What's Making You Happy Today?

That's not a Road Train - THIS is a Road Train
One of the handful of times in the past 18 months of this God-awful job that I am happy - one of my staff who got passed over by 3 of her managers applied for an opening at my encouragement. In the back channels I supported the nomination and gave glowing reviews. I wish I had more time to coach and bring out more from her but it's a new regional role and I'm ecstatic she is getting it.

Paperwork and compensation still to be sorted out by her new bosses. It's a step up for her. She's doing it now for me in an acting role, but will now do the same for an entirely new line of business for all of Americas (really 2 countries but whatever).
She looks like an angel. I read the headline briefly and wondered which one was the morbid scene.
This ad had me laughing loud, hey schmuck we're totally gonna remove C02 from the air on your behalf if you pay us. Doesn't matter that something has to power our contraption here, we are so confident in our method we turned off comments on youtube. #Actnow #StartToday

Good for these guys, I hope they get rich as the fleece the useful idiots.


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