Talk about your dreams

I was at my father's old place of work and was told he was coming to visit and had to tell them he wasn't a well man to which they said they knew this. I slunk off into the shadows and decided I wouldn't see him and he me neither. But I saw him anyway, he arrived with a cavalcade and some fanfare with his old cronies and he was in a good suit and looked as he was 25 years ago. Everyone stopped work and gathered to greet and listen to him. He gave a very lucid speech for someone who's all gone, but I could only hear his voice not the content.

Ever faithful my sister was there and as the cavalcade moved on, I came of the shadows and my sister spotted me and said ''I will see you at my mother's later then?'' All I said was ''Aye'' then I woke up.
How much time elapsed in your dream before you woke? Were lucid while you dreamed?
How much time elapsed in your dream before you woke? Were lucid while you dreamed?

It was a short dream, I was there for maybe an 30 minutes or so in the dream. I was pretty lucid and in control. But that's not always the norm with me.

Last night, had a dream my grandmother was having a party. Lots of the family were there, but unusually with me, people were as there are now, or how I imagine them to be. Except for my grandmother who's dead now. Usually everyone is as they were 30 years ago. Anyway, there was a dilemma, as there was no wine glasses only miniature antique liqueur ones, so I volunteered to get some wine glasses. But for some reason I flew back to the Netherlands and then it dawned on me, I would not be able to get back in time as the party would be long over.
First dream started very ominous and foreboding. I was back in the army, stationed about 2ks behind the front line, in a little medical aid post - just a handful of us with two land rovers and a tarp. It was the eve of a big battle, with lots of tanks and mechanised infantry in front of us in the forrest. Helicopters were buzzing above. At this stage the dream was very serious and a little scary.

We could hear the battle starting ahead of us. Tanks rumbling, artillery fire, machine guns. All of a sudden a horseback cavalry unit breaks into the clearing waving swords. In full Napoleonic dress. Before they could get to us, some archers at the edge of the clearing pepper them with arrows.

I was laughing in my dream. Saying “tell the director he screwed up the timeline on this!”
I was playing goalie in one of those schoolyard matches where there's way too many kids playing on both sides.

Then somehow I'm watching a film on TV. Every so often the channel flips to the same starting segment of a film: some (non-existent) Danish Antonioni film.

Then I'm riding in a van with my mom. I don't remember what happens, but the whole scenario plays out a second time. This time someone else is in the car. A prisoner of some sort. In this second iteration I tell my mom to stop by the side of the road so I can pee. As she does that we stumble upon an outdoor market of sorts secluded by gigantic Christmas trees where chocolate is being sold. It seems like our prisoner was some old cookie maker and we decide that buying some chocolate will go well with the cookies we're going to make.
Last night I dreamt I was dating this gorgeous red head. She happened to be a professional Dominatrix, but not to me, and not that I was interested in that. But she was into this ska-country-Irish dancing of which she was the world's best, which is what she wanted to do career wise. As often in my dreams I'm in the 18-25 year old range and didn't want my family to find out what my girlfriend's day job was.

We were trying to get to this dance competition, but we were travelling on a motorbike/scooter type thing and we needed to stop for petrol. It was such a weird contraption it was impossible to know where to fill with fuel., in fact I pumped petrol into a wrong place, then turned it upside down to empty it. Then we found the instruction manual and the process involved filling up the steering handle and spokes on the wheel.

I woke up then with a rasping throat which worried me a bit, so I made myself a hot toddy with brandy checked out the news headlines and went back to bed. Slept like a log to 7am.

Who knows what the dream meant?
You believe there is an alternative way to live. It involves rearranging some things, but it will be the process of changing things which will fulfill you.

