a bigger share of the votes.
The sheer number of promises you can hear on the radio or read in the papers is plain ridiculous.
This country has a huge deficit and therefore no money to do any thing that has been promised so far.
The tories use statistics or lame comparisons to point out how well the UK has been doing under their rule.
Despite being allowed to vote, I won't since I'm not a citizen. Plus I don't think it will matter anyway. And the politicians wonder why the overall participation in the elections is falling time after time.
I'm pretty sure that whoever wins will "forget" the promises made and blame someone else for it.

I'm quite curious how many billion $ will be spent on the election campaigns in the US this time. Big business for TV and radio stations and whoever else is involved.
Clinton just threw her bid in and all the liberal new channels are already predicting a win already. :FU;

I do not want another liberal dem in the office for the next 4 years.
Clinton, despite having no credibility or accomplishment, is a total shoo-in. Every stupid woman/feminist/fruitcake/sissy/lefty will vote for her, and that's way more than enough votes. The GOP should dig out a Gyno-American to counter this, if only they had a viable one.
If the nutty Republicans could dig up a Palin with a bit more brains and integrity, they'd have a chance. I'm presuming that they are even trying to win though.
Clinton, despite having no credibility or accomplishment, is a total shoo-in. Every stupid woman/feminist/fruitcake/sissy/lefty will vote for her, and that's way more than enough votes. The GOP should dig out a Gyno-American to counter this, if only they had a viable one.

That's the problem. A lot of rhetoric again and no concrete plan, maybe she will even pick Bill as her running mate. This country will be doomed if that's the case.
Having only 2 factions which will do anything to discredit the other is not a healthy way to run any country.
I'm not particularly fond of women in top (political) positions, they always act as if they have to prove that they can do better than men.
Having only 2 factions which will do anything to discredit the other is not a healthy way to run any country.
I'm not particularly fond of women in top (political) positions, they always act as if they have to prove that they can do better than men.

I tend not to like a minority in power either. They tend to be more radicalized. Hussein is a perfect example. The progression of racial divide in this country over his presidency illustrates it.
HilRod will absolutely be flexing like a dude with an inferiority complex.
Jackson Katz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Katz also comments on implications for female candidates. He writes, "One of 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin's most-quoted lines on the campaign trail in the fall of 2008 was 'The heels are on, the gloves are off,' which she typically delivered to wild cheers of approval. In coming years, when this historic campaign and those yet to come are analyzed, it will be particularly interesting to see how female and male voters respond to language where a woman throws the 'knockout punch.' Does this masculinize and thus help to make them more credible as potential commanders-in-chief? Or do women who are seen as 'too-aggressive' – even if only in a metaphorical sense – turn voters off? What are the differences between how the sexes view a woman 'throwing punches' if she's a conservative (like Palin) or a liberal feminist (like Hillary Clinton?)."
So his being black caused people to become more racist?

For him to say, if I had a son, he would be Trayvon Martin, statements such as those fueled the tension that created by the media. As a president, he should remain as neutral as possible and not invoke race in every incidence. Also Michelle Obama recently said "black girls rock" on national television, again it implicitly drives racial divide.

I am not an anarchist, but I truly believe Obama doesn't love this country. I have never witnessed a president that worries about other countries' problems which no way can we solve alone than the problems we have here.
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So what you prefer is a white, rich guy who sells out to his fellow white rich guys and starting more wars in the process as a president?

Whoever wins any election, the problem is that they are far more interested in staying in power and making it into the history books than actually bringing their countries forward.
See Helmut Kohl, Maggie Thatcher, Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi and what have you. They all mingle with corporations/ banks too much.
That's why there will never be higher taxes for the rich and super-rich outside of Scandinavia.
So what you prefer is a white, rich guy who sells out to his fellow white rich guys and starting more wars in the process as a president?

Whoever wins any election, the problem is that they are far more interested in staying in power and making it into the history books than actually bringing their countries forward.
See Helmut Kohl, Maggie Thatcher, Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi and what have you. They all mingle with corporations/ banks too much.
That's why there will never be higher taxes for the rich and super-rich outside of Scandinavia.

