Disagreeable Menswear Post Of The Day

When tackys go off the deep end

Over $2000 outfit

Once, I was in Napoli searching for ancient thirsts. I got a hot tip from a fellow who specialized in finding ancestral silks. I went into a basement down an alleyway and saw these #dandies waiting for me.


The room smelled the miasma of sex and disease. I barely escaped.
It's worse than you think. These guys weren't trying to hide anything. They think they're being fashionable. They weren't the only two dressed this way at the wedding.
It's worse than you think. These guys weren't trying to hide anything. They think they're being fashionable. They weren't the only two dressed this way at the wedding.
The likes of GQ are (partly) to blame for this - relentlessly pushing this casualisation of the suit, making repeated claims that its perfectly OK to wear trainers, undershirts, no socks etc. with suits, even in the most formal of occasions.
The likes of GQ are (partly) to blame for this - relentlessly pushing this casualisation of the suit, making repeated claims that its perfectly OK to wear trainers, undershirts, no socks etc. with suits, even in the most formal of occasions.
To an extent I think its the other way around. The default shoe for all boys is sneakers. Youths =sneakers. Manboys sneakers. Most men I meet have never, I mean never, owned a pair of leather shoes. Forget about GYW or stitched - never even had a pair of crappy old glued leather shoes.

So. The likes of GQ and "mens style" sections of magazines and newspapers (edited by 24 year old females) - first and foremost only pump brands that either pay or advertise through them, and therefore they take the default shoes - sneakers - and add a suit or jacket.

Most of these men don't think they are being edgy at all - they just think - they are dressed up - from dirty white and colours sneakers. The same mob who wear green gingham shirts with a indeterminate coloured dark suit and tie - at some point their female partner said - "Lets jazz the old boy up - those gingham shirts look good " and how about a pair of sneakers that are in suede or look almost like a dress shoe.
To an extent I think its the other way around. The default shoe for all boys is sneakers. Youths =sneakers. Manboys sneakers. Most men I meet have never, I mean never, owned a pair of leather shoes. Forget about GYW or stitched - never even had a pair of crappy old glued leather shoes.

My default shoe as a kid was always black formal lace-ups. I always wanted the top businessman shoes when l first started school but my mum refused to buy them for me because they cost so much. I always had an eye for good shoes from the youngest age. When l turned 13 I started to wear proper formal captoe oxfords with a stitched leather sole, and always highly polished. I used to polish my shoes most nights. I rarely wore sneakers or casual footwear.

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