Talk about your dreams

I had a strange dream where I'm trying to strangle and then resuscitate my brother. I'm watching too much television.

The scene is in my parents' family room. He has two men restraining one of my lady friends in a chair. He's on the sofa. Woman's on the left and he's on the right. He gives a non verbal order and they start suffocating her. I lunge at my brother trying to strangle him. A physiology diagram pops up and if I do it any further, I will kill him. I stop and start pounding away at his chest and screaming at him to wake up - that somewhere deep down inside, I know he's there and he just needs to fight and wake up.

It sounds horrific but here's how my brain is digesting things.

I hadn't heard from this lady friend since Friday night and we usually send each other a few messages a day on our mobile - hence the suffocation.

I saw my brother and his fiancee at a restaurant yesterday. I was with a work mate of mine and remarked how we have to accommodate his fiancee's language limitations. That explains why my brother never spoke in this dream.

Deep down I never understood why he chose her and it shows at times I don't approve. I'm trying to get him to wake up to reality.

Finally, I have issues choosing between sacrificing my life as I know it today and that of integrating with a potential partner or spouse; something my coworker and I talked about over the meal. I can't choose between either - woke up screaming in the dream.

I happen to be staying over at my parents' house - hence the family room.

There we go - I saved myself a trip to be psychoanalysed. Also, not disturbed because my brother's a good three stones bigger than me. My wrists are like a girl's and his are more than double mine in bone alone so I'd never engage in futile folly.
I was dreaming about orange football jerseys and different scorelines on Friday.

Last night, I went back to dreaming about work and woke up every 2 hours wanting to scream at someone or with a noticeable constriction in my chest because some hypothetical work situation riled me up.
I've also been having weird mash ups of video games I played as a kid mixed in with seeing some of the better looking women from my high school.
Arny what did my face look like in your dreams or was I faceless?

Did I give you likes in your dream or was such a function not possible?
You were faceless, we were laughing loud at stupid emails, can't remember what specific emails came through. No likes were given, although, I wish they were.
You were faceless, we were laughing loud at stupid emails, can't remember what specific emails came through. No likes were given, although, I wish they were.

Sounds like a great time. If you ever make it over to the Continent let me know we will do the same in real life.
I dreamt one of my female acquaintances gave me a DVD of all the different male Phantoms. It made me happy in the dream. Upon waking up I don't recall why.
On Tuesday I had a surreal dream where I thought I was in front of my monitor at the office clicking on some breaking news on our Intranet site. Through some graphs, logos, swirling coloured shapes, a German accented man was saying how revenues beyond the second quarter of FY 2016 have deteriorated and the projection for the next fiscal year is a complete collapse of the commercial reinsurance market. Zero was a number mentioned a few times. I woke up thinking I was digesting information from the previous work day, and here we go again, more reductions. I hurried to work to start my computer, promptly clicking on every Intranet article only to find out it was a figment of my imagination.

Last night I for some unbeknownst reason was able to sleep 8 hours (of course, not continuously) and remember checking the alarm clock at 5:30 or so - the time I usually wake up. I doze off a bit and in my dream, I check my alarm clock and it's 7:19. I'm late - I get out of my bed and run out the bedroom and noticed not everything is right in my flat - the bathroom, closet and everything is on the other side of the unit. The bathroom light is on - I never leave lights on. The front door is open. The closet has a feminine robe hanging inside. Everything was similar but different - the clock had a blue LED, mine is red. Front door is painted white, mine's dark brown. Bathroom's on the other side of the kitchen.

Finally, after doubting myself it was real, I was able to wake up again - in my own bed, knowing I didn't go on a bender and wake up in someone else's.
I had two dreams where my brother was accompanied by an Asian man with a caterpillar crawling on his face. Think of a more pedestrian version of The Mummy.
I am on a business trip in my usual suit and tie going to Germany. I'm travelling with a peer of mine, a bald gent who is a decade older and a junior staff member - I'd say mid 20s at most - someone who sounds like they're from the City of London. These are all fictitious people but I suspect my brain scrambled their appearances to hide the real life coworkers who inspired them.