Everyone will when granted power except a white guy might be less radical than a feminist.
So far the media has spent more time covering a typo on Jeb's voter registration from 1984 than on Hillary Clinton joking in front of a huge audience in 2002 that if Gandhi were alive to day he'd be running a gas station.

How positively shocking. I need Rambo to remind me again that the mainstream media doesn't have a liberal bias. Maybe he can copy-and-paste a New York Times article telling me that's the case.
Candidate Profile: Hillary Clinton | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Candidate Profile: Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to officially announce her candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on Sunday, putting an end to months of speculation about her plans. Here are some key things to know about the first Democrat to declare her candidacy:

  • Campaign Slogan: “I deserve this”
  • Campaign Strategy: Overwhelming tide of inevitability
  • Spouse: Former Arkansas attorney general William Jefferson Clinton
  • Wingspan: 7 feet, 6 inches
  • Ideal Running Mate: Primary opponent who knows how to gracefully step aside when the time comes
  • Biggest Scandals: Deaths of four Americans at Benghazi, use of private email account for government emails, choice of Nina McLemore dress at a 1998 presidential function
  • Grandchildren: One, but pushing Chelsea for one more before Iowa caucus
  • Stance On Abortion: Supports a woman’s right to choose for her husband’s mistress
  • Birthplace: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
  • Number Of Times Teeth Gritted To Date: 489,346
  • Things She Personally Understands As A Grandmother: Hope, faith, future, education, children, all that crap
  • Greatest Fear: Charismatic young senators from the Midwest
  • Number Of Big Macs That Fit In Mouth At One Time: 2
  • Biggest Challenge: Not completely blowing it
What we've learned here so far:
The next president will be another name brand elite do nothing that pretends to be aligned with a political party, but will vacuum up donations from every corporation on earth. The media will be totally useless in the process. They'll have little interest in country's institutions unless they happen to coincide with their political interests.

Status quo, FTW.
With few exceptions, the big newspapers tend to support the conservatives of the respective country.

Either way, I'm sure that during the US elections all candidates will appear on late night shows doing something really funny to show how down to earth they are and that they can connect with the "ordinary folks"!
I can't wait til the UK general elections are over, although then the loosing parties will piss about each and everything for the next 5 years.
With few exceptions, the big newspapers tend to support the conservatives of the respective country.

Either way, I'm sure that during the US elections all candidates will appear on late night shows doing something really funny to show how down to earth they are and that they can connect with the "ordinary folks"!
I can't wait til the UK general elections are over, although then the loosing parties will piss about each and everything for the next 5 years.

At least you guys get some theater. Having the PM need to defend himself in front of Parliament has more value than scripted debates and shit press conferences where neigh a question gets asked.
Those PM question sessions remind me more of a bunch of hooligans shouting at each other at a football match.
Not sure how much of that is show, though. Or theater, if you like.
Either way, I'm sure that during the US elections all candidates will appear on late night shows doing something really funny to show how down to earth they are and that they can connect with the "ordinary folks"
I prefer dignified candidates, but that ship has sailed. Well, stiff Romney maintained dignity. Anyway, I remember Kerry riding up onto Leno's stage on a Harley. I remember because he bent over and lowered the side stand with his hand. I guess he was worried about scuffing his Lobbs or something.
I prefer dignified candidates, but that ship has sailed. Well, stiff Romney maintained dignity. Anyway, I remember Kerry riding up onto Leno's stage on a Harley. I remember because he bent over and lowered the side stand with his hand. I guess he was worried about scuffing his Lobbs or something.

I prefer productive candidates.
Anyway, I remember Kerry riding up onto Leno's stage on a Harley. I remember because he bent over and lowered the side stand with his hand. I guess he was worried about scuffing his Lobbs or something.

I'm surprised he wasn't wearing some sort of cowboy boots...

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