How does that sound?
I dreamt I was helping my brother run a casino and as we were counting the currency that was shaped like chess pieces, silver knights worth $10. Next we were serving customers breakfast then I woke up.
Last night I dreamt I was dating this gorgeous red head. She happened to be a professional Dominatrix, but not to me, and not that I was interested in that. But she was into this ska-country-Irish dancing of which she was the world's best, which is what she wanted to do career wise. As often in my dreams I'm in the 18-25 year old range and didn't want my family to find out what my girlfriend's day job was.

We were trying to get to this dance competition, but we were travelling on a motorbike/scooter type thing and we needed to stop for petrol. It was such a weird contraption it was impossible to know where to fill with fuel., in fact I pumped petrol into a wrong place, then turned it upside down to empty it. Then we found the instruction manual and the process involved filling up the steering handle and spokes on the wheel.

I woke up then with a rasping throat which worried me a bit, so I made myself a hot toddy with brandy checked out the news headlines and went back to bed. Slept like a log to 7am.

Who knows what the dream meant?

You have an affinity towards red heads including your wife.
You have an affinity towards red heads including your wife.
Certain redheads have just got it.
You secretly want to be pegged by a red-headed dominatrix.
On the basis it wasn't a wet dream, I guess not.

Last night another strange one: we had got this contract to collate and classify certain exotic flora. I was down at operational level as one of our rivals had got the other contract and I wanted to be better than them and take it all. It was all tropical green houses with lots watermelon type specimens and there was a military guard and we transported the plants and fruit in a big armoured tank under an English tank commander and when we hit the road he let the tank rip and it was faster than anything on the motorway. During that exhilarating journey I suddenly woke up.
Last night another strange one: we had got this contract to collate and classify certain exotic flora. I was down at operational level as one of our rivals had got the other contract and I wanted to be better than them and take it all. It was all tropical green houses with lots watermelon type specimens and there was a military guard and we transported the plants and fruit in a big armoured tank under an English tank commander and when we hit the road he let the tank rip and it was faster than anything on the motorway. During that exhilarating journey I suddenly woke up.

You secretly want to be pegged by a red-headed dominatrix.
You secretly want to be pegged by a red-headed dominatrix.
No, because I get tortured enough at home and if I wanted it, I would just go out and rent it.

I have no hang-ups about paying for sex, kinky or otherwise. I'm quite similar to you South Americans in that respect.

The subtext and meaning was elsewhere.
I dreamt I was in South Carolina buying pipe tobacco.

I wish it was true.
I dreamt I was in South Carolina buying pipe tobacco.

I wish it was true.

Add $2K for when you return and scurrying around getting a nasal swab test on both sides of the border in addition to 14 days of staring at four walls.
Everything was aromatic, which is what I like best. There were various fruits being used to infuse flavour. The store owner was Asian. My brother walked in and told me to hurry up. I bought something that looked like it had dried red papaya in it. We walked to the hotel across the street into a dining room to join my parents for a meal.

I was looking at pipe tobacco before I went to bed.
I dreamt I was being conscripted in to a steampunk/noir style Egyptian army.
I dreamt I was drafted by the Phoenix Coyotes and had to show off my skating skills on a tiny pad of fake ice in front of their team bus.
I've not been sleeping well of late, 4-6 hours early to bed and then I just bounce along just about going into dream sleep and then waking up. The only benefit, I tend to remember most of the dreams.

Last night I dreamt we were in Greece off season and it was pretty grim with wind and deadly tides. I was there with the accountant as he had set-up some financial scheme with Ghislaine Maxwell - that I didn't know about it until too late - and the only way we could get out of the debt and exposure was to set-up some complex Ponzi scheme to save our necks. What that was I didn't quite grasp, I knew it was elaborate, dodgy and quite dastardly in ripping people off.
Was at a mod event somewhere in the countryside in the Netherlands. There was a scooter rally, it was very sunny and The Liquidator was being played. Nothing else happened in the dream, seemed pleasant enough.