What happens next is the business road trip from hell. We basically violate rules I have for business travel starting with the junior wanted to check his luggage. For whatever reason, I am booked on a connecting instead of direct flight so we lose our connection in Frankfurt when the checked luggage issue arises. At some point, we have to split up and my peer goes to visit another office and I end up going with the junior to...Vienna? Why Vienna? We don't rendezvous back in time to get back to Munich and I can't contact my peer. Other times, I violate the rule not to wander out late if I have an early morning meeting. I usually just stay and if I need to get drunk, just do it in the hotel lobby. I had to hunt for the junior or peer when they didn't make the morning breakfast in the hotel. Laptops go bad and we have to find somewhere to print it in a foreign country (Czech?). As the episodes pile up, I get the distinct feeling I'm detached from my firm. Branch managers don't show up to meetings or are mysteriously away or on emergency trips when I show up. I get fewer e-mails from my own office. The most telling problem was my inability to connect with my boss. His PA says he's out, or she reschedules for him (this is normal though) and we miss at least two critical checkpoints I was doing late in the hotel or on the road in a limo. (again, I never take important calls in a car)
The final episode was some hilarity in which the junior ‎somehow convinced me there was no flight or train so we need to go on a cruise ship. He makes it to the ship first as we are returning from whatever business we were doing. I ring him and hear opera in the background, and he's clearly intoxicated with butler service spoiling him on which XO cognac tastes better. (At this point I'm putting my hand on my head wondering how to expense this). He's imploring us to return because he ordered some X courses tasting menu. I try to ask him where my peer was. Anyway, long story short, I end up in this cruise ship suite. I find the peer there but he's acting funny too - not drunk, but he's not behaving like he usually does. I let the junior have it until I noticed there were some printed papers peeking out of his briefcase with my name on it - confidential stamped - and some handwriting to go with the printed text.‎
Apparently, the junior intercepted a confidential packet I was supposed to receive before we even boarded the first plane. Inside were two prewritten statements I had to deliver to each of the travelling coworkers to terminate them. Then there was a handwritten note from my boss' assistant to ‎me on top of these statements asking me to sign a resignation letter effective some date. The year 2035 comes up a lot in the dream but it is often wrong - causing grief in meetings and my blaming the junior for typos, etc - 2235, 2325, etc. Although in retrospect, he might have introduced those typos to further delay things.‎ He's really afraid of losing his job as he was about to get married or was recently married. Of course it all makes sense now. We weren't supposed to come back from this trip employed.

Before you think I need to learn to detach, I realised a few things as I write this:
1. The junior is a professional acquaintance across the pond. Was watching Champions League, but really Palace lost the FA recently and he was a Palace fan. My brother's wedding is coming up too so I had to move my wedding kit to my parents' this weekend.
2. My parents booked trips to Europe. One itinerary had them going through Frankfurt. Vienna and Prague are stops too. I was reviewing them last night on the fridge to see when I should house sit, pop by, etc.‎
3. The bald peer is an underwriting exec who was my peer but works at a competitor now in another branch. However, I used him for a peer I have now (not bald, taller, not even the same ethnicity) because he took a 36 hour trip to go see some vendor and have some sandwiches with people from Europe. He told me this week it was the most pointless business trip.

4. My boss doesn't have an admin. My boss' boss has an admin who is female. I saw yet another secreterial pool at my VIP meeting on Wednesday. My boss frequently reschedules and this week's one on one was actually last week delayed to this week, and if we don't meet this week, he's out on a trip to talk about restructuring.

5. ‎ ‎I spent 2 hours playing Fallout - it explains the 2035, 2235 years.

6. The cruise ship is because my father is worried for his older cousin (my uncle) and is using the cruise ship's website to monitor his trip.

7. The cognac comes from meeting one of my classmates in my course in the financial district on Friday. I brushed her off and later apologised and offered to take her to the cocktail club, but she already went once as a guest and wants to drink (presumably beer) watching baseball or footy.
8. ‎The tasting menu and butler was from wondering what to do in between events at my alumni party yesterday. I have a list of restaurants (casual and formal) I want to try.

The only thing I haven't figured out is the confidential packet and the terminations. And the handwritten text - the admin never writes anything for me, we use voice, in person and only once in corporate IM.
Had a vivid dream the other night that I encountered my American grandfather. I was surprised to discover him alive. I thought (in my dream), "If he's still alive, I'll probably have a long time to live." In reality, if he were still alive, he would have just turned 127! He actually died at the beginning of 1963 at the age of 73. I had just gotten through watching him as he lay dying when my uncle came into my room and said he thought he was gone. And so he was.
I dreamt on Saturday night my father was shot. I was at the other end of the room and he was sitting down in front of a table. All of a sudden he stood up. Curiously, he was wearing the same shirt and trousers I was wearing on Saturday. Then I looked over to the right to see what he got up to look at and noticed a man with a short crew cut, glasses, short sleeve dress shirt who without provocation drew a handgun out and shot my father, once in the shoulder and once in the arm. Before it became fatal, I ran and lunged with my left arm to try to disrupt him. That woke me up since my arm was doing the same thing in the waking world. I've never sleepwalked in my life but now I'm going to have to warn potential mates who want to share my bed.

That said - my father was in the dream because of father's day. Same attire as me because I posted that article about fathers handing down their sartorial interests to their sons. Shooting because I've been bombarded by that Orlando incident for a week. Can't really picture where the man came from.
The greatest amount of sleepwalking I ever did was one night when I got back from a trade show in another city. I was dead tired and it was very late. Nonetheless, I had to walk my dog. Anyway, in the course of the walk, I suddenly felt disoriented and it took me a few moments to realize where I was. This was about 100 yards from where I last remembered being, so evidently I had been walking the dog in my sleep. I am just glad the large, extremely powerful dog didn't take off after a cat or a raccoon or I might have had a nasty spill!
I'm in some semi circle boardroom trying to figure out how to raise the projector screen over the whiteboard. This is a bit strange as everywhere at work they have replaced those with massive television screens now. Anachronism. I later find out I'm in the Atlanta office. One of my Atlanta directs tells me about an audit happening in one of the other boardrooms so if I want to use that or possibly sit there temporarily, I can't. He did ask me to drop by because one of the department executives was having an issue with the audit. I see her in the other room and she said one of the ladies for Claims, her name was added to the CC list - a something Patel, was having trouble with her audit counterpart. The auditor buggered up his flash drive to collect evidence. I offered to donate my company flash drive. It'll pass muster because it has encryption and all the other security features as mandated by the firm.

The projector screen: I was digging through my slide archive to come up with a one page executive brief on multiple projects. I've been dragging my feet on this for a week. I guess I haven't felt inspired to spend the hour to put it altogether.

My direct: I was thinking in a month to move him to another department I just took over. Made a task reminder in Outlook yesterday to talk about it with my new manager direct. He was also the last person I spoke with before the long weekend at work.

Patel: I was watching Line of Duty and one of the characters was named Patel. I had one Gujarati woman message me all weekend - maybe that's why that's the only character there.

Flash drive, encryption: One of the things I did last week was answer hundreds of lines of audit questions in Excel for the Atlanta office.

Why am I thinking of a US office on the 4th of July? Oh - happy Independence Day!
I dreamt I was in an office. It wasn't really the one I went to work in every day but some of the same people were there including my staff. I was sitting down killing time on my computer when one of my staff, probably the most naive and least capable of them, comes to me with one of those faces and voices that she did something wrong. She says to me, "You have to look on the intranet...does that mean you're fired?" This happens quite a bit at work when my folks ask me to check the inbox because I have a rule to only check three times a day x 30 minutes unless it's my boss or boss' boss.