Then I woke up it was 2:30am and I couldn't get back to sleep, just couldn't get comfy. If I hadn't been getting my jaw stitches out today, I would have had a couple of drinks and checked out the newspapers until felt I could sleep again.
I was watching my conscience wrestling with itself - the old metaphor of your personal demon and your angel fighting. Except they were both female and really sexy. I wasn’t so interested in who won - just enjoying the show.
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I didn't sleep well last night. I had teeth the size of golf balls and they started to rot and fell out all at once.
One of my work colleagues was packing it all in to become a Church of England vicar and I was trying to dissuade him. He was a Justin Welby type quite staid looking and into net zero carbon emissions as a point of order. It was the old sand stone church in my home town and the weather was always brooding in a dark twilight. He invited me to a few events and the flock had quite a few regulars who were very friendly. There was a lady about my age, not a classic beauty, but had a wonderful personality and she was engaging. She told me a fart joke in the church and invited me to her farm in the Cheshire countryside.

Then I woke up at 3:25am, a longer sleep than last night's. And I feel much better for it.
Lately I have not been able to remember my dreams, they are not as lucid as they usually are.
Lately I have not been able to remember my dreams, they are not as lucid as they usually are.
You need to go over them straight away, or you will forget.

In the past my dreams were in saturated colours in a hyper-intense dream reality, taking place in a universe that was constant over years and dreams. Sometimes many years apart. Not anymore, that seems lost to me now. There was a geographical landscape that was intense and I can remember some of those dreams dating back to the 70s and 80s. That's how impressive they were.

Now that world is lost to me, in the main. Very occasionally a dream will take me back there, but in the main, the colour scheme and geographical landscape is quite mundane. I would like to get back to that dream world.
Dreamt I was washing my Brompton with a high powered hose. It was dirty and had corrosion and I couldn't wash it off and the frame had big holes in the steel.

I was with an old friend of mine and we were both young men. We had an offer to star in a film, but the script was weak and the funding wasn't there. I said it wasn't good and I was out. My father showed up slagging me off saying I was letting everyone down as usual. We were both still washing our bikes.

There was an American lady showed up and was speaking to my friend. She said why did he let me in, as I was ugly. He said he may be ugly, but he has tremendous luck.

Then I woke up. My father's malignant presence shows up in a lot more dreams these days. The friend I haven't since my early twenties. He didn't do well in his A-Levels and became an entertainer at a Butlins type holiday camp. No trace on social media, other than his brother had died very suddenly with a brain haemorrhage and my friend was at the funeral. That was back in the 2000s.

I tried to steal a girlfriend from him once, he didn't take offence, but some of our friends did and feigned offence. Not that I noticed or cared. He certainly never did, it's what young men did and still do.
Dreamt I was married to Kamala Harris and we were designing an artificial limb for amputees.

Wouldn't like to get that dream psycho-analysed.

From the other night: I had taken a new job running a manufacturing facility. One the clients insisted that we needed to use a certain company to make the facilities Covid safe. Overnight this company had removed all the walls, gutted the air conditioning and the damage would be in the €100,000's and I had to explain this to my new employers.
I think I am getting old. I usually eat closer to 1900 than 1830 and after having a large steak I had visceral dreams all night.

First person shooter guns in front of me, this local artist sitting in a bath tub wrapped in a plastic shower curtain drenched in blood, endless hallways with wooden floors and white doors with brass knobs with more bathrooms to check.

All because of the steak. Another reason steak is bad for you.

(All explainable, been watching Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down and Act of Valor whilst ironing on Easter weekend. Also looking at coronavirus stories of how people renovated their multi million homes and this artist I have yet to pick up my painting from moved from Little Italy to the neighbourhood next over from me)
I had a silly dream about being in the 1950s and playing chicken - driving these old cars up to the edge of a cliff without going over. Only my car had modern disc brakes and I was hoping none of the other kids would figure out I was from the future.