As I'm searching for the article, she says, "I didn't know you had retired before." Obviously I hadn't so I replied, "They don't always get everything right." I was apparently promoted so that I can return to retirement once again as an appreciation for my contributions. I got up and opened a cabinet - funny it's furniture for a rank I achieved before my real promotion in 2013. Now more of my staff are crowding my desk.

I asked one of my younger gents, "My last order here is for you to pass this out to anyone wanting to keep in touch with me." He was proceeding to divide some personal business cards of old ventures that have my mobile and address on them into stacks to put around the office. I said, "No - don't do that. Hand them to people. Don't leave them around."

I went to grab my briefcase except it's my black Tumi travel bag. I go by the door and wait for human resources to come in for my escort out of the building.

Strangely enough, looking behind me for one last check, I was in some shared office.

Retirement: I took over a new team and the person managing them joined in 1986. Reckon some chaps on this forum were still writing their CV to get into planet Earth at that time. It's mid year review time.

Staff: I spent a few hours yesterday making an introduction to my direct's direct reports - or skips. I assume that's represented by the person whom I ordered to distribute my contact information.

Mismatched office furniture: We're renovating and I'm about to lose my office for a year or more. My staff are spread on two floors.

Intranet references: I was searching around for a cartoon someone back at the head office drew representing what our division ought to look like in 2020. Took a bit of digging and I probably went through some retirement notices.

Woke up exactly one minute before my alarm.
I'm in some sterile waiting room with a sofa. My mother is waiting for an appointment, and Theresa May is on television. I'm in one of those moods where I feel this pressure in my chest to explode with my opinions. After my tirade, the receptionist nurse tells me I'm invited to debate between May and some bloke who looks like a cross between David Cameron and Boris Johnson. I'm to go to this VIP event tonight at some address.

I show up in the back seat of a car (Uber Black!) and it's raining outside. I'm waiting for someone - who I don't know. Then I spot my old senior vice president coming into the event with his spouse and two kids. We meet outside, shake hands and catch up. There's another waiting room, presumably behind the stage where the debate will be filmed. His wife and I get into an argument about how many hours ahead London is (5), but she insists it's six. I thought maybe the daylight savings kicked in but it's August.

The kids are apparently here to celebrate a birthday party. I'm called up to another receptionist who asks whether I am even qualified to debate for public office. I reply I'm a citizen of a Commonwealth nation. I'm entitled to vote and can run for MP in UK. She said she will check. I return to my seat and some elementary schoolmate, Amy, chats me up. She's telling me about her 21 hour delivery of her baby. Having complete apathy for her plight, I get up, button my grey suit and adjust my plain navy blue tie.
I had a vivid dream about casting a vote at a polling station. I was in queue at station 517 but upon handing in my ballot was told I should go to queue 504. I was at the back again until the elections worker at 504 told me my ballot is invalid because it was meant for 517. I'd have to return to the entrance and get a new one.

At the entrance there is a circle of people surrounding a foldable table sitting in cheap plastic chairs. Their faces are solemn - people of every nationality. I turn to the blond woman manning the table and she tells me voting hours are over and I cannot cast my vote. I protest and try to explain my predicament and she opens her eyes wide with an incredulous look and tells me the poll closing is final. I lift my right arm with my ballot and challenge her that I have lost my ability to exercise my democratic right. She starts to pack up the table and leave all the while ignoring my protests.
I had a sad dream the other night. I dreamt that I was at a birthday party for my friend Rick. I was sitting across the table chatting pleasantly with him but began to feel guilty because I felt I was hogging the Rick's time since he was the one being honored. Suddenly, the thought occurred to me, "How can this be when Rick's dead?" Whereupon I woke up, feeling very sad.

Rick died of cancer in July. He was a wonderful, generous friend--breeder of two of my Tosa dogs--and he was only 57. I had fully expected to have him in my circle of friends for the rest of my days, which may be why I have taken his death harder than those of other of my close friends who have passed into the Great Beyond.
I dreamt for the second time my brother was separated from his newly wed wife. There must be some strange Freudian or Jungian explanation for it. In my dreams I keep thinking it would be a shame as they moved in together last year and she even switched employment to live and work in the city. I keep worrying about my brother and whether he'd be on video games as a coping measure.

The strange thing is I usually realise what is a dream and what isn't when I wake up. This is especially true for work related dreams, but in my fog of waking up I have an inkling in my mind that it might have happened.
I had a six hour sleep broken up in three segments. The first was pointing out the incompetency of my peer, my boss' deputy, on how his staff are not stepping up and things go there to die. Then I wake and go back to bed. Second segment was arguing with my archnemesis peer at work on doing the right thing versus simply pleasing others. Then I wake and return to sleep. Last one had me in this even more temporary office space that looks like a complete shambles with wires hanging down from the ceiling and so on. One of my lady friends enters the door and gets a tour of the office. I get up from my desk, well, temporary table and ask her what she's doing here - there's nothing to tour. She insists on checking out the rest of the office and I grab her wrist and wake up.

Oh right, I have a five hour workshop to follow up from our offsite management meeting last winter tomorrow. I'm responsible for the most important part: lunch.
I was at some sort of conference or event on a weekend and as the event concluded, the crowd breaks into two queues for refreshments. One in the next room and one shorter one in the current room. I ask my mate whether he wants a beer or not and he says why not so I finally get there and there is no draught beer. I ask for two cans of Steamwhistle and I noticed in the corner of my eye his girlfriend showed up so as the Asian server is opening up the can I am making my usual bar gestures that it's not two, it's three now for the three of us.

Luckily I wasn't sleeping with anyone as I found myself waking up making that gesture with my left hand.
I am at some kind of transportation hub that requires you to go through a security gate. The entire facility is bathed in sterile blue (is it night?) except for the people.

One man, whom comes across as my friend but I don't recognise him, says to me we need to go through the security checkpoint. He is running late for his interview. I follow behind him and as he is about to enter he turns to me and gives me his mobile. He tells me to give it back to him on the other side. The two women in bulky security garb with a radio on their shoulder allow him to pass.

Now it's my turn. As I go in, one of the female guards stops me. She has dark burgundy reddish hair tied back in a pony tail. With her accented English (French?), she asks me to show her where I'm going and which interview. Is it in my mobile? I pull my friend's mobile out thinking I will be in trouble because it will be locked but luckily it still hasn't timed out yet. I check his calendar and that interview isn't there. She says that I have to have a purpose to cross so I pretend I forgot to enter it into the mobile. Then I said I have my personal mobile and maybe it's there. I scroll through all the entries but the only entries are on the weekend. She remarks I'm not very professional since I don't schedule my work days with the friend's mobile.

At this point the checkpoint is getting crowded so instead of standing in front of the metal detector machine preventing me from passing, she moves out of the way. She says she's only waving me through this one time because her shift is over. I get in and as she is leaving her post, I find myself walking beside her trying to show her how organised I am on my personal mobile on weekends with hourly increments of events representing things I have to do; get dry cleaning, go to the bank, etc.

She continues walking unimpressed so I said I'm going to start organising my life at this moment (thank you for the lesson) so why don't I start with making an entry to take her out for a drink. She stops and turns to me and I said it could be next week if she needs to see her boyfriend right now. She smirks and then walks away.
I dreamed I was delayed a flight in Switzerland, had a drink with a young waitress and she convinced me to do a photoshoot in the snow.
Wasn't anyone in particular, just a generically beautiful white brunette.

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