The guys had some cool Harrington jackets as well as a lot of ivy tweeds. The girls had long skirts and tight sweaters over perky boobs.
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Had several dreams last night, each one progressively darker after starting with an alchemist's demonic homunculus channeling through something in my wardrobe. I woke up then, had a drink of water and spent the rest of the night drifting in and out of dreams. The last two dreams were intriguing.

We were at someone's house with my mother and father. The lady I knew from either a previous dream, or from real life but a long time ago and very vague. But her face was familiar. My mum was speaking to her about menopause medication and someone was telling me that my father was very close to a certain lady during the last six months before he retired and they would play golf together. It didn't seem feasible as I knew he was already in decline then.

Next thing we were in the hallway leaving with weekend bags, the kids of the lady who's house was had spilt sugary drinks all over the place. This has seeped into the weekend bags. My father started to complain it was me and just like me to do that, I slapped him in the face and blood spurted from his ears and he collapsed. I thought had killed him, but he soon came around and thought he had just fainted not realising I has slapped him. Then he started crying and shaking realising his decrepit state and his approaching his death. Then I woke up again.

The final dream I was near a motorway and in the middle reservation an oriental lady was clutching her baby with a pram being blown into the traffic by the wind. I gestured to her to wait and I would get help, she said it was okay she was just getting her pram and then immediately walked into the traffic wear a lorry ran her over.
Time to talk about last night's seemingly lucid dream, Rancho is busy biting my traps. Hahahaha.

I was in a war of the world's scenario, hiding from tripods as I ran down cobblestone streets with many wrecked buildings. As I stopped and looked into a wall that crumbled away and saw a
painting of Doug Ford, very odd because I'm sure I was in England. Some of my father's Datsun 280 Zs were in my dream too. I knew I was dreaming and had some form of control, but my mind felt like it was on a track, I could observe but not control what I saw.
Have you posed about your dad’s 280z before? My dad had a two seater 240Z when I was growing up. Beautiful cars.

I had a dream I was moving to the Caribbean. Pretty uneventful, but the details of the sights and sounds and smells and tastes left me excited when I woke up.
Dreamed that someone sold me a poorly tailored Zegna suit and then tried to steal my camera, when I confronted the person and pulled them around to face me it was someone I knew from grade school who I haven't thought about in years. Very odd that he of all people appeared in my dream, maybe I should reach out to them.
I just woke from a dream that I was in Jamaica helping Timothy Dalton shoot an action film. My brother was there talking to the female lead and I had a tattoo on my left arm that have instructions on how to use the toll highway.

It became lucid at the end of the dream.
We needed to set-up a scam to support a retiring professional wrestler who somehow had become the legal guardian of the child I had given to his ex-wife. I couldn't do anything more, like become the legal guardian as no one knew, least of all my wife. His wife had left him.

We had set-up a scheme involving gas cylinders and lots of skulduggery across borders.

We went back to his place to celebrate, he apologised, it was rather grubby yes indeed, and then he said he got it cheap as it was connected to a gym. And indeed it was, in several rooms there were frosted window section instead of complete walls direct into the gym, so you had vague outlines of people working out and the noises too. No one sane could live there, especially with my child.

Woke up suddenly and thankfully it was only a dream.
I had a dream I was sitting on one of those stools on a stage as a panel speaker at a conference. The lead hostess was blond - your typical corporate woman in a Hillary type suit. The other was a brunette in a dress. I got pretty irate because I was asked to start talking about employee retention/flight, or the concept of the customer in my business and every time I started talking the hostess would then cut me off to get an opinion in from her or the other woman.

Finally I lost it and just said I like talking and listening to the sound of my voice so let me talk!!!!

Anyway. Then I woke up. Was holding my breath.
We had a 12 foot alligator which we had locked-in someone's room. I was trying to get everyone out the house before it got hungry. Then we were at a zoo and I was watching a spider inject venom into a small grey mouse like animal and then there was two swarms of wasps from two different direction and everyone panicked and there was a crush. Woke up feeling something sinister is going on.

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